Conservative snowflakes are ruining this forum

Seems like there’s a whole brigade of easily upset posters that get triggered by the mere presence of a thread discussing LGBTQ+ or a possible future black female hero or whatever else is vaguely inclusive, progressive, or liberal.

Of course there are plenty of reasonable people that don’t care and just ignore or simply articulate their disagreement in a respecful manner without demanding silence or censorship.

It’s unfortunate because such behavior gets in the way of honest discussions about these topics and gives intelligent, rational conservatives a bad name.


It does not speak well for that particular segment of gamers that the specific sequence of four letters illicit such strong emotional reactions.


You’re not wrong…but even I as a liberal lgbt supporter think it can be excessive at times on here…like I get that people want more done for them but blizzard has already done a lot…more so than many…why there’s this constant need for more is a little bothersome


Sorry to say but, are you new to the world? Because this is how things are, people are overreacting on everything. Everything is offensive and everyone is offensive. The slightest little thing is upsetting and people have to post it on facebook and what not to show how much they react to that.

Just smile and wave, nothing you can do about it.


You must admit it’s entertaining when the people showing the most overt form of offense or trampled sensibilities have the lack of self-awareness to accuse everyone else of doing the same.

Such is part and parcel of internet conservatism.


I am against these threads and topics generally and I am a progressive.
I just don’t like things being shoehorned in where it isn’t natural. I also want to let the developers do what they want instead of pressuring them.
“Devs, you have to include x, y, and z minorities now.”

That’s stupid.

You’re being insulting by assuming they are conservatives. They are not. Like it or not the “PC police liberals demanding diversity” are a fringe group on the left, not the majority.


Aren’t you the one who is triggered for getting upset by not having the fictional characters in a video game look the way YOU want them to look? Most people don’t care what someone’s race or sexual preference is unlike you apparently.


Here we go again lol :popcorn: :champagne:

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There’s always a particular way that people shut each other away from discussing things civilly on open forums like these. Whether they’re forced jokes that ridicule the existence of a certain demographic or irrational strawmanning on either side, there’s always some kind of generic thought-terminating exercise people go through to keep a real conversation from happening.

This is just a terrible medium to discuss issues like this. That isn’t to say it’s bad to do so, just that the way the forums are built does not encourage people to have rational debate that could stand to change their views on life. As a game, Overwatch is the perfect example of where this conversation should be able to take place—at a glance, any community belonging to a game that prides itself on its diversity should welcome conversations like these with open arms. But they never have and never will.


Maybe the problem isn’t the players.
Maybe people these days just suck, and players are of course people.

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Then why do people get mad at minority characters?

True apathy would illicit no response.

But every time, without fail, someone has to hypocritically remark how stupid they find it that people want characters that look like them in media.


This is pretty much what gets so exhausting about this around here. It falls back to the argument that ‘politics don’t belong in my game’ as though the rejection of minority representation in media isn’t in itself political.


Flag and move on. This has nothing to do with the game.


Ding ding.

“Keep all mention of this away from me, and ban everyone who brings it up” is not the politically neutral position people who are saying it think it is.


Someone’s a little butthurt :frowning: also any LGB discussion belongs on the Story forum. Byeeeeee

People will just say, “But I say it does!”
Just like how one-tricking is not sabotage, but people report it anyways, because they think it is. No one cares about the rules; only their opinion.

Yep. An insistence on preserving the status quo is in itself a political response. Someone much more succinct than me put it this way–

‘Liberals use the dialogue of a medium to express politics. Conservatives use the dialogue of politics to preserve media.’

Something like that. You get where I’m going with it.


You keep saying this and then you drop random anti-LGBT nonsense on totally unrelated threads. Either stick to your line or don’t.


Do they though?

I mean one would think that GTA: San Andreas, which featured a black man as the solo protagonist, would have done terrible. In fact, it was the highest-selling PS2 game.

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This isn’t the place to talk about that stuff. This is a place to talk about the game