Competitive is just not fun anymore

Hey do you like everything to be one sided and never actually be competitive and lose all the time because of teammates?

Then play competitive.


Time to take a break, friend.


I took like a 3 month break from competitive, it’s somehow worse than before.


During those 3 months your skills deteriorated while everyone else improved. You’re rusty and behind. Shake the rust off and work on improving.

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The funny thing is I’m better, the game is just zero fun and Seagull’s complaints are right on point


Then why are you “losing all the time”?

Then why are you playing it? Why are you posting on the forums? Just play something that you think is fun!


Nobody cares anymore. Balance patches and new meaningful content to make people care enough in comp to try are slow to nonexistent, no clear answers to if they’ll deal with comps multiple issues, it’s just a bunch of people not trying in a team based comp mode that has had problems that should have been fixed months ago.


The devs priorities aren’t on fixing issues in comp as much as we’d like due to OWL and other resources being allocated elsewhere throughout the company. There is that big update Jeff mentioned at Blizzcon to look forward to next year, maybe some comp improvements will come with that. Until then… endure I suppose.

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i hope role q will help

Just uninstall the game and move on. Comp has been bad since near its inception, and the fact that after 12 seasons its nigh exactly the same system is more than enough proof. I swear its like quitting smoking, but after you get over the first week of withdrawal, you’ll realize the game is a waste of time and really isn’t enjoyable when compared to the competition. There’s nothing fun about 50/50 coinflip matches (where only 8 heroes are viable above Diamond) that are lost based on who you get matched up with. Someone should make a Days without Role Queue and Days with GOATS Counter.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


I hear ya and I’m done with comp for the year.
Thank god Smash Bros is out :blush:

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I just started playing again and it took 2 matches before I remembered why I hate this game and closed it. Smurfs, throwers and general game play. This game feels like playing Rock Paper Scissors. Between matchmaking, and what characters must be played. This game isn’t fun at all anymore.

What really gets me is that Blizzard claims to hate the “toxicity” in OW, yet has created one of the most toxic games in existence, where the method of winning / being successful PROMOTES toxicity. I’m done hoping it’ll get better, this game hasn’t been fun for a long time.

Yeah, Blizz needs to realize that it’s their crappy, punishing, rigged system that’s made the player base toxic.

You expect us to just be happy about losing SR due to some random leaver?
You expect us not to notice when a switch flips and suddenly you’re getting horrible teammates for 6 games straight?

I really enjoy hitting 52% win rate and then hitting a wall until i’m forced back down to EXACTLY 50%. Literally, my record is 152-152-8 (on my main)

Wow, what uncannily perfect matchmaking.

Yeah, BS rigged matchmaking you can see it working hard to stick losers on your team if you win too much, and magically your team knows how to group up if you get “too low.”

Forced winning streaks are not fun either. Yay. Game gave me better teammates to put me back to 50%. Fun.


67% winrate over about 8 hours. On Lucio this season but ya know forced 50%

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Coming back and being rusty doesn’t fix the awful matchmaking balance against smurfs in lower elos. Don’t forget awful throwing teammates.

This game is getting worse every month

Coming back rusty doesn’t help win, neither does complaining on the forums about losing. The only thing that helps you win is improving yourself.

Yeah that’s all well and good, but reality isn’t sunshine and rainbows where “improving” can heavily counteract the weight of what a gamble comp is. Improving won’t save you from thrower after thrower after thrower after thrower.

Again explain my win rate then.

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Still calibrating or luck, obviously?

Neither, false dichotomy.