Console ptr please blizz

Anyone else want console ptr because I can’t be dealing with a 2 week wait every time something new and cool comes to the game. BLIZZARD PLEASE ADD IT

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The 222 beta comes to console Aug 13th. It won’t be officially out of beta until Sept 1st.

Yes… During which PC gets to have ptr…

Op is asking…for console to have the same privilege

My largest concern is the actual thing ptr is for- bugs…

Hammond literally broke the game and no one noticed because console gets gimped that often…it’s really unfair.

I like sigma’s look but I’m pretty convinced that there’s a high chance he will break console especially with 222 and especially with regards to his ult


I know they’ve asked Jeff this before, it’s not that they wouldn’t like to, it’s that the game has to go through console certification before any new build can be put on it. So there will always be a delay.


So it’s blame that console you play not the company making your games!


Yes a delay… But that’s still not a ptr… You would still catch the fact that Hammond broke the game, Sombras ult doesn’t go off, dva ejects herself out of the map…in ptr and not live

They said the chose against a ptr because they want live to hit faster…imo, the live being broke is what a ptr is for. So console should have it.

Ptr is still a build of the game. Sony and Xbox will want to certify that anything new added will not break their system, so sad to say but ptr can’t just be put in.


Ptr is a build of the game. So it would be the same process. But the point of ptr is not the live. It can be delayed…but ptr is separate from live which console needs

It’s like… In one ear out the other with you. Lol


It doesnt matter who “should” have it, consoles make such a thing such a chore. Its not worth the effort, no matter how many bugs it would find. Blame PS and Xbox. You’re complaining on the wrong forums.


Maybe if you read it from Jeff yourself you’ll get it.


Omg you’re talking about overall delay. I didn’t say it would hit live or ptr for console at the same time.

It’s possible. It would just be a larger delay. Imo, a larger delay (because you have one week cert ptr and one week added live) is better than Hammond

… They never said it was a chore. Just delayed in process.

And I’m for the delay. The fast patches are often the game breaking ones

Not any time soon.

They literally cannot do this due to Microsoft and Sony’s mandatory QC and verification process of anything pushed out to console.

I think… That’s the point of the thread… Asking that…it be soon.

They can…they chose against it.

People have been asking for console PTR for 3 years. Not sure how much more clear it was that it’s not a top priority and at the end of the day Blizzard will cater more to PC than console since they have more control there.

As a console player myself, I’d love if one day they figure something out, but I can accept that it’s also not highly likely.


Okay… Cool. It doesn’t mean the op can’t ask.

Like…there’s a difference between
“Not possible”
“Same, op. But it doesn’t look like anytime soon or even ever because xy and z”