Combine your top 3 used characters

Reinhardt Mercy and Lucio
So Brigitte
Aura healing like Lucio
Melee tanky and a shield like Reinhardt
Complained about non-stop like Mercy

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Uhh…Smbercy…? Dva/Mercy/Sombra

So shes wearing some sorta VR headset and chills in spawn playing minigames as a form of hacking of which can buff and hack your team and the enemy team (block abilities…regen…armor…) and she has little bots set up around the map so the hacks only effect you once you go in the area, once you leave it lasts for a bit and then wears off. To counter this you destroy all her bots oorr catch her when shes going out to set them up or when shes coming back from setting it up

Its rlly weird i know

Roadhog Orisa Mei.

Roadhog 600 HP. Ult. Wholehog
Orisa. 50% HP is Armor. First and Secondary fire (including Halt)
Mei: E: Ice wall. Shift. Cryofreeze.

The ultimate CC fat stalling machine, who can combo a wall with wholehog! Meisadhog

Genji X Reinhardt X Mercy… Merreinji?

All right, I’ll take Rein’s primary fire and shield… Mercy’s alt fire for some range… Mercy’s GA so I can fly to teammates who need a shield… Genji’s deflect for when I get ulted… Rein’s ult because HAMMER DOWN… Genji’s passives but replace wall climb with Mercy’s self heal.

What we have here, folks, is a hyper mobile, self healing anchor tank, who can deflect ultimates, FLY to teammates who need help, and shatter anyone who gets in his way.

Oh. and he has a side arm.

TrAcEr,, mercy.
TrAcEr in d.vas mech with mercys glide. Baby tracer will have duel mercy pistols, glide, and the rest of tracers kit.

Dr. Robohog O’Deorain? Cool.

M1- Bastion’s Sentry cannon
M2- Roadhog’s scrap gun
LShift- Roadhog’s hook
E- Moira’s biotic orb
Passive- Bastion’s Ironclad
Ultimate- Moira’s Coalescence

Moire - Orisa - Briggitte

(my profile would say otherwise but these are the heroes I play most at the moment.)

Name : Morisitte

Main Weapon - Fusion Driver (orisa)

Biotic orb (ability 1)

Barrier shield [orisa shield] (ability 2)

Briggitte shield (alt weapon)

Rally (Ult)

Let the new queen of immortality rein supreme.

Brigitte, Moira, Zen.

Left Click: Zen Orbs
Right Click: Brigitte Shield
Passive: Brigitte healing on hit.
Skill 1: Shield Bash
Skill 2: Moira Orb
Ult: Moira Ult

Zarya - McCree - Ana


Weapon: Multi barrel pulse energy weapon.

Primary Fire: 6 Gatling gun beams

Secondary Fire: Single shot Beam

Ability: Shield system. Protect user and target. Clears all debuffs and heals target over duration.

Passive Ability: If shield is destroyed. Knock out flash is triggered.

Passive Ability: If secondary is fired in self proximity. User is thrown 2 meters back.

Ultimate: Lock on Multi Beam strike.


I guess it would be a character in power armour that flies to teammates and protects them with his shield.

I’d take Ana’s rifle and grenade on E, Mercy’s Guardian Angel on Shift and Reinhardt’s barrier on right click. If possible it would be great if both Reinhardt’s and Mercy’s Shift abilities were combined, so that you could pin enemies who are between you and your teammate.

I’m just chuckling at the thought of a flying Rein with angel wings.

I got Soombrana (Sombra, Doomfist, Ana)

  • Primary/Secondary: Ana’s Rifle
  • E: Translocator
  • Shift: Stealth
  • Passive: Gain temporary shields when shooting enemies/allies
    (much lower than DF though ~ Maybe 10 shield per shot / 100 cap. Doesn’t decay\stops decaying until 1 second of not hitting targets)

P.S. Oh god I really want this hero now :man_facepalming:

Widowmaker, Dva, and Ana.
Widow scope with Ana’s sleepdart = Hitscan sleepdart Main weapon
Dva’s Fusion Cannon = Arm transforms into a mecanical version of Dva’s mech arm and shoots more Sleepdarts.
Ability 1 = Sleep Dart (Ana’s ability)
Ult = Nano Boost, but personal so she can shoot sleep darts faster.

I’m going to go off my Competitive top 3 and warning: it’s cantankerous.

Sombra, Brigitte, Mercy. Now there’s many ways to go about this! How?

Kills you from anywhere and never dies:
M1: Submachine Pistol
M2: Shield
M1 w/ M2: Shield Bash
E: Translocator
Shift: Guardian Angel
Q: Rally
Passive: Opportunist

Can’t see me and my team is always at full health:
M1: Healing Staff/Pistol
M2: Damage Boost
E: Healing Pack
Shift: Invisibility
Q: Valkyrie
Passive: Inspire, but with the Pistol

The Worst Thing in Existence:
M1: Rocket Flail
M2: Hack
E: Resurrect
Shift: Whip Shot
Passive: Mercy’s Healing(Forgot what it was called)

Pharahs Hitbox
McCree’s gun
Zarya’s Personal Bubble
Pharah’s Jumpjet
McCree’s Flashbang
Pharah’s Passive

So we’d end up with something like… Rombrat:

  • Roadhog’s Hook
  • Sombra’s Translocator
  • Junkrat’s Trap
  • Junkrat’s primary fire, I guess?
  • Probably EMP for ultimate

The tele-hook into trap combos would be ridiculous. I also look forward to seeing a Sombra-sized character hooking/pulling tanks with one hand.

Winston, Rein, and Moira

You have a 2000 health bubble which heals allies inside it and damages enemies in it.

I know I responded before but it was a long time ago, I now play Bastion with a sentry that has a 600 HP frontal barrier who has helix rockets…

So we got a Doomfist with Sombra’s hitbox and gun with Lucio’s wall ride, stealth and translocate, with Rocket Punch.

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Lucio + Rein + Zen

Basically an old nano boosted rein who can wall ride.

Yes please.


Reinhardt, but with missiles shooting out of his shoulders.

Also, he can fly.

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