Console to PC Aim Assist Filters

I linked this account to post this. I’m not sure how forums work but I want to recommend an option for players.

I believe console players only lose aim assist if grouped with a pc player and I noticed both sides complaining about AA in general. Console players (myself included) notice how bad our aim is because of the aim stick handicapping us due to how inaccurate it is compared to mouse aiming. It’s undeniable that mouse is better for aiming so we want to be able to use AA to make the game feel bearable when paired with PC friends.

On the other hand PC players find it to be an unfair advantage and would rather console players not use AA so they keep the handicap with no way to alleviate it. Many even say AA requires no skill and should not be a thing even in Quick Play.

The best solution I could come up with is a filter setting for PC and Console players. Console players could disable AA when paired with PC players and PC players can filter if they want to play with console players who have AA on or off.

I hope it came out as unbiased and sensible as possible and took everyone’s opinions into consideration. I’ll be glad to read other people’s opinions and especially if others can offer better ideas to make the game better for everyone or to at least find a compromise.
(idk what category to put this in, plz no ban)


I’d like them to take whatever data they have gathered so far on how console players are fairing without aim assist in the month since crossplay has been out. Then add aim assist back in for a month, gather that data, compare, and decide whether it makes the matchup fair or unfair and for who.

Personally, I don’t think it’s a big deal to keep it in. Especially since crossplay with PC is in non-ranked modes only. Purists will disagree, but all other crossplatform shooters have aim assist for controllers, and there’s a reason for it, so it’s a little odd that OW opted to disable it.

Regardless, I’m still having fun with the crossplay despite my obvious handicap. I can’t use my favourite heroes, but I can mess around with other heroes that are easier to use without aim assist, and in the end I’m still having a good time.


You know kinda surprised they didn’t just go with allowing aim assist, but allowing PC players to opt out.


I was put with a 5 stack last night on PC who had 4 console players, and the enemy team was 6 stack PC players…

my team dominated them

People need to stop acting like console players are bad at the game without AA lol


That’s good for you but the main idea of this post was to be as unbiased as possible and to try and consider as much people’s thoughts as possible. There are complaints and debates going for either side and I simply offered a way to consider as much people’s preferences as possible.

Now that you bring this up it is a valid point to prove console players can still keep up despite the handicap and in these cases they don’t have to change their filters if this goes through.

From my personal experience aiming with crossplay to pc has become too straining on my hand and I overshoot my aim a lot so I have to make far more effort to make micro adjustments. I don’t want to strain my hand and it’s tiring. My aim is also noticeably worst for close-long range encounters. My personal experience is contrary to yours. Both are valid opinions so I would expect at least some sort of understanding.

The forum won’t let me respond so I’ll edit here.
In Response to Trilly
I think that’s a great idea and to add to that people should have an option to queue up for pc crossplatform regardless of whether or not they have a pc party member to ease data gathering for this.

I second this so hard.
Moved to pc a month ago. I still play with my console friends in qp. The dominate every game.

Pc players might have aim. Console players have ‘brain’ imo.

My friend firestriked a ulting mercy out of the sky yesterday. So they dont really need aa anyway.

Everytime I take console people into a pc lobby they are suprised how easy it is.
We are almost made to believe that pc is soo much harder. It isnt.

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Console players have to be smarter about how they kill because their aim is just worse. I need to force the enemy to go where I am aiming rather than aiming at them directly. And also should point out that on average, tanks are lower on console. So a higher skilled player will be under-ranked on PC. But the average player will still be at a disadvantage on controller versus m&k.

I found this to be very common from my experience. Tracking is too straining and I am noticeably worst with hitscan heroes so I must fall onto projectile heroes or those who don’t really need to aim for better results.

I am a consistent mid-diamond player on console aside from tank which is low-platinum.
Checking my latest 9 PC crossplay matches I have a winrate of 60-70%. My game sense is relatively fine and after checking most player’s comp ranks I am paired usually against gold-masters players. I am also consistently getting on fire and medals for damage with any role. So I think other people have a point when they say we don’t need AA.

BUT if I get dived by a genji, hammond, tracer it’s basically over for me. I literally take about 2 seconds to make a 180 compared to the half second or less for pc users. I still find it extremely unfair and if I increase the sensitivity I will basically have no aim at all due to how inaccurate stick is compared to mouse aiming.

Having the option is also a preferential thing, my most played character is Bastion and I genuinely enjoy playing it so being forced to use characters I don’t like even though I bought the game mainly to play Bastion is unfair since I am forced to play without a setting I’ve used for the longest. I also think it’s unfair to force a certain playerbase to change their playstyles since we have been using AA for a long time so we have experience with that.

I find it absolutely arbitrary that people will use a small example to dictate what’s best for all, I am trying to consider all sides unlike Seraphine and Moira in this thread. I still hope my idea or Trilly’s idea gets more consideration as the current situation is one-sided and came without much consideration.

The better solution is to enable support for mouse and keyboard on console when playing in groups with PC users. If you want to remain competitive, you can use it, otherwise you have to abide by the normal rules of the PC pool. On PC, controllers are supported without aim assist.

Players should not receive computer aided help simply because they’re willingly choose to play in a pool of players that can have better hardware. All players should be placed on equal footing without any sort of handicaps/etc, and given access to the same tools.

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PS4 does indeed fully support native dpi M+KB.
Idk about XBL tbh

To my knowledge, both consoles fully support mouse and keyboard. It’s just up to the game to allow it or not.


They should receive computer aided help to offset the relative hardware limitation in the causal modes at least. Your solution isn’t really helping in the ideal way, it’s just making everyone pay for items to have the same or relative hardware which isn’t really good since last I checked not all games support the M+K on console so people are potentially paying $100 on top of the $60 for one game + monthly subscription pc users usually don’t have to deal with. About $160 for a single game is too much for a lot of people. The filters I recommended will allow people to chose what they want.

I don’t think Overwatch supports M+K to keep it fair on console.

That argument no longer makes sense now that PC plays with console. M&K cost $15, easy. A controller costs $50. M&K is cheaper, and most people have one at home already.

No they should not. You should never provide artifical aid to those who cannot compete with better tools. That is always a bad idea. You should always instead strive to provide an equal playing field where all players have access to the same equipment.

If you want to play with the PC players on an even field, you need to invest in the same equipment as them. Every PC user has paid for a mouse and keyboard to play the game, there is no reason that console users cannot do the same.

You also don’t need a $100 M+K combo. You can probably get a decent/average gaming M+K set for about the price of a single controller. You dont need a high quality mechanical keyboard and a high end mouse.

There’s also a pretty decent list of games that have started supporting them. And that list will grow as more games support it.

The easy fix for this is just to have it opt in on PC, then enable aim assist in the PC-Console Crossplay servers (PC players may want to play using a controller too!). PC players don’t have to deal with console if they don’t want too, console players can group up with PC+other console friends and have aim assist enable, console players can remain in their own crossplay servers without PC, everyone wins :raised_hands: :confetti_ball: :tada: :dancer:t3:

Except id bet on majority of pc players turning it off, so queues for console + pc groups would be very long. But im all for the option, just think it will have negative effects as well as positive.

A team of gold console players would be dominated by a team of silver pc players. It’s pretty common knowledge that mouse and key is just better for moving and aiming in almost every way. There’s really no denying it. And with this advantage it only makes it worse that consoles players can’t use the aim assist

Not at all true, but go off.


I think we console players should rise to the challenge and stop using aim assist

Such a tiny sample size though. Obviously you’re gonna have some games where you roll the enemy team this has proved nothing