Competitive is too unstable an experience

I feel managed. I feel like the system is deciding for me, whether I should have wins or losses.

There is this obvious pattern, where after you win 2-3 matches in a row, you slowly get worse and worse team mates, and usually you will get stomped after two games, and then you can look forward to 2-3 match loss streak.

But what this does, is make me uncertain of myself. Is it my fault? Could I do more? However, after having looked back a number of the matches with Replay, it is obvious, that the team mates just become worse and worse.

I know that not everyone can win at all times, and some have to lose for others to have a win, but why this managed system? It is as if everyone should have their turn winning, and then the system sets you up for the losing team.

I have played since release, having been in Diamond several times, but sometimes the system pushes me all the way down to gold, which I find ridicilous. Even down there I will get HOPELESS teams, even when it is obvious how much better I am.

If this is not managed, then the system needs to do a MUCH better job at match making.

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The problem with the unstableness, is that people can’t learn anything. If they lose match after match, it may not even be their fault, so how in the world are they gonna learn anything from them?
The game is already notoriously bad at teaching people the game, and the system just adds an extra layer of confusion to it.


The system is bad.

My first season i was silver and then I spent about 10 seasons in plat 2 seasons in diamond, 2 in master. Then i stopped playing a while and decayed. Came back and got placed around 2700 range. Then role que came out and i somehow got plat in DPS (im terrible) and gold in support(my main) and silver in tank (my off main). Like where they hell did they get that info about me?

I have since climbed and dropped to exactly how my ranks across roles should be. Plat support, high gold tank, gold DPS.

And next season ill drop about 150 sr from where i ended the season before like i always do even if i go 5-0 which i find really stupid.

Meanwhile, my diamond buddy who hasnt played OW since sombra came out does his placements on Ashe with zero minutes on her, does atrocious and gets diamond DPS going 2-3. There is no way he is better than me at OW. I have more time and better understanding on every single hero than he does yet hes about 500 sr higher than mine. He knows this as well and is partially why he makes fun of and hates the game.

Its like where you ended up in your first or 2nd season dictates nearly where you will be forever unless your one of the few who can really carry through the climb.

The system sucks and im done trying to understand or care about where i rank.

I consider myself low diamond high plat caliber depending on role and i’m happy with that.


i really dont understand the system it is in place. i feel like im being punished for playing my role properly. i understand that we cant win every match, but from having finished my placements in gold at around 2072 SR. i begin to lose 10 consecutive matches in a row and now im at 1654. and im forever stuck here now. it took me 2 days to lose 400SR and now im at my 3rd week trying my best every single day trying to get back up, but i just cant, from having team mates that throw games to leavers and rage quitters to afkers. what more do i need to do? what else is needed from my part to get a decent team? by decent i dont mean god skills, iam totally OK if we lose a tight game, but i cannot remember when was the last time i have that kind of games anymore. every game now is just lobsided losses and its very frustrating,if im lucky 1 win and then followed by 3 losses


Playing this game sure is like watching a movie! You have no control and just watch what unfolds!


Whenever I get into comp I always get some salty guy over the VC that rages and puts me in a horrible mood so I just don’t dip into the salt infested toxicness anymore.

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Lol you want broken, look at the competitive arcades

In CTF competitive I played a 3-4 gold medals Winston with an 80% winrate and placed SILVER and my brother was practicing Reaper, who he never tried before and got high plat

In competitive Lucioball I got 0 wins in my placements and got mid diamond

This game’s been literally horrifically broken for a long time and it’s super noticeable after you take a step back and look at the content they don’t try as hard on.


See my post above. The leap from plat to masters for me was when i decided to stop entering team chat. May not be the best or most team supporting thing to do, but it let me concentrate more on my own game than hearing someone yelling at someone else. I think people dont understand how much chat can throw you off.


I might have to do that or will try that. When people yell no matter what it is about my anxiety jumps up like crazy…

For sure.
I first noticed it in destiny when we ran raids. When it was just my usual gang i was fine. But as soon as we got others from LFG and there was a toxic person, i completely shut down, when they were criticizing me or not. I would play erratically a different and try to conform to what i thought they wanted to stay out of the line of fire and it only made me play like garbage. Give it a go and see how it goes.

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The only constant in your games is you, stop blaming the system and start learning from your mistakes.

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Appreciate the advice :grinning:

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the system is designed to be grindy and win/loss streaky. they want you to play more games than you should have to because you have to grind out the effects of rng.
once you accept that prob 50% of your time will be grinding matches to counter rng and you skill is based on only a certain percent of games where your performance actually matters, the game makes more sense.

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You are probably right.
And why do I say probably? Because we have no idea what happens behind the scenes, another thing that adds to the confusion. Some more transparency about the competitive system would reduce the confusion IMO.

However, I feel it a slap in my face when I see some of those extremely poor players destroying my games. What are they doing here? Why do I have to work my butt off to stay at my rank or - god forbid - climb, and then they are here? Like what? How did you get here?

And maybe most important of all: Am I really as bad as that guy?

The system just doesn’t make sense.

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yes they def know from their data the extent to which rng impacts your games. they should be transparent about how much grinding players should expect to do to overcome the influence of rng.

Oh but I have. I have played since release with amongst other your “advice” in the back of my head.

But too many games are simply out of your control for it to make sense.

And now with extreme queue times for especially DPS it is all but impossible to make up for the RNG.

Then why I managed to climb from gold to T500 on multiple accounts since release?

Idk maybe you don’t play enough, usually when I saw big SR jumps for my friends or me it was when we played a ton one season, I’m talking over 200 games.

Well, if you are several levels above, you will trivially climb, as you can hard-carry your way out. That is not possible when you get closer to your own level.

Then there is the thing with higher levels, where things get more structured, and people don’t throw (at least to the same degree).
I have watched Kabaji play unranked to GM several times, and his hardest times is in Plat, whereas it gets easier and easier as he gets up, to Diamond, Master and finally GM, simply because people play in a more reliable way, they communicate etc.

I remember how Apple had to rewrite their shuffle to be less random because people complained it had a pattern.

Wow, you are so clever.

I wasn’t tho, I got better and climbed over 3 years from gold to t500. It wasn’t trivial at all.