Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

No Blizzard has to be careful you can’t just buff something because its not meta over and over again otherwise everything will end up op.

The results are rather interesting:

I added a keyboard display so you can see that I’m pressing moving forward.

Reinhardt, Dva and Orisa can literately not move an inch when they are using their abilities that slow them down and getting slowed down by Mei. Brigitte however can move a bit more, but not much.

The reason why Brigitte has a bit more movement is because her shield slow her 30% down.
Reinhardt’s shield, Dva’s primary fire and Orisa’s fire slow them 50% down.


omg dva is not viable in a meta, what can I do!?!??!?!?!?!

Just because a hero is not the best in the meta doesn’t mean he needs buffs (Rein and Zarya in the dive meta, Lucio and S76 in the Mercy meta, etc)

I was quite sure that D.Va and Orisa can move, probably because both can escape Mei quite easily.

It’s probably because the game is adding the slow instead of halving the speed or whatever.
So when Rein/Orisa/D.Va already move 50% slower, the game adds another 50% (idk how much it actually is) making it 0%, instead of multiplying it bt 50%, which would make it 25%.

Good reaserch by the way.

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Ya’ll talking about buffs for? Op is clearly asking for an un-nerf from the last round of nerfs. Which honestly I don’t care about the missle nerfs. From all that “ isn’t a bully” stuff Geoff was spouting about last year, I was really dumbfounded as to why she got them in the first place. But the boost nerf just sucks. The fact that it wasn’t listed initially, that it was an “opps! surprise!” nerf made it all that much more worse.

That slam damage was what helped keep hanzo, widow and other stationary hostile objects in check. It put them in panic mode from the get go. Now everything wants to stand their ground and put up with a long tickle fight.

It’s not a buff, it’s just putting back what was always there.

2 Likes is a bully tank, and whichever Dev said she isn’t needs to take a good look at their character.

unless you test them specifically… normally the player will response to the attack.
Usually DVA can fly away. If she is getting frozen without booster, a “smart” DVA will turn around and she wont get headshot from mei…wait for a chance to fly away.
Orisa has “iron skin” which prevent him from getting frozen/knockback/stun…can even walk away from graviton.

I’m a tank main, you don’t need to teach me these things.

^ ur buddy?
hope it’s just another joke.
by season end this forum will be filled with zarya nerf request (jokes)…

I doubt it.
Zarya is generally considered to be one of the most balanced characters.
Well, so was Zen, but he got nerfed anyways.

Not sure DVA needs a buff, but something has to change. We’ve gone from every tank being at least viable on most maps, to Rein/Zarya being the only combo that really works in comp. If you don’t run them and Brig, and the other team do, you lose pretty much every time.

It’s bad enough that there are only 6 tanks in the game, but was changing the game so that 3 of them are terrible and one (Winston) is a throw pick really what they were going for?

Oh no, my main is no longer meta like they have been for the past multiple seasons! They get countered by characters now, and do not offer free kills with zero risk! Buff them!

it’s not in meta anymore, that’s true.
Rein and Zarya are in meta and has high pickrate spikes on the chart. So are you going to ask for nerf?
what a joke.

DVA always have counters. It’s not new starting from this season. You just learnt how to counter DVA this season? it sounds like you have problem to aim DVA with mccree and the salty feeling toward DVA filled up your mind. I am very sorry for your bad DVA experience and I can help if u still have mccree aiming problem.

no such thing whatsoever. This is no free lunch. Its never risk free. But again, is that what you feel when you play mccree against DVA? i am sure that a reasonably good mccree has no problem to crit hit dva… that hitbox size…dud.

I am not asking for buff. I am asking for un-nerf… esp. the booster damage.

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literally in gm even in dive comp half her job was peeling shes also amazing at applying pressure to tanks, even now when im with a monley i let him do most of the dives and just pressure the tanks off of him

The fact that junkrat is a dps has literally nothing to do with it. People play heroes because theyre good.

Also it makes a lot less sense that 4 heroes who were fine before brig are suddenly broken, rather than just brig being op.

I’m just saying that Junkrat is naturally played less, since he’s a DPS and there are plenty of others.
But right now, the main reason he’s not played is Hanzo. Just like every other DPS.
Not playing Hanzo is throwing right now.
Brig is not as OP as people make her out to be, and she’s not making the meta.
Just look at pros, they’re still mostly on dive. Yet they have Brig. But not new Hanzo.

You just reinforced my statement. “Rein and Zarya are in meta and has high pickrate spikes on the chart. So are you going to ask for nerf?” You just reinforced my statement. Just because a character is in meta, so high pickrate and viability, or out of meta, so not very viable in the moment, does not mean they are too good or too bad. Soldier was great last season. Guess what? He is next to useless this season. Not because he sucks, he isn’t meta. He is countered by the meta. So is D.Va. If every character was as viable as the next all the time there would be no diversity or meta change every season.

she is not useless like other heroes

I have no problem hitting a D.Va. In fact, she is by far the easiest tank to kill due to her critbox. Instead of falling back to “you just suck”, why don’t you consider actual logic and reasoning? D.Va is entirely countered by this season’s meta. The meta. Not because she sucks, because she doesn’t. Look at all the other posts in this thread. All of the high mobility dive characters are no longer nearly as viable as they previously were. They aren’t all of a sudden f-tier just because they aren’t picked every game, or work in most situations like before. Non of those characters are underpowered at this point, because if they worked against the entire meta that counters them, that would be an issue. It seems you are having trouble accepting that your main (as it seems from your profile, I may be wrong) is no longer meta. I mention that word “meta” so much because it’s the entire reason people like you are complaining about them being “f-tier”. They are not.

For example, Genji is no longer picked in very many games. People are also falsely claiming he is in need of a buff because he is bad. How, then, was he extremely viable and powerful last season? Because this season is completely different. He is countered just like D.Va and Winston, and Tracer and Lucio. Just instead of individual counters, it is the entire team.

you just found out this season?.. it’s the same situation last season. DVA has no shield and DM is extremely short time. She is even weaker than Winston.
still, got nerfed and blamed for OP.

high pickrate of DVA last season is due to meta.
ppl blame DVA op and got unreasonably nerfed.
even undo the nerf, dva pickrate is not going back up, that’s the point.
We all know DVA is not in meta. You are not the only one who is playing the game and watch the stat.
your genji example is totally different from DVA situation. we are asking for un-nerf, not buff.