Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

That includes her ranged poke damage. She’s got unlimited ammo which encourages players to spam her M1 for utterly terrible damage.

Whenever I say that we have bad data, this is what I’m talking about. Blizzard has the ability to filter the data they look at by things like…

Engagement Range
Average Hours Played as [Hero]


D.Va’s average dps is 60? Not when she’s trying to be effective. The best numbers we get are going to lump in all the ineffective-but-better-than-nothing poke damage with it which means the 60 dps figure you state is utterly worthless.

D.Va’s DPS is far higher than 60 when it counts. Your argument just happens to look better if it were true, which is why you cling to it.

In D.Va’s primary range band, which is where you know you want to be when you’re actually looking to score a kill, you will NOT be doing 60 dps. If you are, you’re terrible, and also probably throwing the game on purpose.

https:// us.forums.blizzard .com/en/overwatch/t/jjonak-gets-22-seconds-dragonstrike-recharge-with-new-storm-arrows/107527/2?u=arthur-13321

^see… ppl started to ask for zarya nerf.
poor tank players…

If you lose a 1v1 to Brig as Reinhardt, you’re a pretty bad reinhardt. You have twice her health and literally do twice her DPS. Also, you have an insta-kill attack in your charge if you can manage to land it where she has nothing of the sort.

Rein has every advantage. All brig can do is force his shield down with her stun.

RH = roadhog.
(20 characters)

I understand. The booster nerf kinda still feels weird. But the rocket nerf was a good one.

Regardless, I think in this meta D.Va isn’t that great, but once Hanzo and Brigitte get their nerfs I honestly think she’s pretty balanced.

My concern with an unnerf is that she’ll end up being too good once those changes go through and then we’ll have to start the whole “nerf D.Va” cycle all over again. I don’t want to go through that again when she’s actually in a balanced state, or at least will be once the PTR changes go through.

He was joking though. But I bet someone says it seriously soon enough.

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Your post is just pure fabulation.
You’re like someone watching the horizon and saying “The Earth is flat.”
There is zero way to verify anything you say.
The 60DPS value already ignores useless poke anyway, since it’s a 35% accuracy. Keep in mind those are shotguns, and a lot of pellets are going to miss unless you’re shooting a tank.

Fair enough.

As for Roadhog…

Roadhog is very well equipped to deal with Brig, IMO.

He’s got enough health that she cannot kill him easily, and deals quite the punch with his popgun that, funnily enough, ignores almost all of it’s downsides when hitting her shield since the barrier is such a large target. 150 damage per shot means her shield is gone in 4 shots, and a 155 damage burst means she can only deal 1/4th of his health before dropping to ~60 dps while she waits for cooldowns. The 5-6 second CD on shield bash gives a patient hog an eternity to huff paint for health during which she has nothing to break it with and no burst with which to kill him through his 50% DR.

If he can break her shield, her wide hitbox is a perfect hook target, and her limited range means she ain’t getting away unless Hog lets her or her team peels for her. Unfortunately for Brig, she is most likely her teams peeler hero so…who peels for the peeler? She’s more than likely to not have anyone who can stop Hog from reeling her in and killing her while her shield is down.

Also, her shield doesn’t protect from the side, so if she doesn’t give Hog her full attention during a teamfight, he can peel her off of his teammates with his hook fairly easily and take out a huge chunk of her health.

His only complaint is the armor she gives people, but with the spammy nature of his nerfed pop-gun, armor doesn’t last long against him. Then it’s just business as usual.

He’s like a walking, talking brillo-pad that cleans off armor and charges ultimate.

If you don’t let her stun you out of your heal. What Hog cannot do with an enemy brig on the board, is go play fat-flanker. She will isolate you and punish you for it. But if Hog stays with his team’s Orisa or Rein he counters her pretty hard as long as you’re not an idiot with the paint-huffing.


…that’s not how that works.

I thought that adding the “To answer seriously” was enough to show that it was a joke.
Guess not.

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If 22% accuracy has a lot of trash damage, then 35% accuracy has much less trash damage.
See, I too can make claims with no way to back them up.

I’m a tank player too, and Zarya is one of my favourite characters in the game. I also believe that she wasn’t op with 50 energy per bubble.

I was just using OP’s logic against him, as a joke, because noone ever says that Zarya is op, and especially her ult charge.

…they should nerf zarya because of the high pickrate.
i think that’s what ppl said about DVA last season. The dev, unfortunately, didn’t take that as a joke.

No, people wanted to nerf D.Va because she had both super mobility and a combo that simply removed a squishy.
I agree with that nerf. It’s not like she’s useless by any means now.

So you want to nerf her because she ISNT trash?

This is the insane mentality here. People just simply hate the character for doing her job. No one complains about soldier’s burst damage? So why is an easier to hit version that needs to get up to your face such an issue?

It’s time to stop this foolishness.

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I don’t want to nerf her.
I’m just saying that the nerft that got through a few months ago was fine.

The only thing I’m not okay with was the booster nerf. That made no sense Imo.

I was on board with the missile nerf if it kept everyone from crying about it in game and out but it doesn’t seem to be the case with a lot of people (not saying you specifically)

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The booster nerf was unexpected, but, to be honest, they said that it was on the PTR for a while, they just forgot to mention it.
Noone noticed it, I think it’s not that big of a deal.

how long has you spend on PTR?
they didn’t mention it in patch note and they expect ppl to check and find out ourselves?

Wa La, surprise!

last time i wait for more than 5 mins just to try the new hanzo in ptr in a quickplay… and stop the wait and get out of the game.

unnecessery hidden nerf.
if it’s not a big deal, reverse the nerf.

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I’m sure that you didn’t notice it either if you played her on the PTR.
It’s really not significant.