Cool people being nice and positive about sexuality

Might just be how you phrased the entire post.

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True. If you answer me I will bring you wisdom. Trust me just reply with anything and you will not regret it

How does one flaunt their “gayness” as you put it?

Lmao now that I look at it it seems a little harsh but when I say that I mean constantly mentioning their sexuality as if it’s something no one else on planet earth has, which is ironic because I’m there like bruh I’m literally bi/gay so what’s ur point

Bruh. You realise they’re joking, right?

my friends and i do this too whenever we run a team with lgbt popular heroes.


Bruh. dont want to be hostile but you realise like 10 people have already told me that. should i just delete the thread or something?

omg no i wasnt trying to be rude :((

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no no dw u weren’t being rude I just feel like I seem like an a-hole to everyone because of op message and it seems people are too lazy to read the rest of the thread so it makes it seem even worse than it is. ur cool im just thinking maybe there’s no point in leaving it in

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unfortunately most of the people are stuck on a teenager mentality regarding this aspect.
But, is really matter? Does it going to change anything?

It’s a bit hard to believe that you witnessed something on multiple occasions, while almost everyone else haven’t witnessed even once. This makes me very sceptic.

My impression after the whole thread is that you saw this happen once, but you used multiple occasions to add some weight.

If that’s the case, I misunderstood and I apologise for that.

What you described in OP seems like a joke, but not a type of joke that you can see in a wide scale.


it’s a joke, probably. I’ve said that the gays can’t aim, therefore they play mercy and symmetra. i’m gay and look who I main in both comp and quickplay.

Let see

If I’m ‘outside the community’ and make a joke that they don’t think is funny… it would be a whole different story

yet again i have to clear up my point. never said being flamboyant was an issue and no offense but I haven’t seen that much homophobia in my experience on this game. I witnessed this only in competitive play actually and it’s not really an issue with the fact that they’re gay (stating yet again, I am a bisexual male), it’s more of an issue with the fact that they feel that they need to tell everyone in a competitive match and repeat it throughout the whole game while irritating me and some of their own teammates. People can come out to others on overwatch and I have no issue with that, in fact I’ve told people I was bi or gay before when playing the game, but there is legitimately no point in telling people you’ll win because of the fact you have a gay person in your team. I realized AFTER posting this that it was an obvious joke and if you read the thread you can see me debating my degenerate self on multiple occasions. Believe what you like my dude but I don’t know why you would turn something fine into a homophobic thread in your mind

I just find it odd that lgbt is about inclusiveness and it doesn’t seem to include straight people.
Like, are we not all just human why do we need to form a “x” only club to help enforce inclusiveness.
I’m just confused is all

well this is a hard one. I think it’s more about a ‘safe space’ kind of community for minorities (sexuality and identity). It’s inclusiveness where people want to be part of the normal world but in my opinion it’s the dumbest shi* I’ve ever seen. It ends up bunching a large chunk of the population into one group, excluding only straight cisgender males and females. I don’t like saying ‘I’m part of the LGBT community’, so I always say I’m bi or I’m gay. I think they bunch themselves in this group because back in the day (only a few decades ago, really) people that were trans, gay, bi, whatever you can think of that fell into the category of ‘different from straight people’ or ‘weird’ were all just called gays and were oppressed the same amount whether they were trans or gay. It kinda shows the diversity of the LGBT community as a division between all the ‘gays’ lol. I guess it’s because it would be a little strange if the specific single group of people in the world that was oppressing these people 100 years ago was let into the community that now thrives to achieve equal rights among all of us. You kinda see what I mean?

Well if the joke is specifically made to be derogatory towards the other group then yes, it would be a different story.

There’s a fine line between homophobia and good humour. Comedy is subjective but everyone has a certain point until they think it’s just plain homophobia. It would be the same situation if you were a white guy making a joke about black people stereotypes. Also, the supposed joke we are talking about is harmless so if you had made it, it wouldn’t have backlash unless you were insinuating that gay people are actually worse through sarcasm. Hope this helps lol

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Yeah I see where you’re coming from.


In order to move forward it seems like it may be best to stop labelling ourselves in a way that is actually a step backwards and just be happy with who we are without forming a group.

It kind of bothers me that there seems to be a need to say “hey I’m “this” and part of a segregated community that comprises of us”.

When it seems to me that it would just be better to just be whatever it is that you are without these restraints.
I get that the world isn’t necessarily all on board to be fully accepting yet but it feels like the vast majority is.

Again only my opinion but IF I wasn’t a straight white male (just because I’m this doesn’t make my opinion any less or more either) and turned gay today.
I feel like all the steps I would need to make to be comfortable with myself would definately require support but it wouldn’t need to come from the LGBT it would need to be from the people that are close to me and myself.
So I guess I’m kind of torn too. Lol I really don’t know what the answer is so just throwing some opinions out there

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Used to be accepted, and vice versa… now people are so into group identity politics it’s ridiculous.

Typical comedy today is so yawn inducing.

It’s the non-PC comedians that make me laugh. Irreverent humor is pure gold.