Conservative snowflakes are ruining this forum

Frankly, I see discussion of LGBTQ+ a political charged topic that would be no different from someone wanting to discuss topics on BLM, Anti-Feminist, Anti-Semitic, or virtually any left or right wing hate group.

Its not appropriate in a video game forum. The developers don’t need to be pandering to ANY group. Consequentially, any opinion group of any kind should not expect, or receive, special treatment, which includes LGBTQ.


I didn’t drop any anti-lgb anywhere friend.

I remember, as a black person, all the gamers complaining during SA’s marketing that “they couldn’t to relate to a black thug” despite the fact that these suburban losers knew good and well they couldn’t relate to an Italian mobster either.

Online discourse about that game was rife with racism.


Dont want to sound like the old man yelling at a cloud but … here it goes :

Back in the days when we exposed an idea or wanted an answer, we actually valued the answers given and the feedback and we were strong and wise enough to dish out the trolls and flamers and get the “feeling” behind their statements.

Now you can even state an opinion, that you believe its true and just because some people dont like how you write, they bash you. Any reason "dude … what you said is nonsense (its not) but your tone bla bla "

Cmon … when you have nothing to offer as a rebuttal you are going to argue against “my tone” with “your feelings” as a weapon?

Sign of the times :roll_eyes:

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I was always respectfull of all kind of sexual orientations, races, believes, political option or any kind of choice people do and how they feel. I always considered myself pretty tolerant in all the aspects of my life.

Anyway, with all the respect, even if OW is a game that tends to be inclusive (which is great), is not its goal to be the united nations and be a representation of the society or a scenery for such debates.

Every step into a more inclusive world is great, but do not miss the focus than this is a videogame, is an entertainment product. Is not an example of how society behaves or pretend to change society mind through it.

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I personally feel these type of things have no place on the forum - liberal or conservative, progressive or not.

The devs should be left to write their story and characters and people should stop demanding this silly “representation”. Whether Tracer is lesbian or not, doesn’t matter. These things should happen naturally, not because some people demand to have a gay/lesbian/turtle or whatever is modern these days.


The game isnt politics. It’s not the real world. Noone cares we play it for fun not save the earth and solve the worlds problems. Spread your activism in the real world where you can have actual impact instead of from your couch where you pretend to care but do nothing more than share words on a message board.

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You can’t keep stirring the pot and then telling people to take it elsewhere.

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This isn’t a conservative v liberal issue…

This is a dumb people being dumb issue.

Heterosexuality is a sexuality…I don’t want any non-gameplay issues discussed. I’m sorry you made an assumption…and well…it did what assumptions do friend :frowning:

That’s not stirring that pot, that’s what the topic was about. And the sym was just simply pointing out…he had an actual Sym question and it got deleted…yet this unrelated to general questions are still here.

Blizzard can naturally agree with demands.

If we’re going to uphold the “artist’s vision,” whatever value that has, then we should be consistent and stop all feedback. No more buff suggestions, no more nerf suggestions, no more complaining about skins and making them change Hanzo’s beard.

After all, who are we to infringe on their creativity?

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Threads like this are not discussions, they are meant to trigger people.
If something upsets you don’t make a thread, just post in that thread or ignore it.
Also let the Mods decide what threads are “good or bad” for the forums, that is what they are there for.

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Respectfully, these aren’t mutually exclusive. And I’d argue that if we’re going to call a game political based on its stance toward minority representation, Overwatch should be considered a glaring political statement by now.


Who’s getting mad at minority characters? My point is in a game where there’s problems and balance issues, you guys choose to focus on stuff like this that has nothing to do with the game.

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Everyone who comes into a thread about representation whinging about why we shouldn’t have it.

If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t be here.

Yet here people are, telling others it’s wrong to have something that doesn’t concern them anyway.


We need Ben Shapiro now.


There are already black characters and one gay character. Blizzard is not your personal “psycology”.


I agree it stands out. And even went out of it’s way to be this kind of safe haven. It’s one of the things I really enjoy about it. It’s when people get entitled. Start asking for things we already have (i.e more gay heros) or just blatantly want themselves and there real world feelings projected into the game. I dont think its healthy to have that much focus put into a game for you own wants when you could put your efforts elsewhere and have a stronger impact.


Balance suggestions is one thing, creating a hero that has to have a set qualities and inherent traits is quite another. Those are two completely different things. Hanzo’s beard was a graphical glitch, the beard literally didn’t connect to his hair, there was an empty spot.

I don’t see anywhere people demanding for a heterosexual white male character.


Well sure, but idiots on the internet complain about everything. I mean, there’s people that still think the Earth is flat. But the end result was that the game was a huge success. The mainstream gamer doesn’t hate minority characters if they’re done well.

I think one of the biggest flaws of the internet is that it gives small groups a much larger voice than they should have and can lead to misconceptions where people assume that there’s far more outcry over something than there really is.