COINS - weekly challenges

Why the hell did u remove coins from weekly chalenges? Doing those were my main drive to keep playing after finishing this damn battlepass. I know u gave them in the pass so you are basicaly saying that we can just stop playing after lvl 80…


Now you don’t have to play. You’re free!


You are literally complaining about a positive change to the game.
When you are away from your PC/console, you don’t have to ‘worry’ about not earning your 0,60$ per week.


Because they moved them to BP…

How much free stuff you want?


Now one can play a game because they want to play a game.

I seriously do not understand the generation of people yearning for a reason to play a game beyond having fun. Just give me a fun game or mode and I will play that.



I keep asking why this is now a thing. And no one can give me actual logic based answer. It’s always emotional.

Ad I find it funny, that those people wouldn’t play a fun game if they don’t get free stuff for playing it, but would play an awful one that gives them miserable experience if only they get enough free stuff…

I get that people have feelings, but hoooly smokes so many people get way too caught up in them.

How many are they giving in the pass, and how many were you able to earn per week? A season is 9 weeks, right? If they’re giving out the same or more over the course of the pass that you would have been able to get from doing all the weeklies in 9 weeks, then at least it’s not like they’re reducing the total amount you could get. It’s just more mixed bag: it’s probably less helpful to players that are only playing for their weeklies one day a week and then stopping, but it’s more useful for people that are playing daily and getting a lot of battlepass XP.

I’m in my mid-30’s and I like the feeling of getting rewarded or feeling like I accomplished something. Achievements on Xbox came out almost 23 years ago, and they became pretty popular. We’re humans, we like rewards and dopamine. And external motivation is an easier dopamine hit. I don’t think that’s too difficult to understand.

I’d rather play a fun game than a game that isn’t fun but tries to just get me to get achievements or unlocks. But you know what’s really fun? A game that’s got fun gameplay and has unlocks and rewards. And sometimes it’s not as clear cut as “really fun game with no rewards/achievements” and “terrible game with rewards/achievements.” Sometimes it’s “moderately fun game without rewards/achievements” against “mildly fun game with rewards/achievements,” and it’s more of a toss-up. You say you want “fun”, but what if part of the fun for some people is unlocking something, or beating some challenge they set for themself?

My personal problem with OW2 was that they got rid of the rewards and made the game less fun to me at the same time. So at the same time the game became less fun for me to play, they also got rid of all external motivation to play it as well. If they had just done the gameplay changes like swapping to 5v5 and adding in Push, I might have kept playing a bit longer since while it would have been less fun than Overwatch, it would have been fun enough, and between the gameplay and rewards I’d have enough enjoyment to keep playing. But getting rid of the fun and the reward at the same time was too much, which is part of why I stopped playing a while ago.

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The good part is that you are getting slightly more coins for the same period while having to play less. It all depends on how fast you can finish the BP rather than doing it every week without a miss.


The more I see the forums supporting the absolute crap that Blizzard has been pulling lately, the more astounded I am.

It’s not that we want the entire game to be free, it’s that it’s becoming less and less new player friendly with how transactional it is. I’d literally rather we at this rate bring back loot boxes if we’re gonna be this closed off to new people who can’t afford much but still want fancy stuff in a game they enjoy.

Loot boxes, by the way, not as a purchasable thing. But, as a FREE reward alongside the Overwatch and Legacy coins. Still RNG, but giving new and poorer end people a chance to get skins.

But like- wow. As someone from the OG Overwatch days the audacity of Blizzard going this far is … beyond me.

THERE ARE LITERALLY FEWER AND FEWER REWARDS FOR PLAYING THE GAME. That’s why it’s becoming more and more unfun. It’s all money money money. Let us actually have rewards. :expressionless:

The Hard Light weapon skins or whatever could’ve been added as a reward for getting Hero Challenges at high difficulties. Instead, they were given as PAY FOR THIS.

We used to have weekly challenges that, well yeah gave us minimal rewards for completing them, still gave us a chance to slowly but surely work our way FOR FREE AS A REWARD FOR PLAYING THE GAME toward a goal of getting something expensive. (not saying I don’t prefer the coins in the BP)

It’s mind blowing how- stupid this is all becoming. It isn’t rewarding to play anymore.
Like- the only things you can get now as a reward are the legacy coins- which only give you OG Overwatch skins and items… and gold/jade weapons. It’s disgusting.

Bring back more rewards for playing the game. :\


how many coins did you use to get from weeklies? 60 a week?

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Yes. A scrap, but still.

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They made it better for everyone. You no longer have to pay for new heroes. You’re no longer forced to play specific roles or modes or play in specific ways to earn your coins. You can just play your favourite hero/role/mode instead and still earn your seasonal coins. You can now choose which mythic skins you spend your time playing for. This is ALL good for new players. Nobody wants to play a new game and immediately be forced or limited in the things you can do or heroes you can play.

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Alright, well what about the other things I mentioned?

Taking away basically everything else that felt rewarding at all to play the game. Slowly working toward goals to get the fancier skins removed. Et cetera. I’ll not repost/repeat.

Moving the coins was fine.

What isn’t fine is deleting over half the weeklies so the choice we have is limited to being forced to play mandatory modes for metrics. (I hate playing unranked for example)


ok so this is a net gain for us

season lasts for 9 weeks

free battle pass gives us 600 for completing it
so if we have 60 a week at 9 weeks thats 540, we’re getting more coins than before if we poopsocked challenges every week in the season

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It is.

If you pay for it.

They should’ve just amped up how much we got for weeklies.

no, the overwatch credits and overwatch coins are both on the free battlepass so you don’t have to pay to get those. the only currency on the premium battlepass is the mythic currency

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Oh, wait. You’re right but- I’d stlil rather they put them back on weeklies.

They made it so you have to get a sh- ton more XP just to get to level 10. So.
That’s gonna be a super fun grind.

What did they take away??? The coins tied to the annoying weekly challenges? That’s what made the game feel rewarding to you? :laughing:

I agree they could definitely add better rewards for our time played, but it’s literally insane to say that coins tied to challenges was a good thing. I’ve never heard a single positive thing about how the challenge system was set up. It was so terrible Blizzard had to change it multiple times before realizing the coins just needed to come out.