Climbing from Silver to Gold with DPS - 31 games played

Hello, to continue what I started here:

Climbing from Bronze to silver with DPS - 45 games

Screenshot of my profile (with last 10 games played) :

h ttp s://

I just finished climbing from Silver to Gold and managed to do it with only Bastion every single match. Last time I finished at 1521 and I played 5 placement games and another 26 games to be Gold 2002 SR. 5 Hours on bastion, 81% winrate. Next role will be Support and I will be again climbing with mercy. I think that run will be very interesting because I had to play a lot more games on her than with other roles, when I was in Silver. I actualy was playing 3 minutes of Mcree one match, just because I wanted to test enemy Genji and how good he is. And I was useless on bastion anyway.

You can see something about my games below and few special informations just for silver dps run. I will be doing final countdown of smurfs/leavers/throwers as last time, when I finish climbing with all 3 roles to gold.

You can inspect every single game I posted here so you can see it on your own eyes how I did it. Codes will be available until new patch is released.

Here something about my games:

Normal match == match without deviation as leaver/smurf or thrower.

46 - Placement 1 - 1521 (WIN) - Enemy team had leaver, hog slept 4x by our ana and left the match. 7TPK4B (Bastion)
47 - Placement 2 (WIN) - Enemy tank smurf(based on game play, profile, low level and the name). DMYJPN (Bastion)
48 - Placement 3 (WIN) - Normal match. G2Y6TJ (Bastion)
49 - Placement 4 (LOSS) - Normal match. 80B7RS (Bastion)
50 - Placement 5 (LOSS) - Normal match. WFGY3S (Bastion)
51 - 1565 (+31) - We had smurf from platinum. 5N1S7E (Bastion)
52 - 1596 (+23) - Normal match, 4 stack. D250EF (Bastion)
53 - 1619 (-21) - Enemy dps high ranked smurf, I would guess high diamond+, probably boosting the account. And we had leaver closer to end. PP6PMB (Bastion)
54 - 1598 (+26) - Normal match. K2D56D (Bastion)
55 - 1624 (-24) - Enemy had smurfs, but I am not sure how many, Ana was GM smurf, Genji was definitely smurf too. It was bad decision to play as 6 stack. NJEGKS (Bastion, McCree)
56 - 1600 (+30) - Normal match. K4G2MX (Bastion)
57 - 1630 (+25) - Normal match. 35TNZ5 (Bastion)
58 - 1655 (+24) - Normal match. SJR100 (Bastion)
59 - 1679 (-22) - Normal match, really bad one. D4DMH9 (Bastion)
60 - 1657 (+29) - Normal match. Enemy team had 5 low level accounts, but I dont think anyone was smurfing. 6B43D7 (Bastion)
61 - 1686 (+25) - Normal match. QGMRVG (Bastion)
62 - 1711 (-18) - Enemy Roadhog most likely smurfing, two team mates werent happy with me playing bastion. C2DD6K (Bastion)
63 - 1693 (+0) - Match canceled, leaver when we captured point. Player was AFK in spawn. B2A62A (Bastion)
64 - 1693 (+25) - Normal match. HZRRYH (Bastion)
65 - 1718 (+27) - Enemy team had leaver after we destroyed them in attack. Second leaver followed. YN4P85 (Bastion)
66 - 1745 (+26) - Enemy team had dps smurf. Same guy from match 62. NACHQX (Bastion)
67 - 1771 (+0) - Enemy team leaver, AFK in spawn, match canceled. DAT4KK (Bastion)
68 - 1771 (+26) - We had laver after first round which we lost, we won next two rounds. NQMAWP (Bastion)
69 - 1797 (+32) - Normal match. AJ8HMW (Bastion)
70 - 1829 (+25) - Normal match. Really good team mates. 0MVBF4 (Bastion)
71 - 1854 (+24) - Normal match. KWK544 (Bastion)
72 - 1878 (+20) - Normal match. JHQ62Z (Bastion)
73 - 1898 (+27) - Enemy team had leaver who said GG and left after we rolled enemy team on both points extremely fast. CG1334 (Bastion)
74 - 1925 (+28) - Normal match, for the second time in row with 0 deaths. YHPYAN (Bastion)
75 - 1953 (+25) - Normal match. ATJ8N7 (Bastion)
76 - 1978 (+24) - Enemy team had diamond smurf on dps. I asked him if he was and he was 3200 on support last season+he was on low level account. Q22WDN (Bastion)
77 - 2002 ()

31 Games played in bronze

Games with throwers on my team: 0
Games with throwers on enemy team: 0
Games with smurfs on my team: 1
Games with smurfs on enemy team: 6
Games with leavers on my team: 2
Games with leavers on enemy team: 3
Canceled games: 2

(It is possible I missed some smurfs or throwers, but I was usualy asking if people were smufing, checking profile, gathering every bit of information which would help me to determine if player is smurfing)

If you have any question related to my climb from silver to gold, just ask. How do I fight with smurfs, what I do if I have bad tanks, when would I switch, or anything you want to know and which could help you with climbing.


Pretty impressive winrate. But only normal SR gains, did blizzard removed higher PBSR gains or what? Your stats has to be a lot better than players in silver if you can win so many games. You should be gaining like 40+, wth?


Similar findings with my alt account. I think Pbsr gains is gone or thereā€™s some stat that heavily anchors it.


Yeah it has to be, because when I was smurfing like 3 seasons ago, I had massive sr gains after few games. Something was silently changed I guess. But why?

Or is there really so many better players on low ranked alts who are pushing up average performance in lower elos so it is harder to gain more?


Think you answered your own questionā€¦

" I was smurfing like 3 seasons ago"

You and lots of other people apparentlyā€¦

Open queue still has PBSR. Got 30 and 36 for two wins, and lost 18 and 19 for 2 losses.

One win I went 15-1 kd with Moira and 20-2 kd with Torb.

Must still be in RQ as well. Went 1-4 in placements and only dropped 50 SR. Still losing loads, but only about 20ish per loss. Iā€™m managing 36% heals in some losses, so guess performance counted as decent?


Well my primary account is gold and granted before season 22 I really focused on QP more than anything. I assume Iā€™m at least gold level skill so I figured at the very least Iā€™d get a modifier out of bronze. Iā€™ve had games with 59 elems, 48 final blows, majority on fire and 50% accuracy with Widow and Hanzo. If doesnā€™t trigger an MMR boost then I truly do not understand what is being calculated.

Well I have had bronze games that were so sweaty I literally had to take a break due to physical fatigue. So maybe there is something to bronze-gold needing an MMR reset or something.


Might be MMR matchmaker. Several games in gold/ plat recently Iā€™ve really felt out of my depth but somehow got wins. Guess Iā€™m the potato being boosted?

Then in bronze Iā€™m seeing silver players achieve precisely nothing, vs bronze players that are 10x better than them.
I think the silvers are being carried by better team mates and the good bronzes held back by potatoes, all in the name of ā€œfairā€ matches.

I think many players are several hundred Sr away from where they could be with a proper SR match maker.

Pyah has a theory that the game gives you an MMR and sets matches to get you there. Does feel like that sometimes.

I remember crashing down to 1700, played a game with Moira where I got a 40 kill streak, then a few more 10+ kd games, then had a super long run of wins with piss easy games and 80% win rate to gold, then plat. The 10 games win streak to plat were 10x easier than playing in silver.


If that were the case I feel like i wouldnā€™t be seeing games where I gained 18SR yet was the clear carry.

My hypothesis at this point is that people grossly over estimate the difference of high bronze to low gold.


I think gold has fewer egregiously poor players than bronze. Also far fewer leavers. Matches are also closer as in I can look at errors I made causing a loss, as opposed to having no chance to win as 1+ team mates were utterly useless.


Thanks for the feed back again Love! I think these have become my favorite threads here on the forums, looking forward to support and tank in the near future.

And I have to agree with the other guys saying some Silver games are far harder than anything on my alt account bordering plat/diamond (2850ish). In I would say have of my Silver/Gold game, even while playing beyond what I have to on my other account (better teammates for sure on the alt, but I am still the constant) I just canā€™t seem to break past the gold mark. Iā€™m still gaining 30-35 SR per win, but only winning 1/3 games.


You know my opinion and i think pyah is wrong on this. I was smurfing just as him in past and my experience is different. I wasnt getting more easy games even when gaining above 80 sr for wins.

Maybe is OP just playing wrong heroes to boost the MMR and have high PBSR. You are expected to have gold medals on bastion in bronze or silver. Or maybe some stats are better to raise MMR. Like headshot accuracy or number of deaths.

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As much as I dont want to suggest using a silver smurf to test this, try it now, the skills of most silver players I see now, are the same as my alt in high plat, if not better (some of them, not all, still have the potato players, as do all ranks). I still find my game on this account far harder than the one with plat/diamond players (surely the team helps, but they shouldnā€™t be easier games in a higher elo).


I have several alts, lowest is gold. I am not leveling new account, it would honestly kill me :smiley:


Thats fair, but in your experience, have the higher Elo games seemed harder or easier? Like I said, for myself anyhow, the higher elo games are far easier than how hard I have to try and carry, with platish skills in silver, around every corner (maybe not every corner) I find someone significantly higher skilled than I am, while on my alt, almost 200 games in now, still holding 28xx SR with a 50% winrate, I should be climbing easily just as Love did. Iā€™ve posted replay codes, gotten tips from t500 players (and use them, flank hog, and rein just holding W works wonders with the right team, altho this current season Iā€™m just getting seal clubbed).

Now Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m great at the game, probably at my peak now with work and age constraints on playing, but how can I manage to easily keep a 50% winrate, almost 1k SR higher than this account, while this one is consistently dropping? In short, my answer is the skill gap between the lower and upper tiers slowly diminishing, to the point I dont find much of a difference between Silver/Gold/Platinum with peaks into Diamond.

Or maybe itā€™s just my mindset between the two accounts.

Better edit this, break the paragraphs a little :joy:


I wonder if thatā€™s why people have a hard time climbing out of low ranksā€¦ :thinking:

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keep the educational experiments going