Content Creators will not Let Moira be Playable

pretty much any time moira is meta, its because the current meta is high burst and shes the only support with high enough self sufficient survivability to stay alive longer to provide more value instead of just being dead

meta’s where moira is best, are because the meta is unplayable to every other support. only way to fix it is nerf jq+lucio+tracer for the love of god


The definition of clownery is that people still believe 5v5 is going to work out lol.

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Most people are never going to be in favor of a character like Moira, mainly because she’s the most dumbed down character in gaming history. I can’t believe anyone would actually disagree with that fact. What possible skill can anyone who uses her say they have? What is it you think you’re doing that 8 year old children can’t do? I’m honestly at a loss as to how Blizzard ever thought this is a character that a game needed. Just be happy that she’s in the game when she shouldn’t be, and stop wondering why people don’t like having to deal with her. You know why, everyone knows why. It’s the reason you pick her.

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I wish they’d just go all in, give her like 80dps but a much less forgiving beam. So her ttk will be lower for people with good aim instead of being the same for everybody

She’s fine as is but this would make her feel more fun to play i guess

They need a cancel plain and simple.


Watched the first couple minutes and he’s insufferable so I just can’t anymore. Does he offer any rework suggestions later in the video or is the rest just crying about how much he hates Moira and wants the devs to make her F tier?


She has kind of high dmg wonder how the mid season patch how they balace it for me is they can remove some dmg and replace it with sligtly more healing.

This is an exating season.

Let me guess… youroverwatch? I just have to see the thumbnail at this point

The problem is her playstyle, which is totally slap on the aim based heroes. Sure she can be dealt with, if you’re a good dps, but the problem is that in 5v5 she can easily go behind the enemy backline and distract them. She’s more of a low skill dps hero with self healing and healing ablities in OW2.
She requires no mechanical skill to play other than her positioning and ability timing, dmg orb is totally a cheezy kill most of the times and happens more frequently in a 5v5 environment.
She has one of the weird hitboxes (hit volumes) in the game, and best survivability as overall (easy get out of jail ability with low cool down). She should have some limitations on fade, no idea why she can fade during her ult, and who thought this was a good idea.

If a new player wants to practice Widow, Soldier, Cassidy, Ashe or any high skill hero, and there’s a moira in the enemy team, what they can do, leave the game and go to practice range?

I always thought she has always been good in metal ranks, but if high ranked players are also complaining about her then this does show that she needs to be looked at.


Its 75 dps on her right click, now we can’t say that she has one of the lowest dps in the game.

Noted whiner but probably the best of the 4. Can’t really trust his judgement if he listens to the likes of those 3 though.

Why is a Minecraft guy on an Overwatch podcast?

…wait he’s playing the game again? I thought he quit. Or is he due to quit again next week?

He barely even plays this game - he just farms Overwatch players for Youtube money.

Why does anyone in this community listen to any of these people? They’re all either complete losers or grifters.


Maybe you should cry harder idk ?

Listening to Flats, Freedo and Samito ping-pong off each other the absolute worst ideas of all time is my personal hell. Samito is horribly biased and mostly says things to be inflammatory. Flats is just as biased and is always ranting about TikTok and people who were mean to him. Freedo can talk himself into believing just about anything and comes across incredibly smug oftentimes.

Love SVB, but his podcast is a thousand times better when the guests are people like Eskay, ML7, Spilo, etc. I’m sure Flats and Samito (for reasons I don’t understand) bring in the clicks, but their egos prevent them from ever engaging in a good-faith OW discussion.


Anyone remember the double shield meta when Moira was viable and they nerfed her so she part of the meta any longe?

Her kit hadn’t changed prior to other hero changes that forced a meta change. The meta favored Moira but streamers freaked over Moira being picked in high elo. So she got nerfed out.


I remember when I used to sink about 30+ hours a week into just playing Overwatch, now I can barely stand putting in an hour of play into Overwatch because it’s just fallen from grace so dang hard.

Overwatch really hit that mid life crisis like the force of a jet into a thick metal wall.

Why are you talking about something Moira does not have.

If anyone doesnt need a lock-on is Soldier. Or BOB. Or Widow’s hookshot.


shes always been the same thing…the difference is people dont notice things until the heroes are constantly played…

her issues are the same issues shes always had - too little effort for the amount of value she can get…shes just always been kept in check by the lack of utility in the kit

but been saying it for 5 years now…wait til she becomes viable…cause youre going to hear the noise…nobody (outside of moira players) actually wants that type of hero to be viable…cause who actually enjoys playing against somebody that you dont think has to put in any effort?

i think candi said it best a few days ago:

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It’s not a lock on like Mercy beam but it also works different than other beams or projectiles. She needs LoS to the hero center in order to deal dmg but once it is in LoS the radius is pretty forgiving. Hence why it’s typically called a “soft-lock”. You can test it in the practice range. I’m not saying any of this to bash the hero as Moira is one of my favorite heroes. It’s just a fact that her secondary fire doesn’t work like other beams/projectiles.

Her damage is still lower than most DPS or supports. Her succ is only good against squishy targets hoping that mobility or wasd spam will save them.

Currently Soldier can shoot in the general direction of someone’s legs and get 240+ damage burst, but Moira’s low damage succ is… too much?


At least theyre getting paid to whine. Youre getting nothing out of this!