Community/dev thoughts on this rework for Cassidy nade?

I don’t know if anyone really likes magnetic grenade, neither victims of Cassidy nor Cassidy players themselves, so how about this?

Damage reduced from 131 to 85 with no falloff
Cooldown reduced from 10 to 6 seconds
Change the ability from a homing missile to a thrown projectile that instantly explodes (yes, like old flashbang but without the stun before anyone gets PTSD)

Reasons this would be good for Playing against Cassidy:

  1. He will no longer be able to bodyshot + magnade & kill 200hp heroes
  2. He will no longer be able to magnade + headshot & kill 250hp heroes
  3. He will no longer be able to Mercy damage boosted bodyshot + damage boosted magnade & kill 250hp heroes
  4. No more having the nade track you from across the map (exaggerating) even though it seemed like you should be out of range of it

Reasons this would be good for Playing as Cassidy :

  1. Bodyshot + magnade grenade isn’t even good half the time, the enemy just needs to be healed for 2hp to survive it before detonation
  2. He would be able to headshot + nade 225hp heroes for a quick kill in close range (good for skill expression and not something low ranks will be able to abuse frequently since it requires a headshot)
  3. It would combo well with FtH for a quick burst of 385 damage in close range
  4. It would still deter flankers, as it would chunk Tracer for over half of her HP allowing him to bodyshot her, and it would put Genji within headshot threshold range if carefully placed outside of deflects hitbox
  5. With Mercy damage boost only this would allow him to flashbang + bodyshot in close range (it does 202 damage) however this is obviously preventable with abilities like suzu/immo field/overhealth or healable if the Cassidy player doesn’t hit both at the same exact time

Your thoughts? I’ll possibly update this as the conversation progresses

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It would need a range increase to 20m, with 0 detonation time. It would need to be a burst and not a sticky grenade.

Magnetic grenade is balanced having 10m and detonation time.

No it would not. That would be way too much range and too good.

Flashbang used to have a 0.35s detonation time, that would probably be fine. A 10m effective radius is plenty on an easy to land AoE ability that allows him to headshot 225hp heroes for a confirmed kill

Flashbang was strong because of CC, what you’re suggesting would be the worst ability in the game next to widow mine zzzz

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Did you even read the entire post?

He would be able to

  1. Nade + headshot all 225hp heroes in close range on a 6 second cooldown
  2. Damage boosted bodyshot + damage boosted nade 200hp heroes in close range on 6 second cooldown
  3. Bodyshot Tracer after hitting her with nade

How would it be bad?

Just to inform you that that guy is cryin in every post about buffing Cree, so the only “good” Cree rework would be if he could one shot enemy from 50m.
So your arguments you present him are like agrumenting that hog was op when Flats was cryin for more buffs for him.

Overoll change is ok, the nade range can Stay at it is now, te CD could be reduced to 8 or Stay at it is.


I was thinking about spike bomb, it works like a suzu/nade but in the ‘splash’ radius theres slowing down spikes that deal some dmg.
So you throw it, it hit ground, explode, live spikes, only one bomb can be pleaced at once.
Deal IDK 10dmg for 10s, slows down 20-30%
CD 10s.

Yup that works to.
I mean if he successfuly chatach the torget so the hitboxes can’t be forgetable like Orisa javelin (its big like wrecking Ball).

That would be useless against heroes without movement abilities. Bad design.

That’s good design, if the idea is for it to be anti-mobility, without overly penalizing slower heroes that aren’t using mobility skills.

Part of the reason they got rid of Flashbang is that it was too effective on immobile enemies.

They got rid of flashbang because tanks were crying about it, now tanks have CC and bully everyone.

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And a Bolas would work against mobility tanks, while doing hardly anything to immobile tanks.

oh yeah just let me throw this ability at a tank for it to do nothing while they destroy me. Great idea dude.

Yup, meanwhile it would do wonders against Dive Tanks and Flankers.

That said, even against Immobile Tanks it would still make it easier for Cassidy to land headshots on them.

Since they can’t displace their head hitbox by ducking and jumping.

Granted, maybe instead of a Slow, they could do something to limit ADAD spam.

If I’m being honest with you, how do you think this would be good?

You’re proposing an ability that requires immense amount of skill or being pocketed with damage boost to be remotely valuable. This is just OW1 flashbang with no stun but extra damage, but the stun was the entire value of OW1’s flashbang. Having 85 damage when in close proximity to another hero (mind you, you can miss and throw it past them) is just laughably useless.

I agree completely with AKJ above - this would be literally seconded only to venom mine for the worst ability in the game.

Damage boosted bodyshot + damage boosted nade would kill 200hp heroes barring a life saving ability, that’s pretty good
Headshot + nade kills all 225hp heroes and below, that’s pretty good
385 damage coupled with FtH is pretty good
Putting Tracer in bodyshot range is pretty good
Being able to get past Genji deflect when aimed correctly to allow a followup headshot for a kill would be pretty good

And it’s only on a 6 second cooldown

Is this… a bad thing? Since when does the community not want more abilities that require skill to get value out of?

I figured it was a pretty good number for breakpoints, but if you think the radius would need to be larger or the damage increased then by all means. I just figured this was a good middleground for both Cassidy players and Cassidy haters

Considering the very common scenarios I described it being very useful in with just a 6 second scenario, I disagree. Capable of confirming kills on all heroes 250hp and below

Needing a damage boost/pocket to do what mag grenade already does

Needing more skill to accomplish the same thing mag grenade already does, except now I can kill an enemy mccree as well in one hit if I land a crit.

Objectively worse than mag grenade

Instant detonation helps for sure, but any good tracer will be able to recall from this damage as well. It would be a niche scenario where this would be an advantage.

I think you can already throw mag grenade over his head for splash damage, but nonetheless, trading the ability to get in an extra 85 damage early for needing to land a headshot to kill him sounds significantly worse. As long as you dont throw mag nade at him while deflecting, a followup stick+body shot is WAY easier than landing a headshot. I would consider this matchup a nerf.

Unless you’re constantly playing next to the enemy this isn’t really a big deal. Higher cooldown with more impact is way better than a garbage move on a lower cooldown.

Yes, but magnade is heat seeking which sucks for those hit by it and also sucks for Cassidy players because it can just be outhealed before detonation which I already stated

Except it’s a much larger AoE and on a shorter cooldown

Yes 385 damage is worse than 431 damage, but a 6 second cooldown and instant explosion is better than a 10 second cooldown with delayed explosion

Cassidy can animation cancel the nade into a bodyshot, he could pretty much instantly kill her

I think 85 damage with instant explosion on a 4 second shorter cooldown would be better in some areas and worse in others. This is in no way a straight nerf, it’s a buff in several scenarios, and this is coming from someone who has played plenty of Cassidy and even been accused by trolls as a “Cassidy abuser” (even though 90% of my playtime on him is from the first few years of OW1, didn’t play him much by the time he started getting buffs at the end of OW1) so it’s not like I’m biased against him

Also, I edited my last reply, feel free to respond to the edit

So, you throw it out and it reaches a certain distance and auto detonates for 85+ damage? I suppose it can work? Maybe that’s all the game needs instead of something convoluted or complicated, but it does just seem a bit boring. I hope the developers could create something with more visual flair? idk