Climbing is still possible

Competitive is a mess right now with its matchmaking, questionable rsnk up system and random disconnects. However, I have learnt more from getting 7 game lose streaks and having to claw my way back to my original rank 3 times in a row.

I have learnt to ignore my teammates rank and focus more on me. Focus on what I am doing to carry my part of the team.

On dps I scout and find the most problematic oppenent and5shut them down constantly. Support I look for best ways to enable my team and disrupt the enemy team.

Even with the poor system it is possible to climb.
Good luck.


you just got lucky with a decent streak of games

only a matter of time you get the short end of the stick


Tbh I literally just play support, can have twice as much healing and assists than anyone else and still have 7 game losing streaks.

I do play solo so I do think that is part of the issue. Doesn’t matter now I’m done with this game for now.


I’ve been doing this for a month. If you want to climb you get better. It’s that simple. There will be unwinnable games but the winnable ones are up to you.

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a month? bro you know almost nothing about the game


I’ve been playing way longer, I said I have been consistently climbing for a month.
I’m Masters support and about to get there on dps too.

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congrats i guess?

have fun going back to plat next season to do it all over again but still playing masters players


I think this might be the problem. Have less healing and more damage.

I’m a moira main, I do get alot of damage and frags with her. The amount of times I have more than my DPS whilst still doing a shed load of healing.

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Did you ever go like 7w/10+L and rank up?

That was basically all of me climbing in Diamond, but everyone says performance based should be off like OW1.

Yea this is what smart players already do, doesn’t fix matchmaking.


But are you getting elims? Doing decent damage on Moira isn’t difficult. But if you’re going down the DPS path, then get key elims and you should win most of teamfights. Don’t expect to throw a bunch of orbs and stack damage on the tank, flank DPS and then fade out thinking you did somethinh great, because you didn’t. You accomplished nothing, but having your team die because they had no heals while you were trolling. You killed a Soldier76? Congrats. He got res’d and now you faded back to your team, but your tank is dead. GL with that 4v5 without a tank. GG stragger inc.
Know that depending on your second support, you might need to do more healing than damage sometimes.

I am not telling you to not do damage as Support, because you should definetely do especially in metal ranks. I am telling you and am certain you’re not managing both as you should, otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining having 7 loss streaks.

I do get lots of elims, lots of final blows. I don’t do DPS moira because really she is support and my team need healing.

I’m not sure how much clearer I can be, I’m most often top healer on my team and usually in top 2 out of 4 overall. Your comment is pretty ignorant tbh.

I am doing both and I have had 7 loss streaks because I have tanks that run in like lemmings and DPS that can’t spell elim let alone get many. I’m doing my job as support.


How is climbing at all possible when I can’t even place?

Serious question…I can’t even get placements done (in CTF).

If a game is healthy, there are more then enough players to spill over into the side modes. If it’s nearly dead, then the side modes are proportionately more dead and proportionately more fake/rigged.


Feels like you take what youtubers say seriously

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Lol go on the flank kill both sups just to turn around an see your whole team dead. You can climb but it aint fun at all youll more then likely break your system in the process.


I try to dps as much as I can but there are times your entire team just suicidal standing in the open soaking all the damage. You are stuck spam healing or your team will melt in seconds.


that’s the problem, there shouldn’t be
every match should be, “we may win this, we may lose.”

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Yes you can climb. But it is not very enjoyable with the matchmaker being so wide. I don’t want to play with people that go 5-15 as often as I have. I just want to play with people that understand the game enough to not stagger deaths and feed.

Yh but I stayed the same rank or deranked.