Console Playerbase Getting Ignored

I’ve have been an active member of the Overwatch community ever since the game came out, however as a Console player (PS4) I have always felt like Blizzard has been ignoring this side of the community. I understand that they’re not able to implement the PTR, and I appreciate Jeff explaining why we can’t receive the new Overwatch World Cup Viewer feature however there are a couple issues that they could address but they don’t. You’re not able to bind 1 button to multiple things (ex. using the melee button at the same time as an interact key for Sym’s tp) which makes me literally unable to destroy Torb’s turret. PC players got a lot of features with the new colorblind mode that we did’t get. There is also a huge problem with smurfing since you’re able to create unlimited accounts for free (at least on PS4) and keyboard users which creates a really unfair and all around not fun experience. In the end I know Overwatch and Blizzard are mainly focused on the PC community, however I wish they would focus or at least acknowledge some of the problems we have. I just wanted to raise awareness for the lack of attention that the console playerbase gets.

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