Climbing is still possible

Along with them yelling heal while standing in front of fire

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stats dont tell the whole story unless you died like half dozen times. i went from 50 wr to 60-70 by filling in holes.

dps aint hitting the backline? ill do it myself

support cant push with tank?? ill do it myself

dps aint doing dmg or kill? ill do myself

tank not tanking? well crapā€¦

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Actually, you didnā€™t climb, you were already in lobbies from that rank. The game purposefully ranks you lower than you belong to make you think youā€™re climbing.

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I disagree.

I decided to pick up support recently. In OW1, I was mid-diamond support. OW2 placed me in high gold.
I quickly ranked up to plat 3 before hitting a wall. I really focused on improving my gameplay and got bumpoed to plat 1.

I was plat 1 for FIVE cycles. I went 7-3 for every single one. My winrate on every support hero was well over 55%. Yet every time Iā€™d get to my seventh win, the game kept me at plat 1 and REFUSED to bump me to Diamond.

It was made worse by the fact that I was playing IN DIAMOND GAMES. Most players in my games had ā€œDiamond Challengerā€ titles. The few profiles I was able to see were all Diamond and above. I even saw a few masters players. And I went 7-3 FIVE TIMES while playing these games. And each time this stupid system kept me at plat one.

One night I had a bit to drink and had a bad cycle. I went 7-7. And the system dropped me down to plat 3. And Iā€™ve been there ever since.

This system is garbage. Iā€™ve maintained a solid winrate in diamond matches for over 50 games. I know my hidden SR has me playing against mid-high diamond players. But visually Iā€™m still plat 3.

This game is garbage. The devā€™s do not care.


Lol i had the same thing not only on sup but dps aswell. I have 1500 hrs on ow1 and now 300+ on ow2. For the first time im actually bored playin this game and i never felt like this during ow1.

Theres so much wrong with this game its like they took the worst aspects of ow1 and doubled down. Can you climb ya but you can also slam your finger in a car door and both feel about the same.

Youtube would like to disagree with you :smiley:

Plenty of people doing unranked to GMā€™s, the matchmaker seems wonky for sure but climbing is defo not impossible

But why put yourself through the hassle? QP has been more fun and the queue times are super fast. Also if you get a bad team or map you donā€™t like the matches are quick.

Obviously gm players can climbā€¦ They are skilful enough to carry a team of plebs. Use your brain, chief.

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You saying this is showing, without doubt, you arenā€™t even turning on your own brain lol. If some players can climb, all can climb, they need to improveā€¦

And ranking down is still possible. I ranked up from gold to diamond over 1-2 days of playingā€¦ Stayed there for a couple of weeks going back and fourth between 4 and 5ā€¦ And now I have dropped 1 rank every new ā€œrank updateā€ and most of the games seemed setup. Like waaay harder then when i was ā€œstuckā€ at diamond 4 and 5. DidnĀ“t matter if I had 30% more healing then the nr 2 in the game. Was always something messing the games up. The good example of a Winston jumping in solo into the enemy teamā€¦ Without line of sightā€¦ Even during group up when no one is even remotely closeā€¦ And using his ult as wellā€¦ And insta dyingā€¦ because you knowā€¦ 1v5 when all CDĀ“s are fresh. So I just wonder how healthy this ranking system is if you can basically go up and also drop with, just a guess, 60 % of the player base in betweenā€¦ Millions and millions of playersā€¦ The margin of error of your ā€œtrueā€ rank is just too big. The good and bad day canĀ“t even support that big difference. And also winning 10 games in a rowā€¦ And you be sure to rank upā€¦ Just to get in that loosing streak where you outperform but still lose 10 games in a rowā€¦ Blizzard are way too shady about how the system actually works. I care too much about comp to accept this kinder garden disclosure. Like we canĀ“t handle the truthā€¦ Well if you canĀ“t tell the truthā€¦ It canĀ“t be that good in peoples eyes. Enough with the shady 50/50 matches that either get you knowwhere for a while or insane winning or lose streaks. (how thatĀ“s even possible with 50/50ā€¦ somethings not adding up with match making.

whyā€¦doā€¦youā€¦typeā€¦likeā€¦this? plsā€¦useā€¦paragraphsā€¦andā€¦spacingā€¦tooā€¦

Iā€™ve been getting terrible games, losing when I shouldnā€™t. But I try and keep a PMA. Iā€™ve now 3 accounts in GM, despite losing loads in Masters.

You need to catch up on how matchmaking works in ow2.

L take. Get better. Truth hurts.

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Not really, iā€™ve got the same peak in OW2 as I had in OW1 and iā€™ve been there for quite a long time because I cba to put in any more effort lol.

If one person can climb so can another, simple.

I just pick the easiest, most OP hero to rank up then switch to whatever hero is fun to play.

Itā€™s easy to sustain your favorite hero in a higher rank even if you canā€™t progress to that rank on that hero! I have many accts that are stuck in different ranks playing the same hero, but popular myth among single acct players is that you will converge.

Why should people bother trying to climb?

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I dont know, like I said I dont care about climbing iā€™ve found my peak, but to say climbing is impossible is just not true lol

I do not see people saying climbing is impossible except yourself in an attempt to strawman others. They are saying the matchmaker is complete trash, and it is. What is your opinion on the quality of the matchmaker?

I understand skill caps however I like to at least know how to get to the next level.

The game canā€™t tell me. (Giant red flag)
Taking peoples time for VODs ā€¦ well thatā€™ has draw backs especially if you have learning disabilities.

At the same time I wish people would understand there are specific and dynamic experiences. There are some micro differences depending on regions, time of day, network speed, and day of week differences that shape our experience.different set of people play at different times.