Comp match failed to join, 10 minute suspension

In a 5 stack group & we queued for comp match, after a few minutes in the queue it said joining game then backed out to menus before the match loaded it canceled back to the menus and gave our entire group an sr decrease and a 10 minute suspension.


Part of this group here. Can provide all usernames and blizz numbers. One teammate got an 8 hour ban.

If you want to troubleshoot connection issues, please edit and move your post to #technical-support and include the requested WinMTR.

As for your SR, Blizzard does not make any adjustments to it, regardless of cause. More info here: Overwatch Technical Issues, SR Loss, and Leaver Penalties

The issue of the thread starter does not sound like a connection issue to me as it would be a massive coincidence if all 5 players of the same group had connection issues at the same time.

I also experienced similar issues in the past. I was queuing and while waiting, I was playing in skirmish mode. The game found a match and it went back to the menu to join the found match. After a few seconds, it canceled joining the match and continued searching for a match again instead. Sometimes I got an error message, sometimes I didn’t.

Yes, that’s exactly what happened to our group. It’s a Blizzard server issue as it’s highly unlikely all 5 of us would have the same failed to connect at the same time given none of us live anywhere near each other (not even same country for some).
And to hear that Blizzard support wont do anything for their software/servers glitching like that is a little disheartening.