Congratulations for absolutely trashing Mercy yet again

It could have been worse, and hey, at least other healers might get a little more play time since the healing output is a little more even.

No need to overreact every time Mercy gets a nerf and is still the best healer in the game.

Sure it was the wrong thing, but so was Tracers pulse bomb. At least it’s something.

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Is the part about “We will not miss you” projection or are you just trying to be cute trying to make me insecure or something?

Think it’s just shocking for him because it’s now her tenth nerf after she got reworked.

Overall I should be happy I guess because Moira is currently my favorite healer but I’m just not. It’s a bunch of band-aid fix that will create more problems than it solves. My biggest issue with the changes is that the devs don’t realize how good her synergy is with snipers and her performing extremly well is partially because of the current meta. Between late January and April Mercy had lower pickrates and winrates than Moira in GM. Once they figure out how to balance Hanzo (which I assume will take an additional couple of months) Mercy is definitely going to suffer. But this is what Blizzard does. During dive they tried to balance every hero around it, that’s when Widow and Zarya got buffed and now that dive can be countered with Brigitte these heroes feel almost too strong.

(And don’t even get me sarted on the “bugfix” to Moira’s healing that came out of nowhere. I’m still salty about that.)

Sigh. Because of bs worries like this, actual dumpster fires of heroes (Symmetra) will be further ignored for months.

I’ve noticed that a lot of people are saying the same things. But Sovereign, can you please explain your point.

I agree with that, but the issue is the devs have already said they won’t add that because they think it would be too complicated… even though the game revolves around charging an ability.

If she’s underpowered after this, it’s good, cuz she hasn’t been underpowered for a very long time, and every character has this cycle, deal with it.

She is literally a must pick right now because of her rez and pure healing output. As long as rez is an ability, she will be powerful. Ana has less impact than Mercy even though Mercy is 100 times easier than Ana. Ana has almost no self heal, no movement, has to hit shots but Mercy has HUGE self heal, HUGE movement, can just hold lmb to heal consistently, and has damage boost. Mercy is overpowered in comparison to other healers. She has a super high pickrate at pro events even though she has a low skill ceiling. That means even though the pros are the best at the game they still play a low skill hero like Mercy.

And congratulations for giving Mercy mains a bad name by creating this kind of drama post again.
Im sick of it, i like playing Mercy too but its obvious that she was a must pick and those nerfs where needed, so please have some respect for yourself and stop making those ridiculous posts.

From: a Mercy player who enjoy the hero without being blind and biased

I agree with this. Moira can only heal a perched Sniper by using her only utility, Lucio has to go out of his way to reach them, Ana can’t spend time looking behind herself as much as Mercy can, Mercy can use a sniper as a get out of jail free card to fly to etc. Damage boost on snipers is powerful, Rezing a good Widow can swing a fight.

lol… “I AM VERY SMART!!”

She won’t be underpowered. She will still be broken because free res on 30 seconds is broken.

This is what annoys me “mercy is the best healer lmao”. Brigitte does both DPS and healing, and Ana cam do more short term with Biotic Grenade and shooting teammates.

In basic terms, she is not the best healer. Yes, in the long run Mercy can do more, but until she gets changed, she can’t do much short term healing.