Cold take: 5v5 is very good for the game

Makes the game more FPS-like, just how it was supposed to be. Shorter queue times. Tank aren’t CC’d to death, more enjoyable playing tank.

Easier to carry the game and people who whine about a “forced winrate” can realise that a win or loss can be easily controlled by their individual performance now.

Freshness and less visual and audio clutter. Most of the people who quit, quit because there were better FPS alternatives.

Reworks are coming, main tanks will be more like off tanks and off tanks are generally more popular as they are more fun to play, therefore tank role will be more popular.

Yeah I initially thought 5v5 was bad for the game but then I just thought about it, most of the playerbase don’t even understand what an off tank and main tank’s roles are and don’t know how to synergise well, and the same people are complaining. 5v5 is just better in many ways.


I will believe it when I see it. I am highly skeptical that the devs can pull off improving on the tanking experience.


Only time will tell but I have a good feeling it’ll be better, looking at all the changes


All the changes proposed so far is not reassuring at all. With 1 tank per team I thought that tanks can be made more self reliant, but that does not seem the case for OW2.

It could be better but I doubt it. I just hope tanks will not be spending most of their time walking back from the spawn room.


Or just in general makes the game more about Offense, than Defence.

I’ve been hard procrastinating about making a proper thread, but here is roughly what I expect from 5v5 balance:

  • 1 less tank
  • Various tank buffs
  • Tanks: 50% CC resistance to all but few forms of CC (I.e. Snares/Grabs)
  • Tanks: 50% headshot resistance
  • Tanks: 33% Ult charge feeding resistance
  • Removal of “StunKill” combos for Mei/McCree
  • Substantially less AntiTank for McCree/Hanzo/Echo/Bastion
  • Bastion rework, than involves less sentry damage, but adding back in some form of sentry headshots
  • Hack can be blocked by DM/Grasp/HogBarrier equivalent
  • EMP doesn’t destroy shieldhealth
  • EMP is entirely blocked by Zarya bubble. (potentially, hack is cleansed by Zarya bubble)
  • Direct nerfs to Widow, Hanzo and maybe Ashe
  • DPS get 9% more speed movement speed.
  • Healers get the Mercy passive.
  • Hog gets his two shotguns merged onto one, and gains a resource-based deflect to approximate a barrier
  • Hammond moved to the DPS role

And to the extent that it’s needed

  • Direct nerfs to Flankers
  • Direct nerfs to AntiHeal
  • If someone has been stunned within your last 1.5sec, then sleepdart only does the minimum stun, and maybe reduce that minimum stun, or make it so Tanks always get the minimum stun and not the sleep.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if

  • Earthshatter doesn’t pierce through multiple players
    I.e. If a player is standing behind a teammate, then the teammate gets shattered, but the player standing behind their teammate does not.

Mei doesn’t freeze anymore btw

The only good thing about it : no more double Shield.


Only if we don’t lose a bunch of the tank players, or supports.

I have my doubts here.

But yes, reducing the number of people in a match does make everyone in the match more impactful, so, there is that - it will be a legitimately good change, IF we can keep the tank / support players.


And those of us who do are just supposed to lose it for… what exactly?

Queue times and tank reworks and less visual clutter, if you read the post then you’d see the benefits outweigh the negatives

I have my suspicions that if Supports become the new bottleneck, that in addition to buffing their self-peel, or self-sustain, they could just buff their lethality.

As for Tanks, the end result basically needs to entice some DPS into the Tank role. Which isn’t going to be that hard, given that one DPS counts for the equivalent of 2 Tanks.

How is this a positive though?


Because the goal of those reworks is to prioritize making Tanks be “Fun”.

And if I like current tanks and find them fun, I’m supposed to be happy?


Most of the 5v5 complaints are worried tanks are gonna get bullied because they’re solo tanking, without thinking about the fact that the other team also has one less tank. It’ll be fine. And if it isn’t, they’ll work on it. That’s the power of patches.

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That’s nice, but devs need to focus on making the largest amount of players happy.

Which isn’t the same as making everybody happy.

You’re more important than me and the game revolves around you, got it.


This is about as sus a statement as I can think of.

OPs just repeating streamer points verbatim as well… tsk.

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As long as supports don’t get nerfed to the point where they can no longer defend against flankers and their only job becomes a walking health pack that spends most of the time in spawn, I don’t think people will stop playing support. Support can be a pretty fun role to play especially since the playstyle differs based on a hero you pick.

For those who wants to contribute to damage/apply pressure to the enemy while healing, they can go zenyatta, baptiste or ana. While for those who genuingly likes being a healbot, they can go mercy. What I enjoy about support is min-maxing when to heal and when to do damage, especially as baptiste. In many ways, I actually find this more enjoyable than than just blindly shooting the enemy as a DPS. Although baptiste’s healing grenade still feels a bit clunky to me though and I much prefer and enjoy ana’s style of healing.

Having said that in OCE server, the estimated queue time for tank is almost always the shortest (1 - 2mins), followed by support (3 mins) then DPS (6 - 10mins). So it’s pretty evident that damage role is still the most popular role by far.