Constantly holding buttons and "System"

So, for some reason, when I have a rule (or rules because it doesn’t appear often, but makes up for how annoying it is) related to a wait command, (even before I knew variables were a thing), when I pressed a button it would sometimes keep on holding the button despite my lack of input. When I put the wait command to a shorter interval, it happens more often. The opposite on the reverse. This seems related to a post I once made, Dmg Ticks Breaks Input Detection.

I mean, they’re similar, they bring up the same problem, the requirements for them to happen are similar… Im on console, btw if it matters.

“System”. I don’t know what this did to Overwatch, but it did something bad. Jeff… Jeff banished this word to the most painful space in the most loneliest corner of the worst place… We could only imagine… Basically, you can’t put system in the description, or it’ll delete the entire description. I assume this to be true for text types and titles as well. Why? I had to rewrite a description at least 3 times because of this. I see no point in restricting system.

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Yeah removing certain text is pretty stupid, in fact, before i couldnt use “Reduce” on any description because it apparently is a dissalowed word

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