Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

well, im playing with dva at this season and she’s really fine! Maybe the boosters should deal more dms, but the micro-missles are dealing a fair amount of damage, comparing to the initial damage.

I’m doing very well with her hehehe

If you read the actual post you’d know why. Might wanna try that instead of picking one line.

Dva is fine.

Really dont miss getting oneshot by her missle/booster/bullets/melee combo everytime I touch point

yea and hanzo is hogging the toy and refusing to share it with anyone

pick tracer= throw
pick genji= throw
pick soldier = throw
pick pharah=throw
pick every other dps= throw

cuz you lose 1 pillars of the dragon grav that greatly determines which team wins right now and if you replace one of the 3 support slot you pretty much has to die in a dragon grav because it take 2 support ults to hold that

no where in the past 9 season we have a hero that hogs the kind of spotlight

It doesn’t explain anything since right after dive became meta, the balance changes were nerfs to its counters (mainly Roadhog).
All the heroes I cited were viable in dive from Feb 2017 to last month.

Calling the “missle/booster/bullets/melee” a “one-shot”… That’s over 20 shots…
Instead now, you get actually one-shot by Hanzo from halfway through the map.


While i dont think DVa needs a Buff or de-nerf at the moment, I think there is something people are undervaluing here.

Brigittes existence in ranked has shifted the meta. She may not be a high pick, but her prevalence has had a big effect on how the game is played. You can argue balance on the idea of Cooldowns and the like, but frankly, Brigittes ability to hard stun (among a few other benefits) have pushed DVa and Winston out of picks, hard.

I doubt the nerfs proposed will undo any of that. Im not advocating for Dive, but rather just illustrating that nerfs to Brigitte in the fashion they currently are will not ‘balance’ things. Her being a thing pretty much means Winston/DVa as tanks are SoL.

Consider this: Rein is currently sitting at 11% pickrate in GM Comp for the 1 month avg, and 14% for the weekly avg (though skewed).

DVa was portrayed as being ultra OP and needing to be nerfed asap at 10% pickrates. Are we going to start arguing Rein needs to be nerfed? Or is it separate factors assisting in his high pickrate.

If you choose the latter over the former, you are arguing the same argument some of us were arguing: DVa’s strong because of Dive, not because she was OP. Outside factors are making her an ideal pick.

Now that Dive is ‘dead’, her pickrate is 4-5%. Its almost like some of us were kind of right.


Like others said she still works in lower elo, mostly cause lower elos can’t do the broken meta Zarya/Rein/Hanzo/Mercy/brig/zen very well, she even works in plat (currently dropped to low plat from almost diamond) she works fine but the higher you are she’s nothing but an ult charge for zarya/hanzo her only good thing for her is the ability to eat grav but that’s way too hard to do and rarely happens.

She can’t kill anything with triple support they’ll heal each other hindering you useless and dying after you’ve used everything, you can’t stick in the back and just shoot stuff, Rein/Brig/Zarya can block your ult so that’s also not in your favor at all… You were able to eat Hanzos scatter now he just holds on his shots when you DM and then spams them.

I don’t know man this meta is so unfun, like I’m an okay Rein main so I can fit in, but still it’s not enjoyable to play at all.

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i think rein is so needed because he is the only bottle neck against grav+dragon right now.

without him zarya will go nuts and charge her ult to be in sync with hanzo ult.
my estimate right now with rein is that zarya charge at around 50% rate of hanzo full ult generation since hanzo can climb and esp+storm arrow and almost always get someone, or the famous brig stun>storm arrow rein’s face

Zarya wasn’t even played during dive meta. She was in the same spot as RH.

And during tank meta, only Rein was the shield. Winston hasn’t his shield buff yet. Orisa and Brigitte didn’t exist.
And the main dps was RH, not Soldier.

I also agree, no hero should be meta every season. That’s not normal. Being versatile has nothing to do with being so good you can be played even when your hard counters are finally meta.

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don’t think of it as damage, think of it as

  • boop power
  • boop counter
  • ultimate disruption
  • get-out-of-dodge free card
  • protect-your-healer ability
  • the power to disorient the enemy team

…and much more. Be creative! :smiley:

I havent kept up 100% with the PTR or current patch notes,

But far as I remember, neither Zarya or Rein were buffed to any real extent. Infact, it was argued they needed buffs.

In steps Brigitte along with a Hanzo rework, and both of these tanks are suddenly high demand. Now this isnt necessarily a ‘bad’ thing. Its a decent way to get new picks going. Rather, I am in teh mind to make it very clear that high pick rates arent always cause the champ is “OP”. Rein being a high pick right now clearly demonstrates that, when 2 months ago it was “Rein is being left behidn and needs buffs urgently!”

Dva’s nerfs may have been unwarranted considering Brigittes intro and Hanzo’s rework. And nerfs to Brigitte wont likely change the pickrates that much. Though Id rather wait and see what things average out to first before making balance changes. That was also an argument a lot of us were pushing when people were clamouring for DVa nerfs based on pick rates. Let brigitte and changes to other heroes happen first.

She was played, though not the best choice (out of King’s Row).

Doesn’t change the fact that we had Zarya/D.Va/Roadhog/Rein/Lucio/Ana comps.
As well as Zarya/Soldier/Roadhog/Rein/Lucio/Ana and D.Va/Soldier/Roadhog/Rein/Lucio/Ana.

Then same question: why were Zarya, Roadhog, Junkrat, Orisa, Soldier and Widowmaker viable during dive, when some of them are hard countered by it ?

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D.Va does ~190 dps with her guns + missiles. So you’re wrong on who does more burst.

Also, D.Va never reloads. Her dps is ~120 minimum while Brigitte’s is 155 on a combo. Her normal dps is only ~60.

So wrong on both claims.

honestly zarya and rein is fine
zarya is mostly there for shield break and grav and occasional kills since 3 support can usually negate her damage.

i think right now rein is in a spot where it is really really painful to play but is needed. he pretty much is more of a shield bot than before. ive seen rein trying to hammer and get bursted down by storm arrow before so his game play right now is right click and recharge shield with occasional firestrike from safety and hammer ult

Her max DPS, accounting 100% accuracy with missiles and canons, and accounting cooldowns, is 166.54.
Of course, accuracy is never 100% and is usually closer to 30-35%.
So D.Va’s DPS is usually around 60.

It’s not even triple support. It only takes Brigitte to invalidate her. 150 hp/armor from the healthkits undoes anything D.VA can do. Then D.Va dies without killing her target because Brigitte will kill her every time unless a Zarya bubble saves D.Va.

But, that’s why Brigitte was put in the game. As a counter to dive tanks like Winston/D.Va, and close ranged dps like Reaper, Tracer and Genji.

Id agree with this, but when a hero provides 0 opportunity for counter play, thats an issue. And Im not talking only about Brigitte. No hero should ever be in a position where they have 0 counter play to another hero.

Brigitte is pretty much the goddess of CQC. Tanky, a decent burst combo at close range, and a hard stun. As a support, she either should be tanky (which Im fine with), or have some burst with light CC. But shes getting the CC (utility), Sustain (tanky), and Damage (Burst) in one kit that makes engaging her impossible for heroes who are CQ based.

And DVas damage is pretty much only optimal at that range. Same with Winston (and probably even more so).

From a personal position, she should have some of that stripped and rebalanced. Making her hard to kill for Dives by being ultra tanky with CC should mean the trade is she doesnt deal damage effectively.

You know what Im talking about. How she’ll just rush you and slam her mech into you and all her missles and bullets hit you at once. That’s enough spike damage to delete a squishy.

I’d rather get sniped from halfway across the map than deal with that again.


No. actually she need something more… stop earting everything even if she is not looking at you when put the matrix.

You say that now.

And mind you, I remember the forums and the overall outrage when WM was ultra popular. People were pissed about that.

And when Road would OHK and the outrage behind that.

And now the outrage abotu DVa diving in and just ‘deleting’ every hero in the game with 100% impunity.

Im absolutely sure this time will be different though.

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