Comp FFA Still Not Over. 19 Hours Overdue

I’m glad its over now, that mode was awful.

Tdm is better

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it was supposed to end? damn i never finished my placements fml

What were you waiting for?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was busy. I also checked the comp mode to see how many days were left like the normal comp. usually it says you have x days until it’s over. I think CTF did it too

I think because it was mentioned that the FFA comp would start and end together with anniversary, so a timer wasn’t “technically” needed unlike TDM. That said, Blizz needs to be specific about exactly what time the event ends and not just give a date.

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oh dang. I missed that. I really hope it’s still there when I get home then

It’s already over. Ended more than 12 hours ago, I believe.

welp that’s my luck alright. my 7 leaf clover does nothing at all

I dropped out of the top500 after the event ended too. I got the t500 rewards and everything. But the leaderboard kept shifting somehow? I watched as my rank slowly went down, down, down until it was out of the t500 even after the event was already over.

That sounds quite odd

I watched you, myself, and 30+ others drop out as well.

Not sure what caused it, maybe decayed players reappearing or something?

scroll just a little up to my post, there’s a link to a post, that says “competitive 6v6 elimination keeps sliding down after closing mode”.
they have not done arcade competitive leaderboards the right way