Climbing is still possible

We are all on the same servers my man, all experiences are the same as long as you include all variables that could take place and the % chance of them happening based on when it happens to everyone else…

Learning disabilities? No idea I can’t comment but obviously that would be a hindrance that doesn’t effect the majority… And it would of course be tough but completely out of my realm of understanding

I will take you dodging the question as a sign that you know it is trash, and people are free to judge it as such. Good talk.

I didnt dodge the question at all, you are using the matchmaker as an excuse when this doesnt apply to other people, ‘we are on the same servers my man’.

Not disagreeing about the same servers, but the match maker and system are subject to WHO is on the server and queues.

Its known that at different times a day, different TYPES of people are playing. And different types of people with different pings. Is it that hard to believe that MMR at 12 noon could mean a different MMR at 12 midnight?

So not saying climbing is impossible, but we have to stop treating this match maker as infallible, and perhaps some of the issues could be address a little sooner then fighting a bunch of zealots before we get real change.

Climbing is possible. But it is incredibly unenjoyable. Thats why they are fixing it for s3.

I will never comprehend how people just dont realize that you climb when you get better not by playing the game on auto pilot. It actually blows my mind have you ever stopped to realize maybe I have a 50/50 winrate because this is where I belong? “Wait ive been in gold for 4 years? Its the game fault” lmao

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Once again, catch up on how it works. Then offer your opinion. Otherwise you are just offering talking points that have been debunked long ago.

What I don’t really agree with is this weird cosmetic SR stuff.

I played little competitive in OW2 and I haven’t reached my rank yet, right now I’m in gold but playing only in plat/diamond lobbies.

Means that gold games that are supposed to be quite easy for me are unnecessarily more difficult. I need to play really a lot to reach my rank and in the meanwhile I get pretty hard matches. Just put me in my rank straight away, for god’s sake!

I know how it works, and I know people that can climb to GM/Masters/Diamond (their respective peaks) with 3% of the effort of other people… The actual ‘state’ of the ladder this SEASONS isn’t great, doesnt change the last 6 years when it has been completely fine (and people still moaned about it constantly) lol - people are making excuses

Of course, this has nothing to do with the MMR though, just that the people that are playing are kids or probably drunk after work lol - you will still be matched with people at the same ‘skill’ level as you regardless of the time of day.

This doesn’t make the matchmaker infallible at all, it has no control over the human input in different situations - you suggesting we do a drug/alcohol test before playing?

Hate to break it to you man, but you’re not climbing anything. The moment they decided to separate your visible rank from your actual skill level meant that the ladder essentially collapsed. There’s nothing left to “climb”.

Wakka wakka! So funny!

Imagine a kid who only plays between 3-5 pm. The mmr value assigned to them at that time window on that server was only with people that played at 3-5.

The population on the server is mostly kids at that time. That kids mmr has only seen kids as opponents and teammates. The “mmr strength” is dialed to majority of “kids”.

Now imagine an adult who only gets to play from 8-11pm, when mostly other adults play. Their mmr strength is registered as “adult”. Now imagine one mmr strength spills into another time region.

The adult playing at 3-5 is seeing mid level decision making. Perhaps they win more that session raising their mmr.

The kid plays at night, now at his mmr strength level he is subject to seeing adult level aim and goes into a massive loss streak.

They now both return to their respective time window at a “different” mmr and their mmr strength has now been altered. The kid will probably go into a win streak and the adult will go into a loss streak.

That’s just 1 variable. I’m sure there’s also region mmr strength, stack mmr strength for those who have a set of friends they play with vs solo-q.

What am I expecting from the system?? Well maybe more variables to record this. That way it can try to increase the diversity of all dimensions at every window creating a very good mmr strength.

OR - not … but mostly to bring the awareness to this forum that could help relieve stress and frustration as to why they are seeing loss streaks.

But simply saying “your at your skill level”, or “git gud” feels so naive and ignorant of variables and parameters at play.

And perhaps the real easy way to climb is to monitor your time window instead of just grinding 8hrs a day.

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It’s not for me. I play support and climbed, but then it gave me awful games and I deranked despite my performance increasing(deaths lower, healing output higher, more assists/eliminations). I’ve been on losing streaks for the past week.

That was an extremely long way to agree with me - regrdless of when you play and how old you are, the MMR will match you with similiar players

The MMR has no way of knowing who you are based on when you are playing my man, if you want to give you DNA and inner leg measurement to Blizz go ahead, but i’ll refrain

Ah yes so easy to simply win games and diff the opponents sojourn that’s ximming with mouse as a projectile dps main when almost every dive hero is awful!

I’ve said for awhile, time of day matters. You and the other git gudders jump to conclusions that I am wrong or blaming the MM for my losses way to fast… Label me as having a learning disability LOL.

I have done none of the above things… So… Who exactly is pushing crap here?

Its like we agree on some level, but then draw different conclusions.

Its how I see it. If your part of that group, and if you dont disagree with someone telling someone else they have a learning disability, its like guilt by association. Its why I left your discord group - I left the group not just blocking 1 person.

I find it remarkable that you messaged me to play the victim once again lol, can you just… Stop?

There is no different conclusions it’s extremely simple, you are over thinking it, and I have no idea who said you have learning difficulties… So no, i’m not guilty by association

I have no idea why you chose to leave the group, but that’s your choice, more power to you

I’ve climbed from plat to masters already, if you’re hardstuck go learn what you need to have greater impact in your games.

You realise that your rank means nothing though, that’s my point. You can’t say you’ve climbed when your real skill level is hidden and the rank shown to you is fake.

As an example of how pointless this is: You may be masters now, but in two weeks you’ll be deranked back to diamond or plat (depending on how many hours you’ve wasted “climbing”), but your MMR won’t be changed. It’ll just be your fake rank icon. So have fun playing your masters games with a plat icon and being expected to “climb” back to “masters” again.

If you think you’re climbing anything then you’re an idiot.