Competitive is too unstable an experience

Even before 2-2-2 you’d have coin flip games all the time, one game it’s the dps lottery, the next is the tanks, etc.

Grinding takes time, practice, dedication, learning and more, people don’t seem to realize that, all the big jumps in SR i’ve seen from myself or my friends were after putting a ton of hours in the game during one season, not everyone has the luxury to do that tho.

What does my opinion on 2-2-2 have to do with the subject at hand? Nothing.

Before 2-2-2 the game was a mess, run by GOATS. People wishing for a change to break that, I can understand. I wished for that change as well, although I had no specific wish as to how.

As players we have very little say in what the devs do or do not do anyway.

Well your got your change and yet here you are complaining about said change, make up your mind zzz

It was the only way.

Even GM get masters tanks a lot in their games. IT’s just how it goes, sacrifice for getting your own way I suppose :wink:

Why do you say that Im complaining about 2-2-2? Im not.
I actually like the change, and I am greatly in favor of it.

Sure, there is still stuff that needs to be sorted out. They could start by opening up the roles, so f.ex. more than one healer (=Moira) is really viable. The same in the tank category, where the entire off-tank lineup (IMO the most fun to play) has been outcompeted by the new shiny thing (=Sigma), designed to be a master-of-all with no trade-offs.

Then you could remove Doomfist in his current form, so it is actually possible to play healer again, without getting stomped non-stop - which is especially true for all but one ridicilously OP healer (=Moira). That would make it alot more fun to play healer, and to some degree also tank.

Is it any wonder that in the current environment with this monster running around with barely any skill one-shotting everyone, that those two roles are not popular? At least many DPS can fight back.

The current balance has alot to do with the current queue-times, and once healer and tank is more fun to play, and more of them are viable - especially the more fun off-tanks - we will see queue-times become better.

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Don’t push your own little anti-rolequeue agenda on to me. IMO my OP has nothing to do with it.

Climbed from 2k to 2.9k
Been playing Quickplay for 500 levels

I’m not a competitive player, but the way the system works is bs. You need to hard carry to climb, which isn’t fair, especially for supports that usually depend on DPS’ and tanks performances.

Voice coms don’t always help when there’re stubborn people on your team that don’t listen and keep getting counterpicked.

Why am I even replying to you. Like you give a damn
You just replied to me to spray salt over my wound.

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You made it sound like you were stuck at 2k8 for months that’s why I said that, sorry for the confusion.

Quickplay is really not the best environment to learn how to be better in ranked, worse you can get bad habits playing there.

You don’t need to hard carry, as a healer your team can’t do anything if you’re not there and that’s how you carry them.

I actually do, if I feel someone is actually trying to climb like you I offer my help, did a VOD review for someone like that recently, took me an entire afternoon for someone I didn’t even know.

My point is not to spray salt over your wound, I’m hard with myself like I’m hard with other people but I don’t think I’m unfair. Anyone can become GM, mechanical skill is really not what you need to aim for as a support, that’s what a lot of people seem to get wrong, usually it’s more a bunch of small mistakes that when added amount to a lot at the end of a game, not using abilities or ult when needed, dying alone, bad positionning, etc., there’s a lot to improve on.

Lastly you need to play a lot to climb, I’m not talking 25 games but more like at least 100 games one season, not everyone has the luxury to do that tho, you can still see improvement with fewer games but it’s really up to you.

If you have a VOD I can take a look at it and give you a quick rundown of what I saw was wrong so you can work ot it.

I’d have to find the motivation to even start a game again to send you a VOD

Thing is that I’m very concious when I play, meaning that I tend to not waste abilities, look for flankers, try to communicate with teammates - which isn’t easy for an introvert btw.

Your argument that it’s the same in every rank isn’t accurate imo.
Plat got inflated with smurfs after 222 bcs of the Q times for DPS, so it’s not unusual to face a smurf Doomfist that just wrecks your team with ease. Had that a couple of times.

basically the system forces you to lose after a period of time.

if your MMR gets to a high enough rating, i think its mmr i could be wrong, it basically forces you to eventually fight people higher rank than you and thus hurt your chances of winning.

Nope. Actually, it doesn’t. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
I love how people can’t grasp the concept of randomness :expressionless:

Masters and GM are filled with alt/smurf accounts and it’s pretty common to see the same names.

But in general you have as much chance to have one in your team or against you.

Idk what else to tell you :slightly_frowning_face:

Matchmaking has been described as trying to find two teams with around equal chance to win.

It seems like the game will purposely put you in games on the team with the lower win percentage. Not impossible to win, but it seems like the odds are against you.

Its frustrating playing in games, where it doesn’t feel like any amount of effort would be enough. I wish blizzard would just tell us what stats we are being judged for, so even if we lose a game, we can atleast increase our MMR.

I think It would help people try to have a secondary objective to work for in those 40% of the games that even the best of us lose.

As a side effect of this, it would also open the stats used to judge players to the scrutiny of the community. So maybe the feedback could improve matchmaking.

But smurfs in GM/Masters don’t hurt as much as smurfs in Plat or not? o.O

Like a GM smurf in Plat is different to a GM smurf in GM

Unless u mean Top500 smurfs

Want more consistent matches, join a team. Otherwise every match is a dice roll. The house usually wins or it wouldn’t be in business.

Just like you we get a bit of everything, the 4k5 dps smurfing at 3k7, the alt of a 4k3 support playing at 4k1, etc., idk how it is now but back when I was plat most smurfs I encountered were diamond or masters at best, people in GM are 1% of the population and most of them don’t smurf in plat, a handful of streamers do for entertainement value but that’s it.

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“le le random out of nowhere concepts XDDD”

I feel like it’s the opposite. When win 3 games in a row you start getting better team mates and when you lose 3 in a row you get worse team mates. There’s an up slope and a down slope and that’s why like you say the system sometimes pushes you all the way down to gold. You get 3 throwers in a row and suddenly the game thinks you are bad so it starts pairing you with other people on the down slope and it can be very difficult to gain your footing after that, since a lot of the players on the down slope are angry and toxic or trolls throwing games.

This system is such garbage. I know I play tank at a diamond level and I’ve sustained it for many seasons, but a few seasons back I caught on the down slope with nothing but toxics and throwers and ended up in gold low gold. At this point I was just laughing at how unbelievablely stupid the system was and games became so easy for me I carried myself back to diamond with an 85% wr on Hammond. Everyone was calling me a smurf but nope, that’s just blizzards garbage comp system.

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Go in group finder and make your own team . Give googly to the system .

Yes, I feel this pattern too.
It is funny, I sometimes have these games, where I win, because my team is just so good, that I may as well not be there. I don’t get much done myself, because everything moves so fast, and I might even be unlucky and die a few times.
My performance is measured as sub-par (I can see that from the SR I gain), and I just know, that now I will go on the down-slope - and it is usually true: The system sees me as not belonging at that level, and down I go. It feels like an elevator system “ok, now Im on the down-elevator, I wonder when I get off again”.

It is hard to say exactly what goes on because of the opaqueness of the system (and Im sure they are tinkering it all the time), and I get different feelings at different times. I can definitely recognize your pattern.

When I get pushed into gold on Tracer, who I have mained almost since release, I will also be called a smurf, and I have actually received both warnings and bans, which I had to talk to Blizzard about to get lifted.

I just want reliable games. I don’t want to feel managed.

Little issue there, my friend. You can have either random games without being managed, or reliable games and be managed. Sorry, but that’s how reality works.
You can type blogposts all day, but facts don’t change.

Yeah this is the reason why I quit competitive back in S5 even though I’m very passionate about competitive gameplay. Back then I’d at least play the placement games and was able to easily climb to 3300SR with just them and just some random games. However the last 2 seasons (S4, S5) placement games were almost completely ruined by toxic players. I lost several games to GM smurfs in premades and just plain throwers. The most disgusting player I’ve seen was this diamond Genji OTP who did nothing but feed and int to the team for the whole 3 rounds of Lijang tower that we had to struggle through. The Genji kept going into the enemy backline 1v3 and feeding constantly and then blamed the team for not having tanks/healers to support him when we already had 2 great DPS, 1 main tank and 2 healers that we’re doing an amazing job keeping the game playable despite this one waste of human life

After having those miserable competitive experiences it super tilted me because I was losing +150SR due to something I couldn’t even effect in any possible way even though I was still lower SR than where I belonged. I vouched not to touch the competitive before they’d address smurfing properly and introduced much harsher punishment for players who plain throw the games and here we are: haven’t still played competitive after S5 and on the verge of quitting the game completely after 800+ hrs on the game :slight_smile: