Climbing from Bronze to silver with DPS - 45 games

Backfill would DEFINITELY help with an AFK in spawn at the beginning. Just extend the match and grab someone from the queue to fill in. If the match hasn’t started, why go through the matchmaking process again?


I dont think it is so important now to implement backfill into comp, because we have priority requeue.

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The real question is how many hours or days of waiting in queue did it take?


I am usualy waiting 6-12 minutes for dps, 1-5 minutes for support and tank queue is pretty much under 1 minute.

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Of course you can climb out of bronze. I can get from 900->1500 SR in like 6 games.

+33 and -19 makes it easy to climb. Much harder than climbing at +24/-24 in diamond (slightly different if you’re in a game above/below your SR or in GM).

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I can attest to this. Until recently, I’ve been using my 9 year old PC. It always had 3 dots. When i got my new PC that runs the game at 280 fps. Way easier to shoot people on anyone. And turning around to respond to something is much faster. My monitors and mouse/KB setup has stayed the same.

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That is impossible :smiley:, unless your extremely boosted your MMR before you started playing at 900.

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I wasnt talking about me.

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Care to share your secret on how to boost your MMR. I’ve been grinding out of bronze and silver and it’s hell and I’m normally around 30-60 kills per game, 40%+ weapon accuracy, etc and I’ve still not seen an MMR adjustment

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Land more abilities. Boost your uptime (die less—doing less for longer by playing conservative and not dying is better than doing more for a few seconds then dying). Get more final blows, more offensive/defensive assists, shut down more ults, etc. This brings up your MMR and you get easier games to help bring you up. You’ll also win more games by nature of playing better.


So far I’ve not seen that to be the case. My Widow and Hanzo average is generally 30+ elems, 50% weapon accuracy, 20 crits, per game. It’s not uncommon that I’m in the 40-50 elems. I have seen zero SR adjustment in Bronze or Silver.

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Post a replay then. You’re simply not putting out as many actions as the system thinks you should be for your rank or you’d rank up. I’ve taken a dozen bronze or silver accounts through the ranks and it doesn’t get remotely challenging until I’m within 500 SR of my peak which speaks to the consistency of the algorithm.


BVQMBQ - Widowmaker

1525 SR Lose the game, end with 59 Elems, 39 Crits, 59% accuracy. I make the mistake of swapping back to widow from doomfist at the end because I thought I could be more effective trying to snipe in the overtime chaos but I couldn’t rely on my tanks to stay on the point :man_shrugging:

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Are you smurfing and this is an isolated game where you didn’t win but you’re sitting on a 80-90% win rate otherwise? I watched the first 30 seconds and it’s clear you aren’t bronze. If that’s the case I’m not going to watch. I’ve lost games with 3x what silver damage is, 70-80 elims, 40-50+ final blows, etc… sometimes it’s just that way.


With my experience. You have to have high stats (we don’t know which ones 100%) that are better on the current used character, in that rank. If you exceed these hidden values. The system will adjust your win and loss SR number with the PSBR.

When i use to play comp, seasons 1-7. I would usually get 38-42+ SR in silver. -12SR on losses. I one tricked on Zarya. I think the highest I had was +56SR. When I was with my plat friend. Since it forced me into a plat game. Lowest Loss -10SR. Stats I can remember that I had. That could trigger high PSBR are accuracy on secondary and primary. Plus, amount of projected barriers during a game. Which is tied to your death count.

On average I usually died 6 times. Primary acc 55%, secondary 46%. Projected barriers 35-40. It could also be tied to which characters you finish off. That are not expected to be do-able. I would be the sole person who would kill Pharah’s, for example.


If you wanna climb with support you should stay away from Mercy unless you’re like ML7 kind of skilled.

I made a new account, played around with mercy, papabap (probably my worst support for some reason) and so on after being up for close to 2 days managing to place myself in gold at the end of last season.

Anyways, decided to make the support role diamond so I just pew pew’d some with ana and zen. Went from low/mid gold to almost diamond rather quickly lol.

Here’s a picture of my awesome win record (65% and 77%) along with some of the stats, `

I often filled could have done the process faster if it weren’t for me going more papabap, mercy and whatnot whenever someone else wanted to play.

Also it’s not like I’m close to being ML7 skilled as support either… Obv it would make it easy if I were that good. I’m usually around mid diamond with support overall with my best supports being around low to mid master on a good day.

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Your reply contradicts itself, frankly.

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Season 1 had SR on a scale from 1-100. Seasons 2-7 were similar to the current system and on the current scale, but win/loss streaks were much stronger then, and possibly (likely) the performance modifiers were stronger too. (I don’t have a reference handy, but I believe that with or shortly after the removal of PBSR from Diamond+, the effect of PBSR was softened in other ranks). Due to the dampening of the streak effect (and maybe the PBSR effect), you cannot get as dramatic of gains now as you could then.

Season 2 in particular I believe would have had a full MMR reset due to the rework. It’s unclear to me which seasons had the partial MMR resets that Scott Mercer mentioned, but I assume they were early ones. If your MMR is reset, then your placement ‘uncertainty’ goes up, giving you higher MMR and SR gains and losses. You can also make ‘uncertainty’ go up by not playing for a long time, but as as long as you are playing regularly the system will have a high confidence in your placement and give you standard gains and losses.

I believe a smurf on a new account can still see gains in the 50ish range, although I haven’t watched one of those videos in awhile. I think it would be extraordinarily difficult for an ordinary player to do the same.

PS: Most of what we know about the MMR/SR system is in this post, or can be found from the links in the references section of it:

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If only every bronze had this mindset… Congrats!

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