Console to PC ranks

Console 3500 - 5000 SR = PC 2500 - 3000 SR
Console 3000 - 3500 SR = PC 2000 - 2500 SR
Console 2500 - 3000 SR = PC 1500 - 2000 SR
Console 2000 - 2500 SR = PC 1000 - 1500 SR
Console 1500 - 2000 SR = PC 500 - 1000 SR
Console 0 - 1500 SR = PC 0 - 500 SR


By what metrics have you reached this conclusion?


Kawolski, analysis…


Someone’s stirin’ the pot!


It’s more of an estimate than conclusive evidence, but there was a person in my duplicate of this thread in comp discussion who said it fits him, he’s 3100 on console and 2200 on PC also

Entirely uncomparable environments. Skills on one do not necessarily transfer to the other.

neither is “better”.


Can confirm. Peaked at Masters on Xbox. Peaked Plat on Pc.


On console players are limited in terms of how good they can be due to the controller

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I wouldn’t use the word better. PC games are generally faster because of the controls and consoles deal with the limitations of theirs.

There’s a reason why OWL is on PC and not on console, PC = more skill

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… not a better term. I’m pretty sure plunging a M&K player into a console game would be a humbling experience. At least for a while.

There is just a different skill. A console player likely puts more thought into where his cursor is before moving than a PC player does, also enters a room in an entirely different way since quick corner checks are next to impossible.

I know us PC players like to think we are… well… better… but we just play a different game.


I disagree, There is no reason why PC players would be worse than console users in those areas. At worst they would be the same

because a PC player isn’t used to the limitations of playing with a controller, they expect to have the availability of instant directional facing and flick aiming. Console players have long since learned to deal without it.


I still stand by my opinion that the controller limits how good a player can be, with mouse and keyboard the sky is the limit

You think PC players are better than console players? Try playing with a controller and actually do good, we have people here who would take the easy route and get a Mouse and Keyboard for easy SR…


the controller is a handicap

The controller limits how quick you can react and move. Console players consider this… PC players do not. Limitations in control inspire different tactics and solutions to problems solved simply through twitch movements on PC.

Also part of why OWL is PC, it’s faster paced and therefore more entertaining, it takes different skills, not BETTER skill.

You’re really coming off as an elitist here.


Doesn’t that mean that if I get 60%/60% weapon acc with Ana for example, that I’m better than a PC player who got the same stats?

Just a food for thought.

The game is much faster paced on PC and M+KB allows for much more precise aim. There’s a good reason why OWL doesn’t have players fumbling about on controllers playing on a Playstation.

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