Colorblind Options for Console is Broken! Please fix it!

I’ve had to make many posts like this and none of them have been replied to. Here’s the list of issues I’ve come across so far.
When you change your colorblind color the following things aren’t changing/working as intended:

  • Sombra’s hacked health packs will not show through walls
  • When you’re on fire, the flames around your level boarder will be the default blue
  • The electric particle effect around your ultimate meter will stay the default colors
  • Lucio’s speed boost gauge will not change entirely to your desired colorblind color.
  • The healing symbols around your screen when you pick up a health pack will remain the default yellow
  • If you’ve changed the enemy color, Infra-Sight will still display enemies as the default red through walls instead of the desired color.
    *The border of the objectives will remain the default Red or Blue

And I’m sure there are more.
And again this is only a problem on Xbox ONE and PS4. PCs colorblind mode is perfect.

Seriously Devs, it’s been what? 5 or 6 months since the new colorblind mode came out and it’s still broken on console? Many other’s don’t notice this because they don’t play on PC, but I do, and I’m noticing and pointing it out.
Please reply and try to fix it.


The moment I saw them not work I was thinking this was going to stay broke for awhile on console.

And they have yet to reply to a single one of my posts about it either. They’re basically screaming that they don’t care about console as much as PC. How does PC get the exact same patch as PS4 and Xbox ONE but both console versions of the patch have an incredibly messed up colorblind mode??? FISH I say! F I S H!

I thought it was odd when I realized nothing change. Also colorblind doesn’t really work in general on console. I changed everything and nothing happened.

I think the coding mostly worked for PC than console.

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It needs to be fixed, it’s been months.

let’s hope next patch

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Can you please upload this to the bug report part of the forum as well? I’ve noticed this for SUCH a long time watching pc streamers and seeing how their colorblind mode is miraculously better than the console counterpart.

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I have uploaded it to the bug report section several times. ZERO response.

We can only hope, but I seriously doubt it. They’re probably hunting down harmless bugs like the Numbani spray spawn door bug, or the OWL skin colorblind bug.

LOL I remember that!

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Yeah that one thing that made OWL skins worth the money you have to throw at Blizzard to get was removed quicker than Tracer or Mei’s ultimate disappears when they get stunned randomly.

I missed that bug that changed the color of your abilities based upon OWL skins.

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This drives me absolutely insane!

Without wall hacks on Sombra packs I have to manually check, or guesstimate if it’s been a minute.

I love the yellow outline over red, but I play enough Sombra that I turned it off as it wasn’t worth the visual loss due to a bug.

Thanks for continuing to draw attention to this! I know we’re second class citizens and all, but something being busted on console but peachy on pc is SUPER lame.

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I’m gonna keep posting this in every category until we get a reply. It’s rediculous.

I’ve seen it on PC too. I use a different color pallet in this game vs the default and the other day it was funny. The enemy team somehow had the SAME color as my allies setting. I checked the settings in the game and for whatever reason there was. The game had bugged out.

On console we have that problem ON TOP of all the other bugs. It’s rediculous.

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I’ve made a couple posts about this as well. What I see the most is that sometimes both teams will be the enemy color I have it set to until either I die, or my teammates die and they will respawn the correct color.

Also in team dm my score will be the enemy color, and the enemy will be my teams color.

If they’re going to have color blind options, at least make sure it works properly.

Edit: I’m on PC, so its not perfect for us either.


It’s loads better than it is for console. Not saying your problem isn’t a problem though.