The new name is actually tough as hell! I know the gameplay hasn’t changed at all but I’m excited to play some Cassidy!
So will the hero gallery say cole or Cassidy or both?
Initials C.C. fitting.
Agreed - it’s got alliteration and has a nice sound, plus it’s a good cowboy reference (Butch Cassidy/Hopalong Cassidy).
Flash bang confirmed to stay in 2
he sounds like a girl lmao
Probably Cassidy, seeing as it’s currently McCree
1st 5 likes in 5 seconds, not even lying.
Joel Cassidy would have been better but Cols isnt bad.
This was literally my first reaction when I heard the name internally.
Okay, then I’m officially waiting for Carnage from Spider-Man skin now.
Should’ve been Cletus.
I quite like it. I didn’t think I would - I think any name change is just naturally unfamiliar, and unfamiliarity will likely breed dissatisfaction.
But, I like it. I think it still has context behind it. I will likely call him Cowboy in-match since my call-outs are easily identifiable traits to say. And I like the implication it can have in the lore of him ditching his fake name and being him - truly.
Ooh, was wondering about that. So now he’s gonna be between Brigitte and D.Va on the hero gallery, and between Bastion and Doomfist in the hero selection.
“COLE Cassidy? Huh… not a bad name for a cowboy.” - HAL-fred Glitchbot
I guarantee this is definitely NOT the Majority Opinion of the actual player base.
Hey i just want to say…sorry for what you saw yesterday
Thats the time you dont want to be on the forums, as it is a dumpster fire
I get that reference
I doubt they’d leave it in, but part of me wants him to keep the line saying Jesse McCree is a terrible name for a cowboy.