Cool people being nice and positive about sexuality

Yep. Lmao that’s what I’m getting at.


Sorry if I seemed rude btw. Love you even if you did say I’m basically the kid that’s left out ;-;

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You weren’t rude you just had a genuine question :man_shrugging:

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Great so we’re cool then ^^ :heart:

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Your name.

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No kink shaming :triumph: :triumph:

I honestly think most of the VC complaints people have occur on NA servers. I’m on the Oceania server, and people are consistently really chill… :v: :rofl:

Lowkey same lol :wave: :rofl:
I think the anonymity also helps. People are weird online - Usually you’ll never meet the sort of crazies in the real world that you do online, simply because people tone down whatever weirdness they may possess so they’re more acceptable to the average person. Granted, I don’t think I’m that weird personally, but you won’t catch me thirsting over a certain video game character when I’m out in the world… :point_up: :yum:

I feel so bad for you, OP! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: :rofl: Genuinely, I do. I think I get what you were trying to say though, so…don’t mind the people getting impatient with you, I guess. You seem like a good person :sparkling_heart:

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i think they are just trying to be confident and proud of who they are after so long of lgbtq+ people being oppressed it is a way of showing their confidence

at least that’s how i understand it, im not lgbtq+ so i wont say i know exactly, but i don’t get offended by it either bc i can understand why they say these phrases


This reminds me of Michael Sam who entered the NFL and came out as gay. Dude, I really couldn’t give a rats a$$ what you do on your free time. Talk about football, not sex. Tell me how you’re going to help the team, not your bedroom. And the same goes for most other sports, games, etc. It really has no place. This has zero to do with how I feel about the lgbt, etc…has more to do with the fact that it’s football or overwatch, or golf, or whatever else…we really don’t need to know what you do in the bedroom. I mean really, do we???

I have the same one, but please no one wants to see that username or want to know that.

They aren’t wrong, some skins have bulky weapons which makes it distracting to shoot with.

The best skins are the darkest ones, if you wear white as widow you’ll put yourself at a huge disadvantage.

But maybe I just wanna look cute as Hammond when I get a quad minefield kill

…Grand. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

This has to be one of the most bizarre baits I’ve ever seen.

Yea I really baited you so hard. What reason would I have to bait anyone. This type of conversation doesn’t entertain me, and I could really spend my time doing other things. I have no idea what reasoning you have for believing what you do but go ahead no one’s stopping you lmao. All I have to say is if your impression is that I’m baiting after going through the whole thread, you seem to be a little bit of a pessimist. Whatever, it doesn’t affect me in any way so have a good day sir and I hope you can forgive me for ‘baiting

Honestly, this is usually only done when they are in a duo and it’s just a bit of fun and a common joke, it’s not meant to be taken seriously. “We’re gonna win because I’m gay!”, “I’m gonna ult cause I’m gay!” it’s just a bit of fun.

More importantly, this kind of thing is a result of the oppression and hate towards gay people in Overwatch, we just happen to fight fire with fire and flaunt it. I can’t imagine anyone would do it when in solo queue, we to shy for that.

Haha I see what u mean. Personally, I haven’t seen oppression towards me or any of my friends/teammates, but I guess I see the ‘f’ bomb every now and then (not the frick one). I think I’ve mentioned my sexuality twice. Once to respond to one of these peeps and another to make a joke at my own expense lmao. Yea there’s a divide in this thread, some saying it’s straight homophobes trolling, some saying it’s gay people having a laugh. Seems to me to be a mixture of both

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I’m Bi, so I could be Bi-ased (lol) but… Seems like just harmless banter honestly. I wouldn’t report over it.

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Comeback: Is that why you can’t shoot straight?

to be applied after winning a 1v1

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Well put it this way, if one team is super fabulous but the other team is slightly more super fabulous, which team would win? Yeah that’s what i thought.

Hell, if i was super fabulous i would brag about it too.