I get the orb. It’s hefty nerfs but hefty buffs to damage if it lands. I get that.
Why would I use fade? Not only is timing painfully hard to land, but… What is 1 second of invulnerability gonna do? D.va isn’t even meta and we already have Baptiste lamp for burst negation. So what am I supposed to use this fade for?
Any damage over time ult will just kill through it anyway, it cannot escape anything meaningful and most burst ults are sudden like Tracer, or you’ll need good prediction with bomb or tire. I guess all this to say is, where is the impact in this? It’s pretty… useless. I would play Moira no different even with this fade because keeping it for myself is miles more beneficial than anything I could possibly use this ability for on others.
Bap does it better, and it was already pretty rough even with Baptiste. This feels literally useless. If it was cleanse without invulnerability? Then I could see it countering nade and fire and poison, but just 1 second of invulnerability? I just don’t see where this is remotely useful to me. Maybe to mask a cast like Rein shatter, but even then that is niche…
I’m not fussed on the fade change and honestly feel like it’s useless. Orb? Sure. Grasp? Sure.
There are def times it could come in useful, but where I think it reliably got value last time was by being a cleanse on things like dynamite and anti nade. Now I think the fade changes are a net nerf, I dont think 2s longer is worth the invuln that I feel like would only save a teammate once every game or so. I think it will get moira killed more often than not if they fade into a teammate to try and save them, and then both be stuck in a bad position.
The experimental notes are written terribly, apparently there isn’t a cleanse but they for some stupid reason don’t include it in the explicit list of changes but just mention it in the “blurb”
It’s only a second of invulnerability to allies, tight radius on the exit, raises cooldown and leaves Moira in a bad spot. This feels really pointless and because it doesn’t cleanse it won’t save you from ults like Mei because you’ll still be freezing.
I don’t hate it, I just don’t see the point.
Dude… they literally said in the notes it’s not a cleanse mate
It is not a cleanse anymore. That was removed from last time they tried this.
Fade will phase out nearby allies as it did in the previous test, but will no longer permit Moira or allies to escape Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Sigma’s Gravitic Flux (this will also apply to Reaper’s Wraith Form). We’ve also removed the previously tested cleansing effects. Given the power of Fade, we’ve also increased the cooldown slightly.
The fade change can certainly be useful in certain scenarios, but don’t think about it like you have to utilize it in this new way.
It’s still the same fade but with even more invincibility time for the Moira.
I haven’t tested it to see when the cooldown starts, but if it starts during that 1 second of invincibility then they pretty much put it on a 7 second cooldown rather than 8.
Yeah, I get that and that’s why I said I would use it the same way. But they want her to have big impact on a bigger level, like anti-nade, but this literally does nothing like that. It’s just a more beneficial for her than anything. As I said, just feels pointless.
Now phases out all allies within 6 meters (and self) for 1 second after exiting Fade
No longer frees Moira or allies from Zarya’s Graviton Surge or Sigma’s Gravitic Flux
Cooldown increased from 6s to 8s
That’s all experimental card says about fade.
Phases out is the same wording as before, that is an effective cleanse effect.
The only exception is Zarya and Sig’s ult. Ultimates I didn’t list.
Yes, in the “blurb” it says " Now, it cannot cleanse negative effects" I assumed that’s a mistake as it’s not explicitly listed in the list of changes.
To be fair, for moira herself I dont think the 1s invuln is that big of a deal. Especially outside of high ranks. Often people will take around 1s to locate and shoot at the moira again after her fade is over.
The notes might as well say “it does something, heck if I’m going to tell you what it is, figure it out for yourself in testing”.
We’re scrabbling around in the dark here.
Well it has had the negative side effect of justifying a significant increase in the cooldown (33% increase) on an ability that Moira needs to stay alive all balanced by a dubious benefit.
This is mainly just going to be an annoyance to people, things will randomly not work and “oh yeah, moira’s fade”.
Her orb changes confuses me though. Says it does 60 damage a second for three seconds to all enemies but dispels after 120 damage done to the target it’s latched on. How exactly is this going to last three seconds when in two it meets its requirement to be dispelled.
Yeah. This either requires someone to have amazing timing to maybe negate something, or it’s an accident and they’ll be annoyed. I fail to see how this is the move they made. Like it’s impact is not worth it, just pick Baptiste.
There is no limit on how much damage it can do now. If it lands, it will always do that 60 a second no matter what.
They could use a skill to reduce dmg, it doesnt go away if mei blocks while its on her, or zarya bubbles it. So if zarya bubbled the target, it should last 3 seconds, tho I assume that means it could do 180dmg to teammates, Tho im not sure on that.
I tested and if you have team-mates stood near you, it will also do 120 over three seconds to them as well. So it could do A LOT of potential group damage, imagine the ult charge.
When you tested tho, did you make it so the orb lasted 3s instead of 2? Cuz if u just orb the person, its only going to last 2 seconds unless they use a skill to reduce or remove dmg taken.