Console to PC ranks

Once again faster does not equal better. Just different.

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Not really elitist honestly. The new consoles aren’t exactly cheap and are kind of a ripoff compared to a entry level gaming PC, which you can do other things than gaming on too. And they don’t have a silly online fee.


Nope, console also has aim assist which can inflate certain stats (such as accuracy) and make it look a lot better than it really is/would be without aim assist

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It is better. There is a reason OWL doesn’t have players fumbling about on controllers playing on a console.


What… does equipment have to do with anything? It’s about thinking you’re a “better” gamer just because of choice of rig.

Can… you please go read the thread? I’ve replied to two of your responses to another person already.

I’ve read the thread, maybe you should read it yourself. Overwatch on the PC is better, there is a reason why OWL isn’t played on consoles. Got it?

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Once again, you’re not gonna change my mind. Controller is just a handicap that puts a skill cap on how good a player can be. Mouse and keyboard has no limits, i will not change my stance on this no matter what you say

You are a better gamer because you’re playing in a much larger player pool with harder mechanics and a much faster paced game.

There is nothing wrong with playing on console, but don’t kid yourself that it’s the same experience.

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Ahh. so you think you’re better than console gamers as well. I get it.

That reason is console gaming isn’t as fast paced in aim and positioning on PC is more exciting to WATCH . OWL is about spectators, not the gamers.


I never said it was the same. I specifically said it was very different… and not “better”.

At least 1 person gets it

Playing FPS games on a console is not nearly the same thing as playing on a PC. FPS games on consoles is kind of silly to be honest.

It’s exciting to watch because it’s faster paced and has much harder mechanics.

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Go do your PC placements and prove me wrong then :joy:



I already said “it’s different”. getting a little exasperated constantly typing that. And just because someone does something you can’t seem to understand and enjoys it doesn’t make it silly.

Faster yes. Different mechanics though as I’ve stated as well.

It’s different and slower with more clunky mechanics. No professional scene cares about FPS games on consoles.

Much faster with a much larger player pool and harder mechanics. And the skill ceiling is a lot higher on PC.

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