Community hypocrisy when it comes to tanks

well considering that was a whole 2 years before the 50% ult charge reduction…

It would be a nice change for tanks I agree. Not for anyone else…who will be Hog’s main targets anyway :wink:

I mentioned Rein recent buffs and OW2 dmg changes. Idk if that counts for you?

it really wouldnt change much how much are your dps dying to hog without a hook combo…

Not sure if you remember last time Hog had 7 dmg. He was dominating the ladder even more than people complain about him now. But you’re still ignoring the Rein changes.

I guarantee Blizzard would delete this and then nerf Mei three more times because the Tracer mains breathed in a slightly disapproving way after making this change.


you mean the changes that pretty much every rein player said were useless and unwarrented? yeah great he does 10 more dmg still struggles to get anywhere to use it

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Damage creep and healing creep can both be real issues. In fact, they are.

Never forget that when the game launched, no hero had burst healing that wasn’t an Ultimate ability. The only way to be burst healed was for someone to use an Ultimate or to run to a health pack. Then they gave Ana burst heals on her primary fire and the arms race began.

That doesn’t mean burst damage isn’t also an issue though. It just means both mechanics are busted.


man just said dva is damage creep with a straight face

D.Vas missiles are a good example of how they’ve continued to add burst damage to the game where in places where it didn’t exist at launch.


bruh that was 5 years ago

It’s been an issue for years.

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Dumbest take I’ve seen in the forums. :roll_eyes:

micro missles are an issue? lol those arent damage creep, soldier and ashe are damage creep

I mean you can pick others? Multiple pin last ExC was popular and I’ve seen people wanting it to come live. The shatter direct hit buff. Two fire strikes.

yeah so rein can compete with the damage meta lol nerf ranged dmg rein doesnt need poke

I think you said that no one wants tank dmg to be buffed. I’m just saying there are plenty of rein dmg buffs that are popular.

yes because dps have shown that they will refuse any type of nerf tanks want to be compensated so they are at the same power level

yeah whatever. So do you concede that there are tank players that do in fact want more dmg then?

The solution is nerfing dps and especially zenyatta. Discord makes playing tank so miserable. You don’t need 5v5 to fix queue times. You need to make tank a fun role. I’ve legit been losing games nonstop because my role, main tank, just doesn’t exist.

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Then do explain why Hog Sigma D.Va are the most popular tanks?
Could it be because they kill things and have good damage?

Or why Ana Bap Zen are the most popular supports? SHOOTING.

Mercy is the only real exception.

People want to play the shooter game with abilities. So making the tanks brawlers (that still do the job of tanks) who play the shooter game with their own abilities, is the best thing to do.