Competitive matchmaking's MMR system is VERY good

You might be playing a different game.

The example you give leads to the steamroll games everyone hates. A player who should be losing wins and a better player loses. This creates an artificial cycle for players SR where higher SR games can be easier than lower SR games.

This isn’t “fair games.”

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lol plz ignore this post it’s op’s alt account

Disagree on every single point. Pretty sure a troll post.

so your going to say youve never experienced the so called free win ?

or the un-carryable potato sacks the matchmaker lumps u with after enough wins

to throw ur sr gains down the toilet and always have u playing to chase back that precious lost sr ?

We just need role queues, it’s obvious. They can figure out ways to deal with the drawbacks. I’m tired of having 4 Ana mains on my team and no one wanting to tank, while enemy team is a tryhard 2/2/2 because “luck of the draw”

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Match Making Rating and Performance-Based Skill Rating adjustment are intimately related design decisions. Both of them compromise the objectivity and integrity of the ranking system, so that inexperience/unskilled players constantly climb past experienced/skilled players.

The matchmaker is bad we all know it

Can u stop with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory behavior and posts ?

Intimately related? The only relation is that one is a modification to the other. At 3000+ PBSR is removed, so clearly it’s just a possible modifier, not some critical component.

This just made a post and the numbnuts kept saying i was just crying cause i wanted to be placed higher, but not its a ligit problem which they dissmissed when its literally might make me boosted or lowered at themsame time…(matches trying for 50%winrate)

The reason SR is adjusted each match for each player is that Match Making Rating is handicapping our matches. Blizzard knows they have to compensate for handicapping, or there would be no meritocracy to Competitive Play. I.e., it would be practically impossible for good players to pass bad players in rank.

So according to you nobody will ever make it out of Diamond into Masters or Grandmaster anymore?

Good players pass bad players in rank by winning more. It has been explained to you over and over again how the system results in players rising/falling in rank to match their actual skill level over time, whether or not PBSR is there to further adjust things. If a player is not already at their appropriate rank, then the system is under/overestimating them and they’ll over/underperform until they reach their appropriate rating. Never mind that it’s just blatantly evident from the results: higher rank players are generally better at the game than lower rank ones, and that extends to the ranks that do not use PBSR.

Ozone’s huge post here is an excellent description of how the MMR system works.

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Why don’t we have a complete explanation from Blizzard, about how Match Making Rating works? Why do we have to rely on the interpretations of forum users like Ozone?

They do and have.

It’s just that some people don’t have the academic background to make sense of it. It’s not their job to teach you advanced topics in statistics or game theory.

So those of us that happen to have these skills gladly help others understand what was quite clearly explained.

Some people wouldn’t believe the Earth is round unless they built a rocket themselves and blasted into space.

You just can’t help everyone.

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SR chases MMR which is why your current SR may not be what your actual true skill is. I have heard a rumor that the MMR adjust up or down about every 10 matches or so depending on whether you won, who you won against, and your performance when you won or lost.

When I was high plat near Diamond I gained or lost the same about of SR. Usually 25 for a win and 25 for a loss.

I had a bad losing streak. At first I was losing 25 SR for losses. When I dropped to low plat I was only losing 20SR for a loss. When I dropped to low Gold I was only losing about 15 SR for a loss.

During the loss streak when I had got down to Gold if I happened to win a match I instantly got 30 - 45 SR even if I had just lost the last 10 matches.

I am a platinum border Solo Que player and what I am describing happened to me in Season 9 (this season).

When I started winning again I was able to climb from low Gold 2200 to High Plat 2970 in about a week or so playing a few matches a day. Not all of them were wins but since I gained more for wins than I lost for losses I climbed back to Plat quickly.

Now that I am high plat 2970 I noticed I now win or lose the same amount of SR. If I lose a match then I lose 20 - 25 SR. If I win a match then I win 20 - 25 SR. Always within 5 SR + or - depending on the win or loss.

I think that says the MMR is fairly accurate but also means that SR can be very inaccurate until it catches up with where the MMR is.

If a person has low MMR then I would imagine they would lose a lot more SR for losses and gain very little SR for wins. Once the SR and MMR are caught up to each other when the person drops down to low Silver for example then the amount of SR they get for a win or what they lose for a loss should be about the same in either direction.

For example, they may be losing more SR than winning but once the drop enough rank to where their MMR is then they will start getting more SR for a win than they lost for a loss to make sure they do not drop too low in SR below their MMR.

That is why the Devs have said that SR chases MMR in either direction. If your MMR goes higher then you gain more for wins than lose for a loss until your SR matches your MMR. If you MMR goes down to Silver and you are in Gold then you will lose more SR for a loss than you gain for a win. So when your SR and MMR are matched up you will get the same SR lost that you get for a win unless your MMR changes in either direction.

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What account did you do this on? The one you’re posting from doesn’t show the account you’re talking about.

I reported this issue to Tech support. My profile shows me “Eclipse” when I click on it but if others look at my profile they see “Kingslayer” which is NOT me.


replace the _com with .com to make the above link work

That is weird.

Unfortunately you didn’t seem to use Overbuff regularly (I make sure to log in at the end of each session) so you only have data for the last week. MasterOverwatch does show you at 2631 on the first, but there are only two data points on there as well.

Do you have any other documentation? I’m really curious what your losing streak looked like going from near Diamond to near Silver if you are getting these kind of figures. How did you perform down there?

Generally we only see this kind of behavior when people are playing in groups or decayed/punished. You do play a lot though, maybe as you went down your uncertainty increased more than usual. Having such a large loss streak would be abnormal.

I ended this Season at 2970. I just updated Masteroverwatch and Overbuff as I have not logged into them in a while.

The mmr system is very good. Unfortunately QP matchmaking in comp mode allows low skill players to “float” in a rank they do not deserve (as long as they don’t play too much).

Also people playing heros that they are not good at…either from boredom or being forced to.

I ended this Season at 2970. I just updated Masteroverwatch and Overbuff as I have not logged into them in a while.

Yeah, that loss streak was very abnormal. It was a strange thing. It started when I had about 30 more wins on record than losses with my win rate being around 57%. Then like a light switch my matches went from easy wins, close wins, draws to suddenly impossible to win. Every single match I got put into were practically impossible to win.

I kid you not, I main tank and support. The DPS only got 3 elims by the end of the match and I was the only player on my team who got an end game card. I felt like giving up. So I stopped playing for about a week. When I started back up I lost 8/10 matches even in low Gold when previously I was winning in Plat over and over again.

I was in Solo Que the whole time during the loss streak and the win streak. Again, like a light switch the matches went from unwinnable to easy wins and an easy climb. Down in the lower elo’s the matches felt incredibly easy to win. I felt like I could face the entire enemy team without fear and live to tell the tale. Or die while taking half or more of the enemy team with me, without even using an ULT.

I climbed back up fairly quickly. I now have 20 more wins than losses with a 53% win rate. When I got to Plat 2800 the matches felt more challenging simply due to the higher skill level of players in that Elo but not sue to some matchmaker mayhem I had experienced earlier.

In the end, it all worked out.