Cole Cassidy is also the name of an irl person

I’d rather they change the name to something less generic, personally.

That’s awfully close to ceedee. Ceedee Lamb is the name of a wide receiver on the dallas cowboys

So you were given the name Jake by your parents which you were named after your formally employed sexual harassment activist Uncle at Blizzard.

Your NEW name will be Barney instead.
No problem. That’s what everybody does.

There’s a difference between coincidentally being named after a random person, and being directly named after a person who harassed that harassed your colleagues.

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Names are meaningless. We don’t change our own Names just cuz we were named after someone w/ our name that committed some acts of Evil.

We know How to distinguish ppl as individuals yet Video Game characters are NOT allowed to be separate individuals w/ their own unique traits & personalities?

Even if someone was victimized by that individual on the OW Dev Team itself I am certain they know the difference between OW McCree vs WoW McCree.


Every name is the name of a real person. Only way to get around that is to name him something like “Jarfurious Carnoovooloo Jr.”

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Great name, but could cause some issues on comms.



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There is also a difference between a video game character and a real human. The real human feels attached to his name. You normally don’t feel attached to a video gaming character.

Ofc they do. But maybe they just hate fact that their product was named after someone they dislike (could still be a PR thing but you know what I mean). It’s not like they think they are the same person.

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That’s obviously incorrect otherwise nobody would even challenge the notion of calling McCree instead Cole or Cassidy.

We are indeed attached to the characters. Some of us just less attached than others or are willing to adjust while others are going to remain defiant since McCree was the name we were given 5-6 years ago not yesterday.

Well… I meant in a sense that you would cry over it or get depression. Imagine someone would force-rename you because you have the same name as some random criminal you have never heard about you.

Everyone can live with a character’s name change. It does not affect them.

Of course they do, this is nothing else but a PR stunt to save face. They couldve chosen to empower the hero and what he represents, but they chose to empower the bad person instead and give him ownership of that name. This is the equivalent of hiding the corpse under the carpet.

I know. Such would be Extreme. As if robbing that person of their own Identity and deeming them as Less than Equal to the person whom gets to keep the name.

Even if you were named after your Serial Killer uncle Butch Cassidy. You still keep the name.

They should go all the way and just remove him from the game. It would improve my Overwatch experience a lot.

Cole Cassidy was probably the female staffs symbolic choice against male oppression in the workplace. Men probably didn’t have a say on his naming. Good on them. :clap:t4:

So it don’t matter if it’s changed then.

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How many women do you know named Cole? I know literally zero and the last name is a reference to Butch Cassidy who was a famous outlaw and star of western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.


It’s actually a reference to Hopalong Cassidy but otherwise spot on

I find it interesting that the reference they are claiming it is is public domain whereas Butch Cassidy is not public domain. Either way it sort of emphasizes that there are TWO cowboys with the last name Cassidy so clearly multiple others felt it hit the theme perfectly.

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Nope. Since such doesn’t actually serve any significant purpose other than alienating the player base itself who have known that character by that name for 5-6 years

Could have named him Pinocchio and then changed his name a half decade later would had been just as nonsensical.

Obviously if changing alrdy well known & established names of characters was so convenient for everyone then change them all.

Change Rein name. Change Zarya name. Change Genji name. Change Tracer name.

Why can’t we all just accept a little bit of change now & then. Nothing wrong w/ that. Fun for Everyone.