Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

When has she been op? Man this is hard, probably the whole year dive dominated. Where her pick rate was ridiculous in both the ladder and OWL.

You’d notice that, right now, Rein, Zarya, Hanzo and Zenyatta all have higher pickrates than D.Va ever had on the ladder.
Pickrate means nothing on its own, generally. People call Hanzo OP in Heroes of the Storm because he has a high pickrate, when he also has one of the lowest winrates.
Do you know why Hanzo is picked a lot in HotS ? Versatility…


they could just buff dva a different way by changing defense matrix so it overall has more uptime. I miss when dva was a defensive tank, but im glad she’s not just the bulky assassin anymore that she was

Winston is not bad.Do you even know what F-Tier means? BASTION SYMMETRA TORBJORN
In some lists also Mei and Sombra but they.arent original F Tier

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She doesn’t have a 50% win rate though. It’s below 50% overall and in 4 out of 7 tiers.

I don’t want her changed though because as soon as Brigitte gets her nerf then I think she will be balanced. We just need to be patient.

TL;DR D.Va doesn’t need changes, she’s fine y’all. Just wait for the PTR to go live. You’ll see.

yea at least when she was “op” she didnt take a crap on every other hero and force every other pick on ladder to play with and against her.

right now if you dont play around hanzo you are throwing

you know in the so called mercy meta at least you get to pick other crap


Hey, I don’t think that D.Va needs a change. I think she’s fine. But let’s use accurate information.

Overall, she’s the 3rd most played tank not the 2nd.

And her average winrate is 48.21%, that’s not just a hair under 50%.

She’s going to be fine because the PTR changes are going to reduce Brigitte play and D.Va doesn’t actually need changes just because she’s out of meta. She can still be effective.

Yeah clearly she didn’t assasinate every 200 HP hero with her ridiculous damage.

Are we forgetting dive was even more oppressive than the current meta when it first started to dominate? It was only after numerous balance changes it started to let more heroes in.

this meta is way more oppressive than every other 9 season combined because it effectively erases all other picks on ladder

stats show that

i rather play the so called dive because at least other heroes can do their own thing on ladder and not play around 1 hero

this meta is so dumb


Actually, this is false, they remain viable. They are not must pick, there is a difference.

Press H.

This is a straw man argument since you’re responding to an argument that OP never made, as if doing so discredits his real argument.

I don’t think D.Va has to be meta in every meta. But I’d like to see all tanks viable in every meta. There’s only 6 of them. It isn’t too much to ask to make all 6 of them viable even if there’s a clear meta choice right?

I do think D.Va is fine though. I think she is viable just not meta, unlike poor Roadhog who just flat isn’t viable right now.

hog isnt viable because he doesnt play around hanzo and feeds enemy hanzo/zarya charges…

right now if you play heroes that doesnt revolve around hanzo you lose

It was never more oppressive than dive.

Dive got better after it got balance changes. At the start it was even worse than this. this meta has less than a month. Of course it’s easy to call it bad when blizz hasnt started to balance it yet.

To be honest, I think he’s not super viable because of armor. If you add even a little armor to a hero, it really affects Hog. His hook combo ceases to be effective after Rally is used.

He was viable in the last meta, but both him and Winston are basically throw picks right now.

uh actually it is

right now hanzo hogs the toy and refuse to share it with ANYONE

all other dps heroes are crap because hanzo occupies 2 slots
all other tanks except two has to play around him cuz he is hogging the cake
all other support has to play with and around him cuz he holds the key to victory… cuz his ult goes through barriers and can be boosted…


well yea that too. honestly he has to deal with his target being bubbled and armored right now

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Zarya is not versatile. She was bad during dive meta.

Also Zarya counters DVA. So if Zarya is meta, DVA can’t be.

Soldier isn’t meta anymore now. Too many barriers, armors, everywhere.

I think as far as tanks go right now. The clear meta picks are Reinhardt and Zarya.

I think in some situations D.Va and Orisa are still reasonable choices, not meta but viable in some maps / comps.

Winston and Roadhog are throw picks.

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Then why were Zarya, Roadhog, Junkrat, Orisa, Soldier and Widowmaker (in higher tiers) viable in dive, while Winston, Tracer, D.Va and Genji aren’t viable in the new meta ?

She was viable though. Not bad at all.

Zarya and D.Va were both viable in Dive, and also in the Tank meta before that.

Soldier doesn’t care that much about barriers and armors. That’s why he was the main DPS of the Tank meta. Since that, he’s only lost 1 damage per bullet…
It’s just that Hanzo is better than everyone else right now.

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