Counters to Dive please

Since you’re forcing Dive meta again, can we actually have a counter to it this time? Last time was, what? Dive or lose for a year and a half?

You actually have the opportunity to make a counter comp to Dive before it becomes “Dive or lose” again. Please don’t do another year or more of “Dive or lose”.

Supports are already looking pretty bad for variety. Buffed Dive against Ana or Zen? Yikes that sounds incredibly unfun. Moira and Baptiste nerfed. Brig sucks. Sooo what are we left with? Lucio and Mercy? Ugh.

Dive is superior to Rein Zarya, Orisa is nerfed and Hog only really works with an Orisa. So 2 maybe 3 Tanks being viable. It’s not looking good so far as far as counter play to Dive goes.

Then for DPS you have the incredibly annoying Tracer, Genji, Widow, and Hanzo as the viable DPS. So even less fun for Tanks and Supports.

Please use this first ever opportunity to actually get the game a bit more balanced.


forcing dive again? dive was never the most picked comp below master.
so 97% of the playerbase didn’t even play it often.
and season 9 which was “dive” had 15 heroes with pickrates above 30%, so the game was the most diverse it ever was in season 9 which was supposed to be “dive only”


The patch isn’t even live and you’re saying they are forcing a meta…

They are shaking up the meta as they should my friend.

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Dive meta was never “run dive or lose” like it literally is for the other metas. Mostly because Dive actually takes a lot of team coordination and communication. So I don’t know where you get this from considering the last time dive was played, it was not run under gm maybe high masters. And if it was, it wasn’t good enough to not counter. And Brig is fine against dive, she just cant 1v6 them anymore, meaning you actually have to play with your team. She fends off flankers well. I don’t know about you but I enjoy playing against Genji and tracer a lot more as a support than doomfist. At least with genji and tracer I have a chance at killing them as zen and ana, with doomfist it was run.

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That joke is still funny.

For zen I’m ok but come on, with ana you had a chance.


How is it a joke? Care to explain or are you just on the forums to waste time.

I feel ya. People don’t seem to realize that Dive was at its height in S5 and S6.

After that was the Moth Meta which let you kind of play whatever you want so long as you had a Mercy.

Granted Season 5 was the last season that was 3 months long.

They buffed two dive heroes and Lucio’s speed while nerfing double shield…feels like forcing a dive meta to me

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Because it’s not true at all?

Brig, Rein, Zarya are pretty good against it, bring a Moira too. Reaper and Mei can go with that as well. Roadhog works well with Rein too if you want that. Ana is pretty decent, especially against Winston as long as she doesn’t miss.

There are methods and options available, always have been really. The options are stronger than they ever have been though since dive, and dive is also weaker than before even if it comes back.


Adding some potential to characters/compositions that are currently extremely weak isn’t forcing anything, just attempting to improve balance. It would take much more extreme changes than that to force dive into the meta.


How is it not true? You don’t dive the same target, he doesn’t die, and no snowball happens. Players can position further away so it’s harder for monkey to jump and genji to close the distance, meaning you have to set up before hand and coordinate a dive. You kind of seem like the joke to me considering you can’t explain your reasoning and reply to a question asking for a explanation by saying “uhhh cause it’s not true?”

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I played dive back then at low GM level (“forced” dive because I was a Rein main but whatever), you just had to regroup, be ready, do a 3, 2, 1 and go, after that you just needed to repeat the same thing, during the fight you needed to call targets like in other meta, so…

You’re wrong.

Dive does not need more counters.

For supports : Brigitte, Moira, Lucio
For DPS : Mei, Reaper, McCree
Tanks : Reinhardt/Zarya, Roadhog

You could even throw some more options in there, but there are plenty. Dive is already counterable enough, why do you think it hasn’t been meta for almost 2 years?

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Were Reaper, Cree, Mei, Hog nerfed?

You have nothing to worry about dive. Brig works fine against dive, she just weak against anything else that doesnt want to get close to her.

Also buffing the absolute lowest win rate tank doesnt consitute forcing dive again. Chill.

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Dive was the most diverse meta; what people don’t realize are a lot of heroes that weren’t picked (Symmetra, Torb, Doomfist, Hanzo, etc.), were because they were just bad. There were hardly any heroes who were bad only because of dive.


The developers did buff the dive counters though. Mei was a throw pick last dive meta, most heroes were way more clunky or niche and dive preyed on that.

Things are different now, Mei is strong and can even freeze multiple divers at the same time. Moira is Moira and Brigitte make teammates more resilient against dives.

Btw, dive hasn’t been getting buffs. Genji is the same, Zenyatta is weaker, is weaker, Tracer got a nerf and is getting a small buff, Widowmaker is weaker, Junkrat is way weaker. Whose been getting buffs? Winston?

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I played dive at mid gm, around 4250, to 4400(which was my peak and for only for a little bit) I also scrimmed with dive at around the same level. I think you just don’t enjoy dive, so you down play it. During scrims and ranked, because people I played rank with were also scrimming, there was a lot of preparation. Unlike goats where its just M1 W into the enemy rein, and or double shield where the tanks job is to pretty much not die and shoot shields(Funnn), dive required the most coordination on a team level, and the most skill on an individual level.

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Stopped reading here, pointless.

Then what is true? dive has to be the most coordinated team composition to ever have touched this game.

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