Come on, be realistic... un-nerf DVA please

1.) It actually is not a fallacy. Him committing proof by assertion and argumentum ad nauseam is. All I do is call him out on it.

2.) Again, if he stopped contradicting himself, there would be no need to call him out on it.

3.) That is subjective and her stats contradict the claim that she is off-tank and on the same hand “not overpowered”. The"off-tank" stats, if the non-tank portion of the intended role was killing, should still be subpar compared to pure KILLING/DPS based heroes. Ever hear of “jack of all trades, master of none”. Well D.VA is factually overpowered and the evidence clearly indicates the “none” was replaced with “almost all”.

4.) You clearly have a reading comprehension problem. I stated that even if they had 200 EHP and had their current performance statistics, they would STILL be overpowered.

That’s your opinion.

Half of the DPS being better than the two off-tanks that supposedly “eclipse every other DPS” is “supporting your claim” ?
Oh so objective time is a tanking stat. Guess Lucio and his 02:07 is a tank now.
Oh wait, he isn’t.

Your opinion again. It’s already been said in the past that D.Va deals a lot of trash damage (because she doesn’t reload). Zarya’s damage stat is also increased by her AoE attack, and her ult is very good at giving her kills (without actually dealing much damage on itself).

And I pointed out one DPS stat where Zarya and D.Va do not “eclipse” anyone.

Genji is not that hard. Tracer is way harder to play. Even D.Va and Zarya are harder to play than Genji, because Genji doesn’t have to care as much about his own team, positionning and even aim.

It’s great that you know the terms, really. Makes my English major heart happy. But if you think them using any fallacies diminishes what they’re saying, that’s a fallacy fallacy. The only reason why they’re still pointing these things out is because you haven’t fully refuted it in lieu of condescendingly pointing out fallacies and contradictions they may or may not be making.

There’s nothing subjective about analyzing her kit and reaching a conclusion backed by stats: “D.Va’s KDR is high and has always been high because she often gets back into mech rather than flat dying. She has a semi-reliable escape method in her high-mobility boosters and can stall for two seconds with DM. Judging by the fact that the only things that have gone unchanged with D.Va since launch are her boosters cooldown, speed, and duration and her second-life mechanic, this is a safe conclusion because she was pulling these numbers when she was objectively not meta.” You’re welcome to refute this.

Why? This is a subjective statement. They’re meatier and D.Va and Roadhog in particular have excellent long-range 1-2 damage poke weapons that get them more eliminations than they actually substantially participate in–D.Va in particular. They should be lasting longer in the fight than DPS heroes.

But they don’t. And they wouldn’t have their current performance statistics even if they did have 200EHP. It’s a nonargument.



I see you are continuing to commit proof by assertion, moving the goal posts, red herring, and argumentum ad nauseam.

Incorrect. It actually does diminish what they are saying. It is flawed reasoning. By very definition, diminishes what they are saying. Does it make what they are saying automatically 100% incorrect? Of Course not. Contradicting does that, just like he does, and you do to.

So now you are admitting you don’t understand what “Subjective” means. Sounds like a problem for a supposed “English Major”.

…you are just resorting to repeating everything that not only was already refuted but is being repeated by him. This is amusing.

Reading comprehension failure again.

DVA is the second most played tank, and 5th most played hero overall rn. This “nerf” has barely touched her.

And Winston has been mandatory for 5 seasons now. He can afford to rest in trash tier for a while.

Oh, you’re the replacement Shadowbane, eh? Bravo, I guess. You got me fam…

It’s skewed by the lower ranks. While I think all ranks should contribute to the overall idea of “balance”, she’s really not part of the dominant meta. Plat and up, Zarya and Rein reign. I think it’s fair to note, even if I do think D.Va’s only underpowered in lore.


Have you tried arguing, you know, with “arguments” instead of being an absolute prick ?

7th overall, and in the new meta already going on in GM, 15th (and 4th tank).
The new meta is Hanzo/Rein/Zarya/Brig/Mercy/Zen/Widow while everyone else is seemingly in the trash bin.

As soon as a new “argument” is presented that wasn’t already refuted in the same thread over a dozen times and simply regurgitated, I will.

Until then. Proof by assertion and Argumentum ad nauseam do equate to spamming and even arguably, trolling.

You haven’t refuted anything, you’ve just spouted “No you’re wrong, thanks for proving me right” non stop and put imaginary words in my mouth.


So is Junkrat but no ones saying he needs buffs.

Also, even in plat & diamond (which are the ranks containing most of the playerbase), shes still top 3.

The only thing keeping DVA from being #1 tank is literally Brig being OP. same for why Winston is bad, and why Zarya has made a sudden comeback from F tier. Brig has literally warped the entire meta around her.

All we have to do is give D’va a jetpack cat themed mech and the blind admiration the enemy team has for it will be all the buff you need.

The difference is :

  • Junkrat is one of 14 DPS, D.Va is one of 6 tanks/3 off-tanks
  • Junkrat is a DPS and Hanzo simply makes everyone of those bad
  • Junkrat is not as versatile as D.Va, thus him not being in this meta is not really an issue (he was already mainly viable on Anubis anyway)

Top 3 tank, maybe (and only in Plat), but 7th in Plat and 15th in Diamond overall.
Check this week’s stats.

Brig isn’t the cause, or at least not the main cause of this new meta. She’s not a key element of it, Zarya, Zen, Mercy, Hanzo and Rein are.
I truly believe Hanzo is the issue. His presence forces Rein to protect his team, Zarya to combo with him, Zen to counter the Grav/Dragon combo, while Mercy pockets him with damage boost.

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  • Reinhardt and Brigitte are the only heroes in games with a moveable shield. And every time they have their shield up, do they walk slower.

  • Mei’s freeze can slow down base movement.

A Reinhardt and Brigitte holding their shields up will move even more slower when Mei is freezing them because the slow effect is being stacked.

Shield slow + Freeze slow = 2x slow.

Also, Mei’s freeze rate/freeze time can’t be increased. A character is frozen if he has been hit by 30 ticks. This is equal to 1.5 seconds. So it will always take 1.5 seconds or longer to freeze an enemy, even Reinhardt and Brigitte. The freeze can stacked with the freeze of her ultimate causing a faster freeze but that’s it.

Mei can not insta freeze heroes.

Dva and Orisa move slower as well if they are shooting and getting frozen.
They already move slower when they are shooting and the slow effect of Mei’s freeze can be stacked with that.

It’s just more noticeable with Reinhardt and Brigitte, and the only way to move faster is by dropping the shield.

Again, Mei has no insta-freeze.

I don’t know if slow being stacked is a bug or not, but right now is the only way to move normal by dropping your shield as Reinahrdt and Brigitte or by stop shooting as Dva and Orisa.

D.Va and Orisa walk slower when they’re shooting than Brig with her shield up, yet they just get slowed down when Mei starts freezing them.
Brigitte and Rein just stop, same happens when they’re zapped by Symm’s turrets.
It surely is a bug.

No my main was meta for 28921340247 quadrillion years and now she isnt jeff pls buff its not like its just the meta and isnt actually bad pls buff jeff. Let some other heroes take the meta spotlight for a little bit, it isnt the end of the world.

They have always walked slower when they are shooting.
It’s how they are designed.
Mei’s slow is being stacked with that so they move even more slower, but not as much as Reinhardt and Brigitte.

They don’t fully stop, but they might as well.

They move way to slow to offer any counter play.
Well, they could drop their shield and move a bit faster, but then it’s a guaranteed freeze for them.

Let’s take a look at their walking speed, shall we.

  • Dva’s walking speed when shooting is 2.75 m/s. (50% reduction)
  • Orisa’s walking speed when shooting is 2.75 m/s. (50% reduction)
  • Reinhardt’s walking speed when holding his shield up is 2.75 m/s. (50% reduction)
  • Brigitte’s walking speed when holding his shield up is 3.85 m/s. (30% reduction)


So Dva, Orisa and Reinhardt are supposed to move equally slow when they are using their abilities and getting frozen.

You might be right. This could be a bug.
I will do some testing in the game. still deletes squishies :thinking:

Sure, I don’t have anyone to really test this with, but I’m 99% sure that both Rein and Brig stop dead after Mei touches them with M1. Just speaking from expirience and other people’s comments.

Great work admitting you are illiterate.

Feel free to quote exactly where I “put imaginary words” in your mouth.

I find it quite enjoyable and amusing when people contradict themselves, their argument crumbles from within, and they get very emotional because of it.