Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

So you’d rather have someone delete you from a very safe position, using one arrow which you can’t really avoid (especially now that it’s logs again), instead of someone putting themselves in danger, using all their abilities, basically dead if they fail ?

Her cannons do way more damage than that.

11 pellets per shot, 0.6-2 damage per pellet, 6.64 shots per second.

So, assuming perfect everything we’re talking about 11 * 2 * 6.64 = 146.08 damage per second.

Of course, there’s no way you’re getting that. It’s an unreasonable assumption. However if you’re good at tracking your targets, and within her 10m max range before falloff (which she DOES have the mobility to stay in if it’s where she wants to be) 100-120 dps is not unreasonable for short periods against certain targets.

She’ll deal less damage almost universally against tracer, for instance…

And I actually under-stated her potential missile damage. It’s 11 missiles per second, with a 7 damage direct hit and up to 4 splash. Direct hit damage is not separate from splash. It’s in addition to, just like every other explosive projectile in the game. So assuming perfect aim we’re talking a max of 121 dps with missiles.

Of course, that’s also unreasonable since they are difficult to hit with consistently. So you can easily cut that in half.

However, that’s still a 160-200 damage burst potential depending on your target.

If you’re good with D.Va, she does hands-down more damage than brigitte. Especially once Brigitte has spent her combo and has to wait for cooldowns. Her sustained DPS is pitiful compared to D.Va’s. It’s literally around half what you can get with D.Va so don’t go trying to claim that Brigitte has better damage than D.Va.

She doesn’t.

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1 is a 200hp hero with limited mobility.

Dva is a 600hp dive tank with a spike damage combo that could delete almost every squishy in the game while her booster damage was at 30, a field that eats projectiles, and I have to kill her twice which meant that even when I did when the duel and pop her out of mech more often than not im so low on health I die to baby dva’s pea shooter anyways.

So yes. I would much rather deal with Hanzo than a basically 600 health DPS

from here we can tell how logical your thought is.

My thought that Dva is fine how she is right now and doesnt need her booster damage back because that combo was a pain, and now I dont get deleted as soon as she sees me?

She absolutely does not need to be buffed. D.Va has been overpowered for far too long. The nerfs she received were all necessary.

Brigitte needs nerfs. This will help D.Va… but in no way should D.Va be buffed.

Can we not go like 1 month without changing I don’t care if it’s a buff or nerf, just stop please.

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She’s already low dps. The problem with countering divers is that they are created to do their job fast. That leaves very little room for counterplay. The only options are to halt the dive in progress instantly, completely out heal the incoming dive, or kill the divers before they can execute.

Brigitte has shieldbash/Whipshot for the first.

She sort of does the second with the overheal armor that really does that job.

And she can only do the third one to tracer.

The high amount of control divers have over a situation thanks to mobility is what makes it impossible to design a counter to them that isn’t oppressive.

u dont get deleted as soon as she see u.
but u will have a chance to get killed if u are out of position.
Dva can never oneshot kill anyone.

So all those times I got rushed by her in comp and died was just my imagination huh?

Dva’s DPS is low by itself. But combined with her bullets, her missles, her mech damage, and her melee-- it was enough for her to kill a squishy just by rushing them.

I would know. I’ve been both on the giving AND receiving end of that. Playing as her and playing against her.

Right now she is fine. She still does her job as a dive tank but cant just ram into someone and bulletspam-melee them to death like she used to

You’re messing Burst damage with DPS. Of course D.Va’s burst is high, but when you said her DPS was high, you were wrong.

One can do it from safety every 1 second. The other has to put herself in danger and can do it at best every 10-12 second.
Yeah, I think you’re weird.

This is probably where you and I differ on opinion. I think that Brigitte is a necessity in some extent, but I dotn think she shoudl be a CQC goddess, or she should be able to beat winston/DVa in a 1v1, even as theyre divers.

I dnot agree DVa could just delete anyone without issue, but for the sake of argument, lets say that is 100% true, and its true cause shed go in and pop everything and boop, targets dead.

So why is it necessary for Brigitte to outtrade DVa? The solution to the Dive problem wouldve simply been create a support that cant be insta-killed by DVa/Winston by being tanky to jsut survive an extended period of time where its impractical to dive her? If DVa dives in on Brigitte, blows all the CDs, and Brigitte is still alive with her barrier, DVa is in trouble. She is on CD, failed to do her job, and is not behind enemy lines.

A support should not effectively outtrade a Tank, particularly damage orientated tanks like DVa.

As i pointed out above, I think DVa’s nerfs may not have been justified with the changes to Hanzo and the addition of Brigitte. Im not saying we should un-nerf DVa now, but that the issue lies more with outside facets rather than just DVa. Given her pre-nerf kit, I still hazard she wouldve fallen hard in pickrates with Hanzo and Brigitte changes.


this is my point all along.
ppl complaint about her high pickrate, asking for nerf… they dont realized that tank hero picks are highly due to meta/team combo.
zarya didn’t get changed… you didnt see her as much last season and ppl asked for her buff.

How often do we see her this season (without any change on her)? do you wanna nerf her now?

Same thing apply to all other tanks.


Sorry, she has a 49.20% WR, that’s still really good compared to every other dive character other than zen.

Hey, you’re the one who tried to claim that Brigitte does more damage than D.Va. I’m trying to prove that you’re wrong (and I did, BTW).

Because you sited brigitte’s burst combo (that how she does 155 damage), I compared it to D.Va’s burst. That way it’s a fair comparison, and D.Va wins.

Sustained, D.Va still wins. Easily, since Brigitte’s sustained DPS is only around 60 while D.Va’s is around 100 (with a longer range) if you know what you’re doing with spikes up to a max of 146, not counting headshots (which Brigitte cannot get).

Just, your claim is demonstrably false in every way.

yea, you are right…if Brig. is dumb enough not to put up her shield and never stun u. (u know u can’t attack when you are stunned, right?)

if you play Brig right, she can take down a full health RH.
DVA? lol… yummy lunch. (well, i would fly away…)

After all, you have to look at the full picture:
does it even make sense to use dva when rein/zarya/brig is in opponent team?
if you have a rein in your team, he would suffer like hell in the front without zarya bubble; DM cannot block melee attacks.
3rd tank w/ DVA, your team dps is now in question…

No I didn’t. You said she had 190DPS, I proved it was false.

Again I didn’t.

Saying that D.Va’s real sustained DPS is 100 is false, when every metric we have (we do have her average accuracy and headshots) clearly show that value to be ~60.
Hell, I used an average accuracy of 35% in my calculations, which is way above the average available on Overbuff (22%, and 30% is already 98th percentile…).
With 22% accuracy/8% headshots, we get 40DPS…

I get what you’re saying, but Brigitte isn’t a counter because she herself doesn’t get killed by them. She’s a counter because she prevents them from killing anyone on her team. Dive Widow? Armor kit back to full hp and widow grapples. Dive Mercy? Armor kit back to full hp, Mercy GA’s, and Brigitte intercepts the divers and kills them. The scenario plays out the same for any high value target. Brigitte armor kits them to full, then intercepts and peels for them. That’s why she’s a counter, and that’s how you counter dive.

They tried doing it with a hero who could just protect herself. That hero is Moira and she’s great, but what happens is Divers just pick a different target and whittle that way. It doesn’t matter that they would fail to dive a Moira because no hero is strong enough to come back from a 5v6 or worse.

And I absolutely don’t have a problem with Brigitte demolishing D.Va or Winston in a duel.

I think Overbuff’s stats updated. When I looked earlier it was 48.something. Regardless, looking now Genji, Zen, and Mercy (so half of dive) still have a better win rate. Tracer is at 48.05%. Winston is by far the worst suffering of the group.

And if you look at higher ranks where Dive was really popular, the only dive hero with a worse win-rate than D.Va right now is Winston. Even Tracer is doing better there.

Again, I’m not making a case that D.Va needs a buff. I’m against that.

see how unreasonable ppl thoughts are…
and i am not asking for buff. I am asking for un-nerf.