Competitive should REQUIRE voice chat

“Voice chat should be required because I want to yell at my teammates for reasons.”

Exactly why voice chat is not and will never be required.

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Some rather bizarre responses I thought.

Why you’d prefer to play a specifically team based game solo is beyond me.
But each to their own.

Do agree with the original sentiment though.
Quick Play & Arcade are there if you just want to mess about and kill a few hours.
Comp should be for people that want to play, well as the name suggests, competitively.

Comp comms should also be somewhat a professional interaction, not the baby rage it is today.

I personally do not think its required because I feel like the people who arent in vc are doing it on purpouse and if that’s the case they will just mute it anyways, last time I checked teamchat was on by default. However, I would not object to it if it were to be added since games like csgo dont allow you to leave voicechat.

Completely agree.

That’s why a forced mic rule would likely never work.

Had two games last night for example; where all that was coming down the mic was someones TV and some ones music.

In this case you would just mute the disruptive mics.

Oh they were.

Made a few call outs, got nothing back.


What I think the best solution is if you’re looking to play organized games, and this is what I started doing.

Is when you play with someone you’re combo’ing well with, even if they aren’t on mic.
Just ping them a little message after the game with something like: “Hey that was a game, if you want to duo sometime”

Granted most ignore, but I’ve got a few adds from people, and had a few good games as a result. But once you’re in a party playing, you’ll be surprised how many people want to join the party/chat.

You can turn off voice chat in CS:GO.

you can? I thought you could only put volume at 0?

I do not remember if there’s an option to actually turn it off, or just putting it to 0. Either way, it’s the same effect.

Yeah but like I said in my post, people are just going to mute the vc in ow if they made voice obligatory. Which is why it wouldnt matter if they made it obligatory.

Voice_enable 0 is the command you’re looking for.

Voice comms is useful when it’s useful but ask yourself how often is it actually useful? If you make a call, does your team even know what to do with it?

People who want you to join voice chat want you to play the way they want. Very rarely is it used for callouts (and when it is very rarely is that useful, as it is too late/already known, etc.).

I don’t need to be told how to play Rein, who I have 500+ hours on, by a genji one trick. Not joining voice forces them to play with you instead of trying to command you. It ENFORCES team work.

I don’t need a Zarya to tell me when she has bubble. Just like I know when the enemy Zarya has grav. Because I pay attention to what is going on around me.

Why? To hear you cry over and over again?

I don’t regret not joining voice anymore. Helps me to keep my calm.

Then I’ll mute all game audio while listening to music.

Hahaha no.
Noone ever speaks in my game and that is fine

this is the QoL we need to legitimize the current LFG

if we had all this QoL then you could look for people who only wanted voice and not play with people who refuse


More lies.

This is your opinion.