Competitive is just not fun anymore

wait for your next 8 hours :wink:

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Guys dont forget blizzard are working on something and we dont know what is it it can be a thing to fix the rank,guild,role q etc… (sorry for my english)

I disagree. They said they weren’t having fun. Why play a game which you don’t enjoy? Also, when people aren’t having fun they’re not as fun to play with. Why would you want them to keep playing?

I guess you didn’t make it to my followup post.

I got there after I posted. :wink:

I left my post there for the last bit about them not being fun to play with. I just wanted to point out that if they’re not having it’s not only better for them not to play but it’s also better for us. We don’t want them bringing down our mood.

100% agree. The game sucks. After playing two days, and losing 80+% of the time no matter if it was a LFG group or random. The smurfs have ruined the game - making it pretty much hell to even try.

I can’t say it enough, the game sucks.

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Pretty rough having smurfs who aren’t throwing to stay low rank on the other team in 4 out of every 5 matches.

Even more so since there are simply that many smurfs that the better smurfs are on the opposition team in every one of those matches. (ie the matchmaker putting the trash smurfs on your team).

Or could it just be you?

Totally possible. Very improbable. But possible.

I’m looking at your stats right now, and neither smurfs nor your teammates are causing you to have a losing record. You’re constantly playing heroes you don’t do that well on. I understand that you enjoy playing Pharah, but if you want to win more, you should consider switching up your hero pool. That, or watch some higher rank players and learn from how they play her.

Comp is not for fun, you want to have fun as a priority? Go to quickplay or arcade, comp is for people to buckle down and get serious and put in 110%, in comp your #1 priority should be to win

I honestly agree, I can’t play a single game without somebody intentionally throwing, leaving, being incredibly toxic, which in turn drives my own irritation and toxicity up. I haven’t played a game where I’ve felt like the game was actually competitive and not just a one sided snowball on either side, sometimes it actually being both sides because both teams are absolutely braindead including myself some days. Competitive has lost the competitive play and any type of play no matter what rank you’re at has a plethora of easily avoidable problems that the devs simply don’t devote the time to fixing or even coming up with a solution to the problem. Ranking should not be devoted entirely to wins and losses after your placements, your placements and the rest of the ranking system should be ranked based on your ability in game, such as your ability to use a certain characters kit and how you affect others with that kit, if you’re using a sombra’s hack on a high value character on the enemy team, you should be getting recognition for that, the same as a reinhardt charging in and displacing 5 people should get recognition for that as well. The game doesn’t rank you based on your skill, otherwise even if you lost, if you played amazingly, you would still rank up. It ranks you based on your team experience with other people who either don’t care about, or don’t have any experience with a team setting. This also means newer players can just pop up in a game that they just finished the promos from and ruin a streak or even just the first game you play in a day. There are so many problems with the competitive matchmaking, as well as how the matching actually functions, and they can’t even manage to figure out how to rank people properly. The overwatch devs need to take a definite look at the state of competitive and actually rework it so you’re not completely screwed if you happen to get placed with actual stupid people, or people who have no plan to actually play cooperatively and competitively. Rant Over

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So you say “Play different hero’s”… lmao…

Sure only teammates are the problem,u are perfect,u should be top500

Why did you necrobump…

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