Combine your top 3 used characters

D.Somcy (Mercy, Sombra, D.Va)

Hacking angel in a MEKA suit. Has a healing beam and a damage boost as her primary fires. Can fly in her MEKA and shoot missiles. Ultimate is an EMP and when her MEKA gets destroyed, she has a machine gun and wings she can use to hover in an Angelic Descent.

Dunkhog, Junks gun, Roads hook and DM, passive would be a mix of Dva and Junks, when i die i drop bombs that i can move around for 5 second to find a target, oh and i’m in the mech to begin with

i like this very much

So basically you became Moira? Lol
Mei’s spray + mercy heal beam became heal spray.

Symmetra beam became Moira damage beam.
Sym orbs became Moira damage orbs and mercy+Sym became heal orbs.

All you need is for Moira to be unkillable and mobile like guardian angel… oh wait! Fade.

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My dream character


Basic ability

healing+killing beam simultaneously while having the best mobility in the game! Lol

Rocket barrage plus valkyrie plus shield gen.

Imagine unleasing rocket volley with a projected barrier and can fly everywhere.

Ana’s shots can rez allies and apply discord to enemies.

Seems like a fair buff

Mercy + D.VA + Reinhard

Mercy using D.VA mecha and with the weapon of Reinhard.

Self heal after 1 s
Mercy ejects after the dead of the mecha

Left Mouse Button
Holy Smite (Hammer swing + Heal)
Swing with a hammer.
Heals friendly targets and deals damage to foes.

Right Mouse Button
Acceleration Barrier (Barrier Field + Boosts Damage)
Uses a Barrier Field and boosts friendly projectiles that got shoot through the barrier.

Rabbit Charge (Charge + Booster)

  • Can pin enemey on front of the mech
  • Can still attack or use Barrier
  • Same control as Booster
  • last for 3 s or until you hit a wall

Meteor Barrage(Fire Strike + Micro Missiles)
Shoots a Barrage of Fire Strikes.
Targets that already got hit by Fire Strikes receive less damage for 2 s from next Fire Strikes.

Defibrillator (Earth Shater + Resurrect)
The Mecha jumps like a rabbit for 2 s, stuns all enemy arround it and if not interupted will Resurrect every dead friendly character at the end of the animation.


Genji body with assault rifle, he transforms rifle into the blade when he ults. He has mini graviton as an first ability and throws 3 autoaimed shurikens as a second ability. His passive is sprint, wall climb and double jump.

Symmetra / Mercy / Orisa
let’s gooooo!

~ - ~ Symersa ~ - ~
Primary - Microwave beam (Heals an ally it’s hooked to and hurts enemies)
Second - Halt
1st - Shield
2nd - Turrets
Passive - Regen
Ult - Valkyrie

Flight + Tethering sym beam… no god can save you

Zenyatta, Mercy, Reinhardt.


Rein base model, paragon skin.

E = Orb of shielding.
Shift = Guardian charge.
Alt fire = Firestrike of destruction.
Ultimate = Crusader.
Mercy self regen.
No footstep noise.

Orb of shielding:
place a 2000 hp barrier on an ally or enemy.

Guardian charge:
Charge towards Shielded target, even Pharah gets hit like this.

Firestrikes of destruction:
Collect energy for a max of 500 damage in a single firestrike.

Constant regen.
15 second durtion.

2 second cooldown on guardian charge.
It lasts until hitting a wall.
Complete steering control.
Complete horizontal and vertical mobility.

McCree, Genji, Widowmaker
How about McNinjamaker lol.
McCree without damage drop off, 2.5 crit multiplier, ultimate kills everything through walls and his roll resets on kills :sunglasses:

Junkrat/Roadhog/Bastion sooooo Junkhogstion

What I think it would be is, Roadhog’s body, Junkrat’s insane mind and traps, and bastion’s turret gun.

As for stats


Primary Attack- Turret Gun, does the same damage as Bastion, cannot headshot.

Secondary Attack- Turret bash, Junkhogstion swings the turret knocking back anyone within 2 meters in front of him. (45 damage)

Ability 1- Steel trap, functions the same as Junkrat’s, but only deals 40 damage.

Ability 2- Take a breather, same a roadhog’s

Ultimate- Wild Hog, Junkhogstion puts something on to the turret and sprays out pieces of metal in a funnel shape. Enemies caught in this are knocked back.

I tried to not put too much Junkrat into him.

my friend has Torb / Mei / Junkrat

Primary - Bombs
Secondary - Scapburst
1st - Turret
2nd - Cryo-freeze
Passive - Mayhem
Ult - Snowball

hmm Lucio, Rein and Mercy…

Primary is Mercy pistol
Secondary is shield
1st is Speed boost
2nd is Rez!!!
Passive regen healing!!

Ult is Valkyrie, yes I want a flying shield tank!

Symmetra. Moira. Mercy.

Basic weapon: Sym’s beam. (But with Moira’s Range on it, if allowed)

E: Moira Orb.
Shift: Sym turrets.

Ult. Mercy Valkyrie.

Passive: Mercy. Regen.

Evil laughter of Microwaving doom on flying wings of death

Scary combo Sym / Reaper / Moira

~ Moireatra ~

Primary - Symmetra beam
Second - Moira’s leech beam
1st - Moira Orbs
2nd - Turrets
Passive - Reaping
Ult - Death Blossom

Primary is an aimed long range beam from her staff with the damage of a lv 1 photon projector.
Secondary is a succ with cooldown that absorbs or reduces damage.
E is a rapid self or 1 teammate regen ability.
Shift is a booster/GA esque movement ability that has to be aimed upwards.
Passive is a glide ability with more speed.
Ult is a nuke that burst heals and deals knockback to enemies.


Genji’s passive, with McCree’s gun but it autolocks and charges like symmetras beam. Flashbang with deflects hitbox and symm’s shield. Ult is dragonblade.

Genji,, Moria. have’s primary fire have Genji’s cyber mobility, Moria’s fade, Genji Deflect, defense matrix, Genji’s ultimate.


Well Tracer and Sombra are essentially the assassin except with a gun or two…and then Mei…invis blink and freeze - oh you would be screwed.