Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

Dva you mean that could do anything and everything she needed to be nerfed even if you buff her OP goddess brig is still there they need to nerf her even pvptwitch said so dva got some of the tiniest nerfs ever even after them she was still used in pro play also for every nerf she got she was compensated with a buff

Maybe they can only enjoy an OP D.Va?

Wouldn’t they become playable as Brigitte becomes nerfed?

Ho but Divers mains always said that’s normal for heroes like Symm, Torb, Mei, Bastion to be “situationnal”.

But now, “Heroes should be viable in different context”.

Yeah lol, sure.


She’s the only one from dive with a 50% winrate other than zen.

She is literally balanced.


How dare them give D’va counters? You guys are funny.


Look at all these other characters who have struggled for years. And you complain about prolly one of best characters. GTFO


watch your language. It’s clearly a violation of forum policy to begin with.
you can alway start another thread to discuss whatever characters you think which deserve more attention to. Meanwhile trying to trash other discussion about the heros you dislike with bad language is not the way to go.

No, it’s over. You can’t just boost into someone and insta kill him with your wombo combo anymore.


I still play D.Va. Mostly on defense, and either Zarya or Rein on attack. I do fine with her cause she still blocks many ults (hanzo included if you position properly).

With 177 hours played on her, I don’t think she should be touched. Yeah, it sucks that dive is dead, but that doesn’t mean she needs to be buffed for it. She had her time to shine. I don’t necessarily agree with the current Meta, but oh well.

Heroes dont have to be viable in every meta.

Dva is fine


D.Va is the second most picked tank behind Rein, with a winrate just a hair under 50%. So unplayable.


Only if you look at her overall pickrate, which includes Bronze/Silver, where D.Va was always picked, even back when she was trash tier.
Look at Diamond and above. Rein and Zarya completely erased every other tanks.
There’s something wrong when the most versatile tank is not viable.

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No there isn’t. doesnt have to be viable in every single meta.

DVA still has no problems face-diving targets in the middle of the main enemy group to get a 1-1 trade.

She should be actually (do I need to define “versatile” again). Meta is currently deathball with snipers. The fact that D.Va isn’t even picked to stop Hanzo or the Grav/Dragonstrike combo is a problem.
Zarya was more viable in dive than D.Va is in current deathball, that’s just ridiculous. The current meta is worse than dive ever was, because it has even less alternatives. A whole 7 characters are viable. There was at least 13 in dive.

Suicide. Whatever you kill (IF you manage to effectively kill it) gets rezzed anyway.

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Only if an enemy Mercy is present with Rez off cooldown, but I get what you are saying. I frequently end up on teams with no mics, no coordination, 4+ DPS, and only one tank, perhaps a healer if I’m lucky >_<

I know you mains are spoiled like that because your hero has been OP for more than a year straight. But no, no hero should be viable in every meta.

Sit back and give it time. Specially since this meta has been around for less than a month unlike dive that lasted 1 year.

Actually some heroes should be viable in every meta. That’s why they’re called “versatile.”
See Zenyatta.
See Soldier. This one actually got thrown out by Hanzo, who erases 13 other DPS.
See Zarya.

Boy, Bastion has been busted for a grand total of 3 days, I expect any horror the balance team lays to be removed that fast. Current meta is just that, it’s horrible and has no place in this game.


hanzo erases every single dps because his out put can fill 2 spot and forces the team enemy team to entirely play around him. that is the definition of op

the 3 support cast is there to stop enemy team hanzo and to enable team hanzo and the tanks are there to enable hanzo too.

you throw that op word around like it is nothing, when has the enemy and team have to play around dva?

rein is there to bottle neck dragon grav combo
zarya is there to dragon grav combo
zen is there to stop dragon grav combo
mercy is there to boost dragon grav combo
brigit is there to cheese rein so you can storm arrow him to make dragon grav combo faster