Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

No its not. Junkrat was the most popular dps at low rank before Brig release or hanzo changes.

And ? What part of my comment do you disagree with ?
Clearly Brig is not the cause of Junkrat’s “fall”, since Junk can control the distance of engagement and quickly destroy/ignore Brig’s shield.
So it’s Hanzo’s fault. Directly (he’s a better overall DPS) and indirectly (he brought Zarya in the meta).

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yep, the dev did say so before she got nerfed.
Then, the dev suddenly nerfed Dva’s missiles in a PTR…and secretly nerfed booster damage without putting it on patch note.

I have no freaking idea what the meaning of bully tank is… someone please enlighten me

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This isn’t her meta.

The rest of the cast was not viable for over a year, but now that dive is gone you’re rattling your stick? You idiots are so self centered, you honestly shouldn’t be allowed to post. “it’s okay for things to be unbalanced if I enjoy it, but if I don’t… fix it ASAP!”

it doesn’t matter if DVA get un-nerf then