He’s so hot, the skin is easily 10/10. I’m sad it’s a shop skin though, could of easily completed the Battle Pass theme in Ana’s skin spot. Get her out of there in her silly arctic clothing for fantasy themes and summer themes.
I am shocked Genji’s in the battle pass tho, with that badass emote to. Love it.
Im obsessed. Such a hot skin. Wish he had that hairstyle in his standard. 
The skin is really cool but I’m not gonna pay for it for 2 reasons. 1) I refuse to spend money, and 2) I just find Lifeweaver clunky and not too fun to play
Amazing design on a terrible hero sadly
I always thought it was only a matter of time to get to give him a perfect skin. I am very happy with his style. 
I wait before judging it in the new patch, if it is actually more fun and dynamic. 
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I mean, his mechanics haven’t changed, so his clunkiness and dynamic won’t change either.
He will be stronger, but still feel mediocre to play most likely
I mean just cuz he’s getting buffed, that won’t make him FEEL better to play, he’ll still be a bit clunky
10% reduction on his petals is a joke,he’s still gigantic for a suppport,compare him to Kiriko,or heck even the Sun lady looks way smaller.
I survive way more as LW then any other support, baring mercy and moria. Yes he is larger then most other supports, but the small heal plus petal to escape divers helps keep him up way more then some other supports
But you saw that image, she’s bigger than the sun itself.
LW can farm stats since he’s forced to play passive and healbot,his abysmal winrate backs it up.
I hope this heal increase allows him to be less healbotty and can dish out some more damage, but we will have to wait and see.
I’m obsessed with the skin already, he looks like the mc to a cultivation manhwa
Does it cover his nips and feet?
I literally wasted BP to buy a skin to properly cover him up and wash his feet.
His skin legit looks Mythic quality. Clears everyone else this season with ease.
Oh thank god. And he got manly boots too!
For those of you who don’t understand. I love playing Lifeweaver I just hate his persona.
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Fancy clothes for a rock.
I cant find the skin on the shop