Content Creators will not Let Moira be Playable

Every single Moira player I know will say that she was stronger last season.

She’s better than other supports because the nerfs affected her a bit less: Ana is much weaker, Mercy and Lifeweaver basically useless and Illari pretty useless too. Single target healers in general are pretty useless now, more so those that are healbots.


Moira is strong, because she plays like a DPS and her heal is strong enough, that it does not feel useless. Thats it. Her TTK is 0.2 seconds faster than before, but like others said: she was one of the least affected by all the changes.

Rein, Winston and Brig damage also went up, because they cant headshot, have short range, no burst potential and have a high TTK in comparison to other weapons. If you are not out of mobility, cover or are low, they will not kill you normally.

Its so funny that people say that Moira is strong… no… most other supports are just trash currently.

support is now sub-DPS

Enjoy the game. Its that what some people wanted.


After playing for a few weeks and watching high level and pro play, Moira probably the 4th or 5th best support right now. Lucio, Zenyatta, Kiriko, and arguably Baptiste are better right now. She’s definitely good right now, but not nerf worthy.

I think it’s more some of the lower end supports need some love so they can survive the new gameplay.


Moira is a despicable piece of trash that ruins the game
I throw ALL games with Moira

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So you’re throwing every other game, well thought!


And let me guess, you think that Ana is the most skillful hero in the game, right? :clown_face:


Lucio yes, zen yes. The other two I disagree with. Kiriko is still good, but suzu is the only reason. She doesn’t provide much beyond that. Bap is definitely good right now, but I prefer the state he’s in now then how he was before

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The power of content creator
They make their opinion sound like a general consensus
I’m not talking about this specifically (I’m not sure how the community thinks about moira in S9) but more in general

Yeah!! Argh!! I hate Moira, with her healing and her, uh, still relatively bad time to kill and her… um… argh!! Moira!!

She’s lost two tap but teleport is really nice to have right now, she’s got mobilty, and Kitsune is a really good ultimate.

While healing is less important in s9, it’s still good to have such a flexible heal in the form of paper, too. I’d kill to have that sort of range on Illari’s secondary, which is feeling really stumpy at the moment.


They won’t stop until every support is useless. The same people whining about “free value” and “braindead” things aren’t giving the braindead damage passive or broken/cheesy damage characters like Tracer and Genji nearly as much vitriol as they give any and every support whenever they have any ability that is useful at all.

It can be as broken, unfair, cheesy, and “braindead” as long as it’s a damage character that has it.


She didnt need lock on an will probably loose 5dps off her right click theres not really much they can do. Sadly the issue is the state of the game not her by haven the dps passive it makes other more played supps not as good then throw the +10% ult charge and moira becomes a big winner.

No wonder, very little skill with an insane amount of value and great 1v1 potential just for holding right-click.

Maybe not the most skillful, but Ana and Moira are not even in the same league ,skillwise.

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Freedo is just in his own monkey centric world where winston should be able to sit any support.

He even says its not about countering because he can go He just thinks its dumb, then rants about fade’s cd being too short. Spinning this image of Moira killing all his dps like some assassin from Dishonered. Her just zipping around snapping everyone’s neck then fading into shadow. Buddy, maybe the people you stack with are just bad.


Same nonsensical argument about turret, there is something about low but consistent damage that tilts people.


Your overwatch is garbage content :yawning_face: and I won’t even be bothered to watch thanks


Gah i hate hearing freedo. His voice make me want to screech and hit my head on a wall. Same goes for Samito & Styolsa. Why does OW has the worst content creator to exist. Damn man child.

Emongg, Karq & Daniel Fenner is the only one i prefer to watch.


They’ll probably just undo the unneeded lock on radius buff and maybe increase fade cooldown to 7 seconds. As someone who has been playing a lot of supports this season she is low key annoying to deal with right now.

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DPS players when a support has any impact on the game at all


She was and still is bottom 3 Support regarding DPS.

A lot of people talk about her right click but imo, the orb is actually more powerful as with DPS passive, its damage is always effective and it doesn’t need line of sight to secure a kill.

I also think she’s performing well cause she’s one the best Support that switch stance very quickly and easily.