COINS - weekly challenges

Not saying it was a good thing. I’m saying they need to stop yoinking rewards or putting things that could BE rewards as a ‘pay for me’.

IE: The hard light skins. Like I said, they could’ve been rewards instead for those who did the hero challenges.

They make so many things that they could’ve used to add as opportunities for engagement but continue to choose $$$$ when they-- don’t need to. Like, at all. Then again, I’m not surprised about the company that… took away something many people paid for and made it inaccessible to replace it with this.

I’m just going to be honest and say a little more. $1000 coins in the battle pass would be nice. Other games do that. Maybe attach the last 400 as some post battle pass rewards for completing some of the extra tiers or something.

Anyway, given how expensive skins are a little more bang for the buck on the battle pass couldn’t hurt.


Other games don’t have mythic skins in their BP.
Other games take much longer to complete BP.
And so on…

Other games also have cheaper cosmetics. We’ve got 6 currencies in this game now. An extra 400 coins wouldn’t kill them.

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Apex Legendary skin costs 1800 coins. In OW it’s 1900…

So much cheaper… :clown_face:

And Fortnight legendaries cost $16 which is only slightly more than an Overwatch Epic. An Fortnight skins are pretty dang good.

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Sir… you dropped your dopamine crack pipe.

The game ITSELF is supposed to be fun to play. You’re withdrawing from the junk they throw at you for artificial engagement.


I think the “issue”, in this case, is that someone is literally getting more rewards (currency) in a more attainable way, but complaining that they wanted it spread out more as “drive to keep playing”.

They’re getting rewarded, but don’t seem to want to play once they get their reward…but want to have a reason to play.

I don’t really understand.

It reminds me of some Diablo 4 players who didnt want map waypoints or alters of lilith to carry over because it gave them something to grind for.


OW seasons last for 9 weeks. Assuming you did enough weekly challenges to get the full 60 coins every week for 9 straight weeks you would have gotten 540 total coins for that season. That’s 60 coins LESS than the 600 you now get for just completing the season’s battle pass.

Simply finishing the BP is less obnoxious than fretting over doing enough weekly objectives every single week. This is a positive change.



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Youre finally free dude, enjoy it.
Lvl 80 we can easily get within 3 weeks.

This is my one issue, you only have 6 choices to complete the 5 weeklies. And some are things you may not want to do that week, like play comp or queue for all rolls. I get reducing how many weeklies we need to do since its just battlepass XP now, but don’t cut our options of what do to with them…

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Doing this accomplishes one thing for Blizzard: Reducing content that has to be created to pad out the Battle Pass every season, yet still retaining the DAU metrics created from the earned coins incentive.

I do notice there is less overall loot in the battlepass, even if most of it was trash sprays and name cards you will never use. You used to get something alongside the white credits, and those were once per every ten levels. But now three of every ten levels are currency (credit,coins, and prisms) with nothing alongside them. I assume they want us to think we can just buy what we want with the coins now, but we could have earned the coins (if fewer than they give out now) before if we stuck to the challenges.

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So, that’s 3$ less than OW…

It’s the same price range still!

Overwatch ones also…

You can’t blame me for wanting skins to be cheaper. They are a bit ridiculous industry wide and Overwatch is at the higher end of the industry price wise.

Overwatch 1 had one of the most generous pricing models of any live service game. I’m not expecting that back. But I’d at least like them to not be one of the worst pricing models out of the mainstream games.

Nah. People would complain the game is forcing them to grind more. Extra tiers are fine as is with just titles. Probably they should just reduce the cost of skins instead. I think that would just be better overall

And I don’t.

I blame you for spreading misinformation. Skins in OW are at industry standard range. Sure some game has it cheaper by 1 or 3 bucks. But it’s still the same price range.

It’s like you want to point to prada bags and say “see, they are 10$ cheaper than gucci”. Sure… but it’s still the same price range, and technically they are both overpriced. So stop using special pleading!

That’s different argument now.

Yes, OW prices are one of the highest in the industry, but still at industry standard. If industry as a whole has to expensive skins is different discussion, that we can have but will be really short. Because as long as people are buying skins at this prices then they won’t drop.

Also, it’s not as cheap to make a skin in a first place plus it must finance the game. Servers aren’t cheap to run either.

And it wasn’t sustainable in a long run without achieving success that SC2 had with their e-sport scene. But they couldn’t get the game to succeed, because of various reasons!

I actually didn’t really pay attention to the bp but this is valid. Personally I don’t mind because I thought a lot of the bp items were kinda just who cares souvenirs and even most of the sprays and icons are whatever (April fools sprays clears) but there is just less stuff now

I don’t mind it if what you do get is better, and it’s hard for me to judge since this season theme is not really my thing outside of the mercy mythic so idk

$3 is a huge percentage. It’s over 15%. That’s not misinformation that is a meaningful difference. And industry standard is too high anyway. Why do we gamers accept this? I can buy a full price AAA game for 3 skins.