Could a Single Rez be on Ult?

I think this could be a good compromise. Make Single rez as an ult, but have it charge very very fast. If you play well, you could have it in under 20 seconds. If you don’t, then you are punished for it and don’t have it as quickly. It doesn’t encourage Hide-And-Rez. Getting a first pick instantly rezzed is now out of the equation.

To compensate, either move Valk to an E ability, or make it so that she heals 60 HP/S again. Or give her a new E ability.

This is obviously a simplistic take on it. What do ya’ll think?


I don’t see why not.
Just keep in mind the average successful rez per game currently is 6, with a high of 8.
So they’d probably want to calibrate values on ult charge, cast times etc to be similar (or maybe even less if we’re talking instarez).


IDK how it would work with the instarez. If it did rez instantly I think it should either charge a bit slower or she should still have 50 HP/S because it could be a huge difference maker in drawn out team fights. (Which was a big reason why the original version of Mercy 2.0 was so good)

If it was just a single-target resurrect as an ultimate, I’d expect it to do something MORE than just bring them back.

And I’d opt for a new E, not Valk



Buffs cooldown of current beamed target?

I’d like to see single rez on ult, granting mercy and the rezzed person 5 sec of invincibility but no ability to return fire (so they are guaranteed can stay alive in any reasonable situation).

As for E… Let her have a quick-shot charged blast from her pistol that doesn’t require weapon swapping. It could be on a decently long cooldown, but just something to give her more defense if her healing output is going to be lower and lower as the nerfs roll in.

That could be extremely broken on a few characters though. Maybe a AOE cast thing. Like, here’s 30 hp onto everyone in the area or something.

You said it in your own post “if you’re good you can have it in 20 seconds”

30 seconds is OP and we’ve established that

So trying to balance the charge rate to be worth being an ult while not being Oppressive as we saw with the current iteration just seems… a bit out there.

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I would say that the reason the 30 seconds is OP is because it just keeps charging in between fights.

If it’s an ult this wouldn’t be an issue. In addition, it would reward the other team if they did a good job finishing kills, and punish them if they didn’t and just fed ultimate charge.


Yeah. I could only see something like that working on Symmetra.

Maybe something to do with a syringe?

Sure, it’d feel more rewarding to the player, but half the reason Mercy has been a strong pick is because getting a Res every 30 or so seconds is strong on its own. The charge would need to be adjusted so the best case scenario matches that at the very least.

But besides that, I’d take anything to make Res more limited/balanced at this point.

What if you had the option to stack them, sorta similar to Blinks or Junk mines, and maybe cut down on the cast time to help reliably res multiple times in one fight?

It’d still be a single-res that’s earned instead of given, but can also double as a multi-res if either your team plays around your Mercy well or the enemy team doesn’t. I’d say that’d be a decent balance between Mass Res, Solo-Res, and something new and rewarding.

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New E: Lethal Injection. Like sleep dart but instakills every character in the game.

/s obviously.

It could remove status effects.

Sleep, freeze, venom mine.

Not earthshatter, but tiny things. It could also just do 30 instant healing.

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LOL - wow what an exciting ult!

Please no, she’s horribly diluted already

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That’s…a damn good idea. I like that. Fits with Mercy’s character too.

This is what i want.

It could even charge as slowly as mass rez, just make it instant. And then balance Mercy’s regular kit and give her E ability that isn’t frustrating to use.


Id say have it charge as fast as pulse bomb or coalescence, its not like shes gunna spam her ult the second she has it anyways

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Nope. If Mercy was underpowered with mass Resurrect, what makes you think she’ll be good with just one Resurrect as an ultimate?

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Chargeable Rez is something that seems right. Mercy is rewarded for keeping teammates alive then. It doesn’t even have to be an ult.

I would let her store charges (Up to 3 maybe) so it doesn’t feel like a waste if you don’t use it ASAP

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She wasn’t.
She was reworked because Ressurect was counter-intuitive to keeping people alive. It was more beneficial to let teammates absorbs ults, die and then Rez them to continue support from there.