Me and four other friends queued into a competitive round for our placements. We completed and lost our first placement. Upon our second placement, we were unable to play with each other anymore.
None of us are diamond+, so we can all place. The highest in our group is mid plat, the lowest is mid silver. This means that there could be a 1000 SR gap. However, this is placements, and we do not have an SR yet. It is strange that we were able to play one game and then not be able to play the next. When the platinum left, we were able to play. When the silver left, we were able to play. This means the 1000 SR gap took some effect?
As far as I remember you can place with anyone if they aren’t diamond+. Has something changed to where SR is being gained and lost in placements, making us unable to play with the 1000 SR gap? Has the gap actually begun to matter in competitive when doing placements? Alternatively, this could be a bug, hence why I have put it here. Please get back to me if you have any info on this one.
EDIT: We were 998 SR apart from each other at the start of placements.