Just thought I’d share this since it is floating about the internet. Coca Cola Japan ad that leaked.
This could still be fake tho, so take it with a grain of salt.
Japanese Translations from BootLoxes:
Become a hero and fight for the future
Play, refresh with coke, and win!
Enter by Blizzcon 2019 for a chance to win unbelievable in game prizes
Soda flavors -
dva - cherry
genji - lime
hammond - vanilla
mercy - lemon
35 different heroes gathered
Edit: Thanks to Science and Naruto running this Ad has been concluded to be fake by the Overwatch Forum Community and The Council of the Winky Face.
bro everyone’s got to chill with these leaks
the infamous OW2 logo. (I’ve seen the same logo twice :o) The leak is suddenly becoming more credible…
It’s fake. Look at the logo. It’s far too rough around the edges to be legitimate.
… the flavors of coke being weirdly offcenter of the portraits on the cans makes me uncomfortable.
Even if its fake, I still think its a cool piece of art.
I want that hanged on my wall.
Those could also just be artifacts from the picture being uploaded/dowloaded over and over again.
I did get this off of facebook and their compression is garbage.
OMG!!! I want Mercy Coke!!!
People wanting something purely because it has Overwatch branding even though it is an identical product makes me sad and is why game developers don’t put any effort in anymore
Yes, having things people like on other things they like is neat and fun. I guess you’ve never bought anything for fun or personal enjoyment. Get off your high horse buddy.
Buying something because I enjoy it is different to buying a product purely because it has branding.
I stand by my statement that the reason the gaming industry is going down hill and developers are pumping out worse products each year and releasing things in a bad state then calling their games “complete” are because people keep buying any junk they pump out so they have no reason to put in effort.
Slapping a logo on something doesn’t make it a better product, Making it a better product does.
Yes, and I like the mercy Coke because I like both Mercy and Coke. Who are you to tell me what I should or shouldn’t enjoy? I bought the mercy statue too because, guess what, I like mercy! It offers no real world value other than my own personal enjoyment of sitting on my shelf, yet no regrets. Worry about your own life and stop worrying about what others enjoy.
Will I start saying “Mada Mada” uncontrollably if I drink it? ![:thinking: :thinking:](
Looks fake. Look at the designs on the coke can, seems way too low quality and just photoshopped on to me.
What I keep referencing is people buying stuff purely because it has branding not because they already wanted it.
You are free to like or dislike what ever you want but I am also free to dislike that the gaming industry is becoming worse each year because people will buy bad products purely because they have branding.
The gaming industry can afford to pump out worse products year after year while boasting about record profits because too many people will buy anything they release regardless of quality and regardless of whether they really want the product just so they can get something with a brand slapped on it.
Continue liking and disliking what ever you want but I dislike the downfall of the industry which I love as well as the people who helped lead to it so I am going to voice my opinion even if it makes people hate me.
No. But your teeth will need healing.
Okay. After intensive starting I can conclude that this is fake. Why? The Overwatch Logo has the same weird outline abnormalities on it as the first one that was leaked (with Tracer). Now the first one could be a video or an animation but no way we’ve gotten to the point of cardboard boxes with moving animation covers. ![:upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:](
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What’s this blizzcon logo and the text near it say when translated?
That’s the same logo from the tracer leak from earlier today! It’s seeming real now…